Mold! Trash all?


Well-Known Member

My latest grow, was harvested and hung dry as I normally do. I usually dry at 50% humidity. But this time around humidity is really high here. And I was only able to get it to 60-62%. I figured that would be ok. Just slower.

3 days into drying. And I noticed something was a little off. And I would say I found atleast the top 25% of every branch has tiny amounts of mold.

I hate the idea of throwing all my hard work out. But I imagine that’s a better option? My assumption is, if it’s present. Then it’s all over.

Should I just dump close to a pound in my lawn trash and call it a day? I dont want to risk any health issues from it.
I assume it's too late for bud washing, but I couldn't say why. If you do it, start with the H202. I'd double the dilution, and double the immersion time in the first bucket. I'd cut the visible mold in any case. :nomo:

Bud Washing
I ended up trashing it all! That bud washing thing doesn’t sit right with me. It’s seems as if the wash may rid the spores. But the mycotoxins left behind, are potentially still dangerous to health. And some buds that looked really good. If I picked them apart enough, I’d find traces of mold in them as well. So I can’t be sure with any of it.

My valuable lesson here. Don’t grow indoors in the summer. Humidity is just too high. And mold potential is much higher. And it seems the only fix for mold, IMO, is to prevent it all together.

I filled a yard recycle bag 3/4 full of beautiful buds. Total bummer, that’s for sure:(
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