My First Grow, Bag Seed, CFL Mini Box

For shits and giggles

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Picture 3. The bottom one.
You're on the verge of ph lockout. The dark leaves and the tips curling down is called "the claw". Plants do not recover well from this. Best to flush and take a ph reading of the runoff.
Nitrogen tox can get really bad, really quick.

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Picture 3. The bottom one.
You're on the verge of ph lockout. The dark leaves and the tips curling down is called "the claw". Plants do not recover well from this. Best to flush and take a ph reading of the runoff.
Nitrogen tox can get really bad, really quick.

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I noticed that as well. I haven't tested my water lately. I thought I had it dialed in but apparently my tap water is more acidic sometimes than others. I watered right after that picture with 1/4 strength nutes phed to about 6.5 on my older babies.

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So I got back from a mini vacation for about 3 days today. I fucking could not wait to peak in the tent. Luckily I have a neighbor friend who was willing to tend to the house and my babies. They're looking nice and healthy after transplant and 1/4 nutes for the bigger babes. Some lst and pics to come tonight.

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I've decided to utilize my diy minibox for 2 of 3 seedlings. I'm keeping my 3rd with with the big babes. The 3rd seedling is the one that had the first set of leaves deformed and was way behind the other two.

I also mustered up the energy to lst Deb and Cat. Deb has stretched a lot in 3 days. Cat is chillin and actually has more node growth. I thought that I might get some nute burn with how early that I fed these babes opposed to my first two but they're doing well after there first 1/4 strength feeding after only 2 weeks. I'm gonna see how they react for a couple of days and maybe feed at 1/2 strength after that. PICS!

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A few pics one day after lst. And one of the my runt of the bunch. I really think "she" has a great future ahead. Just a gut feeling. She is staying pretty short and stout which I'm not used to. Given these are bagseeds I really don't know what to expect. Deb is tall and thin like a sativa and Cat is short and fat like an indica but both are from the same seeds that my dad gave me. The only difference between seeds might be indoor vs outdoor.
All I know is that I better get a fucking female this time!

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I also wanted to add that I bought some perlite. Actually my super understanding wife did. But realized afterwards that it's Miracle Gro and has a slight bit of nitrogen in it. I mixed it with my Black Magic not even thinking about it to transplant my younger babes. They haven't had any burn after transplanting a few days ago. So far so good.

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Lil update. I let my top soil dry out to about an inch deep. I'm still seeing gnats so per bckush's advice I am going to try peroxide tonight. I've caught quite a bit so far with the fly ribbon. I can't let them dry out anymore though so we'll see if peroxide works. Pics to come.

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I promised pics as exhausted as I am and here they are!

Deb is building some pretty good lower growth as well as Cat but I'm still seeing clawing leaves and dark green leaves with Cat. I haven't fed any nutes in about a week. And that was 1/4 strength. I tried ph'ed peroxide tonight so we'll see what happens with those fucking gnats!

I tested the ph of my runoff water after the peroxide and to my surprise Deb who seems to be less deficient, if that makes sense had a very low ph compared to Cat. This new tent and gear have my huevos all kinds of scrambled. I love my minibox! Any suggestions truly appreciated.

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Thanks Kane, I figured that I had to have some sort of confidence that some of these bagseed babies will be female. And they have a personality to me just like the rest of us. Living and breathing, eating and absorbing energy. It's pretty amazing to watch their growth. I fucking love it!

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Thanks Kane, I figured that I had to have some sort of confidence that some of these bagseed babies will be female. And they have a personality to me just like the rest of us. Living and breathing, eating and absorbing energy. It's pretty amazing to watch their growth. I fucking love it!

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They have to have names!!! Hope the peroxide works for you as It did for me. My suggestion for the dark clawing leaves....give it a good flush...couple gallons of ph'd water..then hold off awhile on using any nitrogen on them. What soil are you using?

Thanks Kane, I figured that I had to have some sort of confidence that some of these bagseed babies will be female. And they have a personality to me just like the rest of us. Living and breathing, eating and absorbing energy. It's pretty amazing to watch their growth. I fucking love it!

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Word brother. I popped 2 bag seeds and luckilybi found out last week that both are girls. Got my fingers crossed for you.

They have to have names!!! Hope the peroxide works for you as It did for me. My suggestion for the dark clawing leaves....give it a good flush...couple gallons of ph'd water..then hold off awhile on using any nitrogen on them. What soil are you using?

I'm using Black Magic from Home Depot. Easily accessible and it works great.Its really weird because I never had any problems with my soil but I'm definitely going to look into getting some ffof.

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I'm using Black Magic from Home Depot. Easily accessible and it works great.Its really weird because I never had any problems with my soil but I'm definitely going to look into getting some ffof.

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Yea I would just hold off on anything with nitrogen in it for awhile. I am using ff happy frog and it is working really well. I am very happy with it but I think I am going to use 50 50 ffhf and ffof for my next grow.

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