Need for (medical) seed!

same thing with the hindu kush mountains and the himilayas increased uv rays increase resin and density or so it seems
In no particular order or importance:

Regardless of what ol' Ed had to say in his book, at least SOME of the stuff that came out of Mexico, Jamaica, Columbia, and the like decades ago... was the stuff of legend.

KushKartel, maybe your words would be easier for people to take if you didn't hit the SHIFT button when typing every other letter lol. It can be somewhat of an ordeal for tired abused eyes to read. And yes, the kush family of strains might have some of the qualities her mom is needing.

I don't think an elevation of 5000 feet would be a problem for growing Kush since the Hindu Kush mountain range contains some of the tallest peak in the world (25,000').

JollyDolly, click on the Sponsors link at the very top of the page and visit the different seedbanks. Many of the breeders will quote THC (and sometimes CBD & CBN) percentages - either measured or estimated. I strongly suspect that these are "under optimum conditions" as higher numbers often sell more seeds but you can get an idea for each strain's relative strength (when comparing with other genetics from the same breeder). You might also find the descriptions helpful in picking out a strain that fits your mother's needs. You'll notice that a lot of the strains listed as being for outdoor grows (generally) have lesser strength. Often a landrace or "pure" variety will as well and will have the added benefit of producing seeds (if she ends up with a male from the same strain pollenating her girls) that will most likely produce plants that are very close to their parents. Many seedbanks and breeders are listing medical qualities of their various strains now.

Speaking of which, check out the following forums:
Medical Marijuana Lounge - 420 Magazine
Medical Marijuana Facts and Information - 420 Magazine

Where you can find threads such as this one (there are many others):

I seem to remember that Holland's Hope is a variety that has a (relatively) milder affect. And as it was bred to grow (and complete) in Holland I would imagine that it would take cooler temperatures. I'm not sure about it's water needs (I think they might actually have a damp climate come to think of it).
SoRry dOgg, thIs gUy iN tHe OtHer fOrUm REALLY pIsSed mE ofF, i haTe wHeN pEopLe wHo ObvIoUsLy aCt TheIr yOunG aGe oN heRe, tRy To "scIenTifIcaLLy" sTaTe thE WRONG fAcTs...I'm nOt Ed RoSeNtHaL, but HaVe BeEn At It 15 yEaRs aNd KnOw a ThInG or 2...I'LL juSt Say It WaS nOthIng To gEt wOrKed Up oVeR..noThIn a LiL' OG n a SwIsHeR swEeT cAnT fIx...sOrRy fOr CaRrYiNg theiR imMaTuRiTy oVeR tO yOur tHreAd..
I seem to remember that Holland's Hope is a variety that has a (relatively) milder affect. And as it was bred to grow (and complete) in Holland I would imagine that it would take cooler temperatures. I'm not sure about it's water needs (I think they might actually have a damp climate come to think of it).

That's good to know, TS. Holland has a very high water table, but with enough moss or humectants in the soil mix it should work. I'm checking out seed banks, but find myself pretty skeptical that they can really deliver. I'm willing to chance it, though.

Sorry for the delay in replying, but I have fibromyalgia and am having a right bitch of a flare.
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