New Grow

Back to the dwc. Its more work i usually add about a half gallon to a gallon every other day. Gave her a gal of full strength surger daddy 2 days ago and have to add another gallon of water today. Ill add nute mix every 2nd or 3rd time
My dwc dont like it when i add just water between res changes. Im running at about the same right around 950 all i add during the week is either surger daddy or thrive alive and she stays nice and happy
I was having slight growth isues at first did some research on the strain i have in my bucket and was told she was a big feeder and yeah she is. I messed up last week and hit almost 1500 and didnt have a problem. I dont know about other strains. I never know what im gonna find at the store so ill get what sounds good and do a bunch of research from multiple sites and run from there. Idk call me what ever you will. I call it
My low light cheese veg
I have way to ling and idk what to do. I got 6 to 7 weeks right now untill i got room for it in bloom tent. Looking at buying a travel trailer and putting it all in that.
Thats why im looking at getting this trailer of my buddy. Everything still works its got plugs and a heater and all. Even a tiny little bathroom. Just gotta talk him into it now.
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