New to this "plant"


New Member
Hello all,

Interesting enough I may or may not get alot of responses to my post because of my usnername. Clearly you can see that I am a former law enformcement officer and spent almost two decades. I however was injured in the line of duty and have been struggling with alot of pain for years. Scared of pain pills and what that addiction can do, I decided to educate myself in a different way and research the use of marijuana to help me in my pain relief goal. The results changed my opinon for the rest of my life.

Without a doubt, I found that marijuana relieves my pain. A much different way then prescription pills. With my close friends who I have confided in, I always end up convincing them that certainly this is better then shoving pills down my through and my mind being totally wasted and not being able to be functionable. Not saying they too will try it, but they saw my stuggle and see that it does work. The government has lied to everyone.

I was a cop who was fairly even keeled and never got all worked up when it came to the "drug" marijuana. I gave more breaks probably then citations. If you sold to kids you were treated like a common criminal....and rightfully so. The "War" on drugs is a joke and if it wasn't for the fact that ALOT of cops get overtime for fighting the marijuana then I would bet that 70% if not higher would agree that marijuana should be legalized. I am soo close to opening the flood gates and making it known that I 100% agree with legalizing it with an age restriction. But scared at the same time how I will be treated. Why is it that pills are legal and not a natural elements of mother nature. It truely boils down to a few reasons. 1. Too many politicians have had their campaigns floated by drug manufactures and dont want to lose the financial support if they vote to legalize it. 2. The U.S. dont want admitt that it has been a huge failure in fighting the war on marijuana. 3. How do you regulate it so "we" the government get our share. 4. Like alcohol (which by far times 10 has caused alot more problems in society) when someone is drunk driving there is a way to determine the intoxicated level by a breath test. To date, there is not such test to determine someones intoxicated level by a machine.

Whats my goal here? To learn more about my medicine. I sure as heck need to get in the know and figure out how to grow my medicine. Thanks for your time and also. For anyone on here that think MOST cops are assholes. Well remember, alot of what we have been taught is to put a exterior wall of confidence, but at the end of the day we are just like the average joe. Also another note, my use and how i aquire my marijuana is legal. Thanks
Re: New to this "drug"

High coptrnedbelvr, :welcome: to 420 Magazine!

We're glad to have you here!

I think you'll find this is the best mmj community out there... Dedicated to spreading awareness of the benefits of Marijuana and Hemp. :thumb:

Our members are some of the most knowledgable and the most helpful anywhere!

I think you're in the right place, because that's what this site is all about... EDUCATION! If people knew the truth, they wouldn't support the prohibition of this amazing plant!

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Re: New to this "drug"

First and foremost, Cannabis is a plant, not a drug. It goes through no man-made or chemical process, just a plant growing from the ground, then consumed via smoke, vapor or edible. Do you call Aloe Vera a drug or a plant? ;)

Also, Marijuana is a term used by Mexicans and law enforcement to discredit the plant and create the fear based Reefer Madness campaign. The proper name of the plant is Cannabis.

I suggest you do some reading in here first, the scientific and medical forums will give you the best accurate data. Good luck. :thumb:
Re: New to this "drug"

:welcome: to the :420: Family. We are here to Spread Cannabis Awareness, News, and Information across the Universe. It takes a lot of Courage for a former Police Officer to openly post about liking Medical Marijuana (MMJ), and believing in it's efficacy. Do not be ashamed about using MMJ and if as you say you are legal (in posession of Health Canada MMJ Card) then you truly have no worries unlike those who you have helped incarcerrate for the same thing. See that's the rub, one day you lock up people for growing Cannabis, but the next it is you who are hurt and using MMJ. What an irony. If you, as a former Police Officer were to come forward publicly in support of MMJ just think of the Cancer Patients or other Law Enforcement personnel who this action may help, let alone all the "common folk or non emergency support" that would see you being even more Courageous and dedicating yourself to Spreading Cannabis Awareness.

As you said the "Goverment lied." No shit, we have known this for a generation. Please help all the innocents who will suffer from the Prohibition of Cannabis and tell your story from the mountaintops.
Re: New to this "drug"

First and foremost, Cannabis is a plant, not a drug. It goes through no man-made or chemical process, just a plant growing from the ground, then consumed via smoke, vapor or edible. Do you call Aloe Vera a drug or a plant? ;)

Also, Marijuana is a term used by Mexicans and law enforcement to discredit the plant and create the fear based Reefer Madness campaign. The proper name of the plant is Cannabis.

I suggest you do some reading in here first, the scientific and medical forums will give you the best accurate data. Good luck. :thumb:
So true 420, it's a shame the world is brain washed that Cannabis is a bad DRUG, some day the would realize that is GOD's cure and he was smart enough to design it where you cannot OD on it..
:peace: and welcome
Re: New to this "drug"

Thank for the support. I came her looking to get support and get educated which is why I posted what I did. Had I thought ahead of time I probably would have thought differently on my user name to avoid the comments that you made in regards to my previous profession. However now that you got that out, I look foward to the advice that you or anyone my have. Being hypicitical is saying one thing and doing another. Such as being a peace officer and locking up people for the same thing. I did not do that. I have been out of law enforcement for 2 years and started my research on MM so I could get off the pills. It was a God sent. For the ones in prison...well my bad but none are in jail for posession only. thanks and look foward to the future. And FYI, when the time is right... i will be screaming from the rooftops
Re: New to this "drug"

I guess I'll just say...that however long it took you, and for whatever reason, it sounds like you're here, on our side now. I for one am happy about that. After all, isn't our goal to turn all the cops into believers?

Re: New to this "drug"

Welcome coptrnedbelvr I can totally understand your position. I have a brother and a sister who are both NY Officers and I returned from the Middle East 3 years ago fighting for PFFFT my countries undying thirst for Oil. Which was the biggest eye opener for me. Losing brothers and sisters for OIL WTF? I read heavily and with all the information I have gathered it is demonic to think Our country would turn it's head away from what works. I hate the Phrase Marijuana because it is derogatory and makes me feel like a criminal. Cannabis is a medicine thru and thru. I do not even drink alcoholic beverages as I do know getting behind a wheel while drunk is just asking for yourself to kill someone and maybe even yourself. My Doctor actually turned me to Cannabis and I have never looked back. Even with 18 mini strokes and 1 major explosion of a stroke. The officers in my Town NY State do not bother me as most have already seen me on no med which turns me into a basic cripple to having meds and being able to walk to my Police station. They just cannot believe it. I wish you the best in your maladies and hope you will find inner peace Brother.
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