Newbie Fighting His Way Through His 2000 Watt Grow

They didn't mention anything about anything. There were no words. Just pictures and music but I was looking at it because the title was "one pound harvest". So I thought it might give me an idea of where I might be. I used root enhancers several times through the vegetable cycle but with the two transplants into different mediums, I'm lucky to be where I'm at. So I guess I should stop feeling sorry for myself like a little bitch and pick myself up and go!

Yea stop feeling sorry for your self, you have a room full of F'n plants that look very good :)

But I know where your coming from. Vick, Jon705, Cultivator and a bunch of other growers made my grows look like shit 20x over hahaha. So i know you just want your plants to be the best. But to get a 1pound plant you have to veg more than 3 months and keep that baby healthy. But then again Vick got a pound from 5 plants or a little more and I dont think he vegged that long. He was using a 1000w lamp hortilux growing OG. So I dont know what his secrete is. I havent reached a pound yet either but this grow im determined to get that 1.5
So a pound a light is 2lb.. who noes u may hit it. Iv no idea if ur plants look on track iv never been around a grow that yielded out like that personaly.
Fingers crossed for u tho
Around here, a pound a light is kinda the quota. Its not etched into stone as a minimum to be but its pretty common. In fact, my brother in law's lowest yield to date is half pound per light (1000watt). He was all sniveling and stuff. He's cool but kinda sensitive for a grower. Anyway, a pound per light is totally achievable. I'm running 10 plants per light and they're all around 2.5 to 3.0 feet tall. They'll produce what they'll produce and I have learned many things on this run! I was just hoping for a smashing yield. It still maybe pretty good but only time will tell. :popcorn:
Well I can't wait to see when u harvest. I'm sure ul not be far off ur goal. A good grower I used to folow called "hogdady" grew on a similar scale to u and his yields were pretty enourmas. Wounder were he's gone. Was a very good grower won nug and member of the month a while ago

Id love to grow a half pound one day
He's talking about ten hours on and 14 hours off. For the flowering cycle. I'm going to try utter and see what it does. Wiz won't lead you astray.
He's talking about ten hours on and 14 hours off. For the flowering cycle. I'm going to try utter and see what it does. Wiz won't lead you astray.

Thanks mate :) hey that cuts 2 hours electricity a daay too :)
Elious you can't be dissapointed with your grow m8 you have a room full of beautiful bud, as wiz says you have to veg along time to get those lb plants and i think that like me you want the short turnaround.

When people grow those big plants you have to take into consideration the TIME effort and the lighting committed to produce such beasts. Id like to think i could make that pay long term but im not convinced more plants with shorter turnaround cant produce better gm/watt/time yields than big pounders.
So one of my ladies got too heavy and is leaning over pretty bad. I proped her up with a hunk of wood and tomorrow I'll get what I need for a more permanent solution. They're looking very good though.
haha sweet bro must have some nice nugs on that. :yummy:

I read that if there not leaning then your doing something wrong. I never wanted to say that because then everyone would go to there grow rooms and think something was wrong and super crop there branches hahahaha!!!!

I shared this in another journal just so you know and dont think im trying to rip off your work

No problem Cnd. Im not the kind of guy to want credit for my findings. I put it out there for everyone. Share away just as long as growers learn and share there thoughts more. No one way street here :)
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