Newbie here... Need a little help!


New Member
Hello guys and gals! I am happy to be a new member here and I just started my first grow from seed on December 11th. I have been extremely happy with my results thus far. The strain seems to be indica dominant from bagseed but I ran into a fungus gnat issue about a week or so ago. After doing extensive research here, btw I love this place, I decided to follow everyone's advice and I got some neem oil. Well stupid me... I didn't read directions and did one part neem oil and one part water. I drenched the soil and gave my plants a good saturation. Well the next day I noticed that some of the leaves started to brown and after day two some of the leaves passed away. I noticed that the leaves were still very oily so I sprayed them with room temperature water and I could tell that the oil was starting to dilute and go away but the damage was already done. I have seven plants and three browned quite a bit while the other four have very minor, if any damage. Well the good news is that I no longer have fungus gnats, so mission accomplished there. Some of the tops and new growth has either slowed dramatically or withered significantly.

My questions is... should I remove the withered growth or leave it as is? I really need some experienced help here and any advice from the wise sages here will be greatly appreciated. I will try to post some pictures when I get home to show you what I'm working with.

My first grow was going sooooooooo well until I goofed up and didn't read the directions. Lesson learned for the future... Always, always, always read directions!!!!!
hello envywithgreen and :welcome:

pictures are worth a thousand words!!! im sure if you provided pictures a lot of knowledgeable growers would have the perfect solution.

im on my first grow also and thank goodness I haven't any pest issues......yet. /knocks on wood.

im my experience (which isn't much) these plants are very hearty. I have tried to kill one and she kept on living. so I put her in flower. she is now showing me frosty nugs. if you trim the dead or dying foliage, she should put out new healthy growth.
good luck!

- musshy

do a search on flushing your plants also.
Hi envywithgreen!

Welcome to 420 Magazine.

Happy to hear your enjoying the site and getting benefit from as well! Happy to hear the Neem oil got rid of your fungus gnats at least.

If I found myself in your situation I think I would probably take my plants somewhere like the kitchen sink or shower and just flush the fire out of them including the foliage.

I have to agree with Musshy that photos would help. I anticipate they would show your plants to be fairly small still (at only 5 weeks) and so I'm concerned that if you begin removing leaves you might severely reduce your plants ability to bounce back.

I do hope you find a solution to your issue and the rest of your grows goes without any issues.
mussh & TanR... Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my thread. That's what I love about this place, everyone seems to truly want to help one another without belittling people for their inexperience.

I got home late from work last night and didn't have the chance to post any pictures. I get home much earlier tonight and I will make sure to post them at that time.

Hopefully the pictures will show what I'm experiencing and maybe the sages will be able to point me in the right direction. Like I said in my original post, everything was going so well and my babies were so healthy looking. I'm gonna chalk it up to a rookie mistake and use it as a learning experience for the future.

TanR... I've seen the term "flushing" on multiple occasions and I'm pretty sure I understand the basics, but could you please elaborate on what flushing is and how one would go about doing it? I am obviously using soil as my growing medium. As far as the size of my plants go, they range in size from 9" up to 14". I should have rotated my plants so that my canopy would have been more even, but another issue due to inexperience but I will know better next grow. I was going to start the flowering stage next Wednesday until this new issue came about. Should I wait another week or so to give my plants enough time to recuperate before flipping to 12/12? Or should I go ahead and flip it to 12/12? I have a 4' tall grow box and I was going to flip to 12/12 once they all got between 10-14 inches tall.

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!
These are the photos that I promised. Please take a look and let me know what you guys think. Thanks in advance...

those are clear enough envy!
what is your waters ph?
it looks like that may be an issue.
are you using cal/mag?

I think with alittle TLC you can get her back into fighting shape. she looks like she wants to grow.

- musshy
those are clear enough envy!
what is your waters ph?
it looks like that may be an issue.
are you using cal/mag?

I think with alittle TLC you can get her back into fighting shape. she looks like she wants to grow.

- musshy

Not using any calcium or magnesium, should I though? My ph is fine. Always check it before I water. I didn't have any issues until the excessive neem oil issue.
Hey Envy,

Sorry about your troubles. Out of curiosity, what kind of soil are you using? As far as cal/mag goes, What kind of water are you using, tap, distilled?

Plants look healthier than not. I would talk sweet to them and give them a week or two to chill out and start doin their thing. The flip will be stressful on them as they will go through many changes. So I would let them chill for a bit.

I'm still quite new to this myself, but I'm here to offer what little help I can, and I will do my best to point you in the right direction toward someone who may know better than I.

Good luck EnvywithGreen:bong:
hi envy,

have you tried a flush? if they were mine I would run some distilled water through them and then as sweetleef said, let them chill.

they look better than I thought we would see.
I am finding cal/mag to be essential in my grow. I am soil less mind. using coco and dwc. when I was lacking cal/mag my leaves started to curl.

I bet that grows into a winner.

- musshy
hi envy,

have you tried a flush? if they were mine I would run some distilled water through them and then as sweetleef said, let them chill.

they look better than I thought we would see.
I am finding cal/mag to be essential in my grow. I am soil less mind. using coco and dwc. when I was lacking cal/mag my leaves started to curl.

I bet that grows into a winner.

- musshy

Thanks guys, this is why I love this place. Can you please explain what flushing is and how to do it? How would I add calcium or magnesium?
hi envy,
I bought my cal/mag online on ebay. it is made by botanicare. i use one tsp a gallon.

flushing is basically pouring distilled water through your plant until run off is clear....or close.

if your soil came premixed with nutes, it may run hot if you try to add to much of what it already has.
you will find that these plants need a few things to thrive. without them, they will live, but not thrive.

- musshy
I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to share their knowledge with me. Hopefully this flush will help my babies.

Two questions... Will some of the leaf browning turn green again? If I don't see any improvement how long should I wait to do another flush? Should I do another flush?
Hi envywithgreen,

Sorry for the delay in reply. Looks like others stepped in with similar suggestions and specifics. I would suggesting waiting several days at a minimum to evaluate if another flush is needed - until they need watered again. I would not anticipate another being needed though. I think your girls (we hope) are going to be fine as I agree with SweetLeef that they a lot better than I expected.

Just for future reference, although I hope you never need do another flush... use water in a quantity 3 to 4 times that of the container the plant is in. So 1 gallon pot uses 3-4 gallons of water. You actually trying to rinse everything possible out of the soil.

I love your attitude of seeing these moments as learning experiences! My hope is continue growing for the rest of my life, and I hope to learn something new with every step of the way!

Be well and happy growing.
Hi envywithgreen,

Sorry for the delay in reply. Looks like others stepped in with similar suggestions and specifics. I would suggesting waiting several days at a minimum to evaluate if another flush is needed - until they need watered again. I would not anticipate another being needed though. I think your girls (we hope) are going to be fine as I agree with SweetLeef that they a lot better than I expected.

Just for future reference, although I hope you never need do another flush... use water in a quantity 3 to 4 times that of the container the plant is in. So 1 gallon pot uses 3-4 gallons of water. You actually trying to rinse everything possible out of the soil.

I love your attitude of seeing these moments as learning experiences! My hope is continue growing for the rest of my life, and I hope to learn something new with every step of the way!

Be well and happy growing.

Thanks for your input TanR... My babies are currently in 3 gallon pots and their roots look great and I don't want them to get much taller than 3 foot due to grow box size. I used a gallon of distilled water for every plant but I was prepared to use two gallons per plant. About halfway through each gallon the run off was clear, so I thought that should suffice due to what I was told here.

To answer someone's question I had to use miracle grow as my medium. I know that's not the most ideal medium but it was all that was available to me. I searched high and low within a 50 mile radius for fox farms but I couldn't find a thing. I don't live in an area that's consuls ice to growing if you guys catch my drift. I read several journals that the grower was using miracle grow and they all had satisfactory results. I cannot find a nursery or a hydro store anywhere in my area.
Hi envywithgreen,

Sorry for the delay in reply. Looks like others stepped in with similar suggestions and specifics. I would suggesting waiting several days at a minimum to evaluate if another flush is needed - until they need watered again. I would not anticipate another being needed though. I think your girls (we hope) are going to be fine as I agree with SweetLeef that they a lot better than I expected.

Just for future reference, although I hope you never need do another flush... use water in a quantity 3 to 4 times that of the container the plant is in. So 1 gallon pot uses 3-4 gallons of water. You actually trying to rinse everything possible out of the soil.

I love your attitude of seeing these moments as learning experiences! My hope is continue growing for the rest of my life, and I hope to learn something new with every step of the way!

Be well and happy growing.

Sorry to keep asking so many questions and I hope that I'm not bugging your guys too much, but will the leaves turn green again if the issue is corrected? I guess the only way to learn is through experience and asking questions.
Oops. Meant to respond to that and got side tracked. No, most likely any leaves that show damage will not turn green again. However, that does not mean they aren't photosynthesizing light and providing energy to the plant. Eventually they will shrivel and die, but I let any damaged leaves on my plants go to the point where they either fall off, or just come off in my hand when touched.
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