
Thankx. I do have questions. Since they enacted the medical pot law here almost two years ago, things are still a mess and getting a card takes toooooo long and cops are busting legal medical patients, despensaries are illegal Besides that, what is the point of legalizing medical pot if possession of seeds or ordering seeds to grow it are still illegal? I know they (government) can pass knee jerk laws in weeks, so why then is this law being delt with in a keystone kop manner? Government please get out of my back yard, out of my body, out of my wallet, and stay out. Government is supposed to protect us, not make us criminals! Skydiving could surely kill you but it is allowed. Alcohol we know kills and so does tobacco but they are allowed, why, money. The federal government and law enforcement know that the war on drugs is a big money maker and a huge job creator. There is no better job or wealth creator other than war, no matter where or what the conflict is about. Think about it, who benefits from a drug war? We know the money comes from the taxpayers to fight it, but then where does it go? Lets see,
It goes to police who buy weapons, vests and other gear to do their job, so manufacturers get some money too, how about needing more police, more judges, more prosecuters, more lawyers, more jails and prisons and the staff to run them and they all have to get paid and whatabout the overhead costs to keep all this up and running? What you have now is an entire empire of drug war combatants who need the taxpayers to believe this war is the right thing because if the taxpayers were allowed to use their own mind and see the truth, they might cut off the lifeblood (tax money) of what has become it's own animal, putting an enormous strain on our economic system to the tune of over one trillion dollars and growing rapidly, since the inception of the drug war. Thank you Mr. Nixon, BOOO and the media for allowing this propragandus crap to be fed to to american people. Thank you for not telling the truth and unecessarily costing tons of money and undoubtedly many lives. The truth is that up until recent history, HEMP, marijuana, was used almost exclusively for almost everything from clothing to medical remedies to rope and sails. I could go on and on, but why?
What's up dirtfarmer54? I agree that Nixon and The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 needs to be repealed or modified to reflect Modern thinking and not the propaganda big government falsified back in the day. :welcome: to the 420Mag Family! We are here to spread Cannabis Awareness and Information across the globe. Please check out the picture tutorial in my signature it explains how to post it's real easy even for old farts like me. Why not:surf: and tell us what you think? I will provide some terrific links to Our Legal Medical Marijuana Gardens that will blow your mind. If there is anything we can assist you with just say the word. Have a great and safe time, see you on the boards.
Here you grow:
The Munki's Playground
Kron's 2010 Summer to Fall Medigrow
420 Cannasumer Reports Competition - GrowLEDHydro's 600W LED vs. 600W HPS by Be Irie
The VipersNest Continuous
Chromes Gone Hempy: "Kushberry" + Bagseed/Bagseed Clone: CFLs!
420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher
Health Canada Seed Stock Test Grow
OBX's Hempy 400 Watt Vertical CMH Blue Widow Strawberry Cough Diesel fall grow '10
Sour Diesel #8 indoor, 2x600w, soil, FF nutes
thankx wingman420, I'm still trying to navigate around the site. Still waitin for my mmj card from the state, they are really backed up i guess. I'm not sure about it since it is still illegal federally and I don't think the state law has changed regarding seeds so how can you get reliable seed genetics for growing if they are still illegal to obtain and posess on both levels? Taking chances like that could make me unemployable evermore, hmmm.
What's up dirtfarmer54? I agree that Nixon and The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 needs to be repealed or modified to reflect Modern thinking and not the propaganda big government falsified back in the day. :welcome: to the 420Mag Family!

Wingman420, the government needs more studies! :loopy: :goof:

dirtfarmer54, your in the right place and :welcome:

:peace: cocoJoe
Thanks, cocojo and wingman, good to hear from ya. I hope we can focus on a federal plan for decriminalization or better yet outright legalization. Happy:smokin:
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