No Mercy Seeds 12/12 Hours 7 Harvests a Year System

I'll see if I can find 1.5 gal pots.. split the difference! I'd like to use 2 gal pots too, but they're just to wide! If I could find them narrower and taller that'd be perfect!
My english isn't good enough to follow it all but...... I germinate them under TL-light in 9 x 9 cm pots with only 12 hours light. After 18-20 days I select the males out and the females are going direct in their final medium. This final medium should be as big as possible. We don't work with pots but with containers. Like 7 weeks after this action they are ready with flowering... so 3 weeks before they're ready we germinate new seed under 12 hours light to fill in the space that does come free if I harvest.
Ahhhhhh, thank you Cee's!!! :adore:

That cleared up a big gap in my knowledge. I knew you started in smaller pots, 9 or 10cm, and I knew atmosphere used a single large container. But I didn't know a transplant was involved. I knew atmosphere started his seeds in his large container, but I didn't know you grew out in a single large container as well.

I was always worried about the single large container because not every plant has the same needs with regards to nuts, watering, ect, especially if you had more than one strain going. Also as a grower who's in an apartment and will be growing in his bedroom I'm not sure about how I'm going to handle large containers full of medium or worse, dispose of large amounts of used medium! But that's a question for the indoor soil forum.

I do have another matter I would like your advice on Cees. I'm not sure if this is the place even though it does relate to my planned 12/12 no mercy style grow. It's about picking males and females to serve as seed plants. What do you look for in a male and in a female? I don't mean to find out what sex they are, but to decide if the plant would make good breeding stock. I have read from others that you want a male that is short and shows his sex late. But none of this advice was from anyone I'd call an expert in breeding, almost everyone in North America clones. Any help would be appreciated!!:bongrip:
I use the 250 watt hps with 35 seeds started in those red solo brand party cups,I think about 20 floz. size cup. 1 seed each, organic potting soil and holes poked in the botom for drainage with another solo cup as a catcher/ resovour on the outside. They all grow together in these cups with a light feeding of alaska brand nutes for their 21 days or so under 12/12 lighting untill they show sex. I kill of the boys and transplant the girls to 2 litre bottles cut off with drainage holes poked and water catcher tray under for run off. 8 weeks later end with 15 to 18 girls with about a quarter ounce of bud per plant. This is only with 250 watts! Great for a med suply for one person. I feel like more soil would be better but as a minimum 2 litres work okay. I like seperate containers due to the fact that you can treat each as and individule. Granted more light would also be better also but I work with what I have.
I have read from others that you want a male that is short and shows his sex late.

well, yes I do like them with a stem as thick as possible. But for the rest it's a matter of 5-6 options that will reward them.
Look at the pic under here... that's the way I want them after germinating.

( the pic downloaden didn't work... but one of the moderators will help me I guess )
Cees, here is your image.
So I just starded my second grow
Its a small 2x2x7 closet grow under a 200w hps
Strawberry Cough, Nyc Diesel, Hash Plant and Buddha

My first two seeds are 1week 1/2 old and they have already more than 4 leaf nodes

Now my question is, I understand that with the 12/12 you only use flowering nutes but when do i start using them? Do I just leave them be until they show sex or should i feed them something at this point?

Thanks for all the info SpeesCees it was very educative
assuming i want seeds for a later grow what is the minimun time to get a viable seed with a 65-80 day flower cycle strain i'd rather have seeds for tomorrows grow for free than get get super prettysuper
sinse and cope witth real good and more to come for time and waterand a little cleaning
all i found at the store that was organic is neptune's fish meal and kelp
will that be enough or should i order some stuff?

good question . Try to find out how much time certain organic ferts take to release thier nutes . a lot of organic ferts release thier P pretty slowly ,to slow to fully provide plants in small amounds of soil .
So how would i go about that Atmosphere 2?
Is that information provided by manufactures?

Im trying to figure out what to get since my choices locally are very limited or if i should just buy some nutes online
I'm switching over to 12/12 it just makes sense.
One simple question, how tall do most sativas stretch, just an average, with this method? From top of bud to bottom of stem where roots start?
I'm planing a new grow closet and need this info to plan dimentions. Thanks, excellent no bullshit threat, Cees you da man!
Well..... I don't feel like I'm the man.
It's just like 1 plus 1 = 2.

Sativa's are the best plants to work with a 12/12 system... they will not stretch that hard.

Yep, that could be. But sometimes people get caught in a certain way of doing things and cant think out of the box.
I mean really, this is the way nature dos it. Plus if you were a breeder you'd get a lot more generations in a lot less time. Making it faster to isolate and stablalize traits.
I would imagine, not being a breeder ha ha.
Cees I'm thinking that with good lighting most sativas should only grow about 40 to 50 cm with this method. Do you think this is about right?
I am not Cees , but he asked me to answer for him ,because he has trouble answering in English. ( I 'm also part of No Mercy Supply)

"How tall will they grow " is a question thats pretty hard to answer even with the knowledge of the strain being Sativa .

The last picture I posted here show strains that are not even 100% sativas , but still they became 70 - 100 cm tall with this method . These plants started in a large amount of soil right away , the were never re-potted/planted . the re-potting proces always slows the plants down for a while and they have to grow in a small amount of soil in the first weeks . It turns out that this is an important factor in how tall they will become .

The Sativa/Indica crossings I grew almost always become taller than 50 cm when started on 12/12 right away .
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