Nutirent info

You are going to want to do some research on mega crop I would suggest for your first grow use mega crop only with none of the additives. I am doing my first grow with mega crop and I think it's a good idea to get a feel for it especially being a beginner grower.

You should start by going to the megacrop website maybe follow some journals that are using it. And check out the mega crop thread. If you use all the fertilizers you suggested above you will get into trouble real quickly.
One more sorry to bug you so much just overwhelmed sometimes. I am going with sea kelp. Calmag pro, mega crop, bud explosion, sweet candy and sensziym for roots. Can I add liquid bloom and dry bloom or is that over kill?
High probability of destroying your plants that way.
Here are some roots, just using megacrop. It's the start of flfloweand these are males I culled.

4 week veg

I'd get a grow in and see what you need before buying a bunch at once.
Thank you i will take that advice. Your plants are beautiful
You are going to want to do some research on mega crop I would suggest for your first grow use mega crop only with none of the additives. I am doing my first grow with mega crop and I think it's a good idea to get a feel for it especially being a beginner grower.

You should start by going to the megacrop website maybe follow some journals that are using it. And check out the mega crop thread. If you use all the fertilizers you suggested above you will get into trouble real quickly.
Ok I appreciate response. So just use mega crop you don't think I should use sea kelp or anything else?
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