Opioid Tapering With Cannabis: A Regimen

One thing I vividly remember from my time on opiates/benzos, my thought process had actually changed. Literally, my brain did not make decisions the way it did years before. It had changed for the negative. I had a short fuse, I was reckless, and was negative about everything.
I knew this was something that could be "re-trained" as my body detoxed and returned to normal. I took the opportunity to (try) being optimistic in any situation. It was rough.. I spent 8 years wallowing in negativity. After about a month, I noticed the temper disappear. Within 6 months, my optimism became infectious. I'm "bout that life" now. Pretty sure I can find something good in any shitty situation.
Sorry for rambling...
I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you... Saying a prayer.
This is just one of the many benefits of sticking with your program.
You got this!
Every moment gets you closer to the end DD. :hug:
I’ve been practicing what I call “Deliberate waking” since December of 2016. Right as my eyes are opening I deliberately reach inside myself for that joyful child, excited to see what wonder today will bring.

Then, right out loud I yell “Oh hell yeah, I’m ready to play!” accompanied most mornings with a giggle. Hehe!

Initially the idea is to let yourself hold that feeling as long as you can without trying. Then let it fall away with a laugh when life gets in the way, knowing you’ll give it another go tomorrow.

Nothing more than a joyful game of play with my cosmic companions. :battingeyelashes:

After about three days in my case my whole outlook on life shifted to something way beyond positive thought. Now, a year and a half later, I live with joyful deliberation, guided by inspiration.

Surely you guys don’t think this is all me? Lol! I’m surrounded by universal forces. :slide:

This process of going through withdrawal..... if ever I saw deliberate living this is it. :battingeyelashes:
Hi everyone the cbd was calming and helped the nausea as they say 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. Cookies are just starting to take affect. Reading y’all comments is so very helpful. I have to read some more than once and that is frustrating but to be expected I guess. I am getting angry about small things that I would even blink at normally. So all in all this is worse than I expected but I am hoping because I tapered for a while this won’t last for long.
:hug::hug::hug: Thanks for the hugs SweetSue back at ya.
Cookies are full on, it gave my legs a break Thank You Lord! Still sweating. Just a update still opiate free. One minute at a time. But hey I’m so close to saying 48 hours clean. Just a little update guys. I got to say I can’t stress enough how important it is sharing how I feel. Anyone else trying to get clean you need to share very important.
Cookies are full on, it gave my legs a break Thank You Lord! Still sweating. Just a update still opiate free. One minute at a time. But hey I’m so close to saying 48 hours clean. Just a little update guys. I got to say I can’t stress enough how important it is sharing how I feel. Anyone else trying to get clean you need to share very important.
When you get through this part, just think, you don't ever have to feel that way again. You're helping people (including me) by sharing this experience. You got me remembering coming off a big run, sitting in the holding cell shaking, sweating, and shitting, beating my head against the wall. It's memories like this that I don't ever want to forget. I've had some rough times lately, and had some scary thoughts. Thank the gods that you are here.

When you get through this part, just think, you don't ever have to feel that way again. You're helping people (including me) by sharing this experience. You got me remembering coming off a big run, sitting in the holding cell shaking, sweating, and shitting, beating my head against the wall. It's memories like this that I don't ever want to forget. I've had some rough times lately, and had some scary thoughts. Thank the gods that you are here.

I can’t tell you how many times I have said that to myself. After it’s done never again. I am happy that sharing my story is a help to others.
Keep on keeping on
I can’t keep my eyes open anymore y’all. Thanks for all your support. Next time I’m awake it will be the longest I’ve been opiate free in over 2 years. Wahoo!


Sharing was part of what was missing before. It takes a special kind of courage to be this vulnerable. It's a clue to the success ahead. :hug::hug::hug:
When you wake up..... I had a thought.

Try the cream on the entirety of your neck and also on your upper chest.

Tension centralizes in these areas, and the upper chest tension in particular will create emotional discord. Hit the temples too. You can anticipate better control of your reactions, and no bad can come of relaxing the muscles joining your brain to your body, eh? :battingeyelashes:

Rub it into the soles of your feet for muscle spasms.

Also, Lavender oil can help with sweats. In the morning I'll dig up the post earlier in the thread where we discussed other ways to get through the rough stages. I can't keep my eyes open either. :battingeyelashes:

Another hug. :hug::hug::hug:
When you wake up..... I had a thought.

Try the cream on the entirety of your neck and also on your upper chest.

Tension centralizes in these areas, and the upper chest tension in particular will create emotional discord. Hit the temples too. You can anticipate better control of your reactions, and no bad can come of relaxing the muscles joining your brain to your body, eh? :battingeyelashes:

Rub it into the soles of your feet for muscle spasms.

Also, Lavender oil can help with sweats. In the morning I'll dig up the post earlier in the thread where we discussed other ways to get through the rough stages. I can't keep my eyes open either. :battingeyelashes:

Another hug. :hug::hug::hug:
:hug::hug::hug: Back at ya. Wahoo 48 hours being drug free. Mentally I feel good physically not so much. But hey 48 hours sober. Won’t be long now i hope.
I have put Vic’s on the bottom of my feet when sick. I never thought to use the good stuff awesome idea SweetSue. It feels revitalizing. I have been using the cream on my neck, legs and back a lot 4to 7 times a day maybe. The stuff is awesome. Just like you SweetSue an angel god sent from heavens. All of my 420 family, when I am successful it will b because of you all and my gf. I wouldn’t be here if it was wasn’t for all the help.
Hey y’all I forgots to mention today is a good day. I have a dwarf low flyer that is ready to to be chopped. It is 4 to 5 days earlier than I would normally. The trichomes are all opaque. I plan on using it for edibles I am thinking harvesting a little earlier might give a more energetic medicine. Idk but worth a try right.
Hey y’all I forgots to mention today is a good day. I have a dwarf low flyer that is ready to to be chopped. It is 4 to 5 days earlier than I would normally. The trichomes are all opaque. I plan on using it for edibles I am thinking harvesting a little earlier might give a more energetic medicine. Idk but worth a try right.

That’s actually a good timing for the effect you’re looking for. I always chop before amber sets in.

Happy harvest. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
That’s actually a good timing for the effect you’re looking for. I always chop before amber sets in.

Happy harvest. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:
Thanks SweetSue, this will be the first time I ever cut early. When I stopped growing years ago it was a no no to harvest before Amber. I have a argument going on in my head no it’s not ready. Yes it’s perfect no it not, yes it is. Lol
Hey everyone, sorry lack of updates. Been a hard day my neck has been killing me all day. I think it’s from muscle cramping more than anything i Don’t recall doing something that would cause a flare up. I vomited 3 times today, and started feeling depressed or sad how ever you want to put did not want to smile. Still have cramping especially in the legs and sweats is worse. But hey I harvested a plant today and I stayed clean, focus on the good right. I hope y’all are having a great weekend I’m gonna do the same as yesterday high dose of cbd and half dozen cookies. Tomorrow will be a better day. I hope
Hey everyone, sorry lack of updates. Been a hard day my neck has been killing me all day. I think it’s from muscle cramping more than anything i Don’t recall doing something that would cause a flare up. I vomited 3 times today, and started feeling depressed or sad how ever you want to put did not want to smile. Still have cramping especially in the legs and sweats is worse. But hey I harvested a plant today and I stayed clean, focus on the good right. I hope y’all are having a great weekend I’m gonna do the same as yesterday high dose of cbd and half dozen cookies. Tomorrow will be a better day. I hope

Ok, I'm gonna go ahead and make the statement with faith.....

Tomorrow will be a better day. :hug::hug::hug:
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