Our Ongoing Grows

Holy Moly, that last picture post of yours was INSANE.

Love the Dragonfly pics, the OG Kush looks killer, and that Cheese?! Awesome. +rep

You really have some beauties going right now my friend.

Miwa do you know how many times Miss J has heard me say I need to do a fast flip. And true to form I kind of wanted ti flip these, but, I think one of my better thoughts, for now anyways, is to give them that extra 2? weeks veg. I think it wood double the yield easily. So for the minute, I'll keep talking about it. Really that's what's in my mind for this strain. While what they claim is probley alittle unachievable, anything close IS workable. And Cripit might be a strain I need to figgure out before I can say that. Even 35 days dialed in, got potenial for sure. I really wonder about that Berkley plant they claim 28 days, Man, if anything, it could sure be a great plat for breeding genetics. You could cut flowering time way back in some of them long flowering plants everyone hates to grow. But you should get a nice cola off what ya got going. As long as she's got some good roots to uptake food, you are going to get a nice 'bud on a stick'.
Looking at my cheese plant, Man I wished I had cloned her, famous words of this fool, she'd have made one pretty sea of green plant. She's getting a nice cola and is plenty strong enough to caryy it. Almost no side branches. She's crusted over with crystal. I mean one on top of the other stuff. I'm impressed with that NLxBB myself. She's built for wieght for sure. For as many main tops as she has, I can spray her down with the hose, and she don't have any bend in her. Seeing the plants aren't flowering yet, I like to excerise they by shooting them with the hose at night. I figgure it helps harden them alittle, and washes off any bugs or other nasties. I wish that BB was like that. Plant reminds me of a strain I seen long ago 'like 1982-85 somewhere' called Creeper. We didn't mean the weed creeped up on ya, we meant he plant creeped out at all angle's. They grew alot wider than tall. So it seemed they creeped across the ground. I seen afew monsters too.
Thanks for shouting out there Jandre, always great to see ya drop bye. Just plugging along here. Got alittle more going on here than I care to do at times but isn't that all of us?
Xlr thanks. That OG Kush has a great smell to her. Musky, sweet hashy like smells. I took her last nite and started her 36 hour dark cycle. That cheese is sick. Man I wish I had 10 or 12 of them growing in a SOG style grow.
Thanks for popping in Pop's. Man you got one nice lite setup going. I know you are going to start putting out fat heathy plants once again. And thanks for the Vote in a contest. But I stay out of those contests anymore. I did them once hence the POTM on my name, but I haven't entered anything else since. there are alot out there alot better suited for a MOTM. I keep it low keyed here. Well I'll see what I got for updates in awhile till then Keepem Green
Hey you know as well as i do...if you forget to clone...re-veg...besides..shes bigger the 2nd time around...you'll like it...i got to check out this (keep a auto alive)...i believe its that Rud genectics that has them autos acting crazy...all of them grows extremely different...Good grow...stay focus...:thumb:
Hey, you can also take a clone or three off of the lower stems, if you haven't cleaned them off yet. It will take a little longer to root being in flower, and even longer to start to veg, but it will happen, and you can keep the genetics. You'll just need to baby it and nurse it along. It'll take almost 2 months to see good veg growth, but it WILL happen....

Just a thought.
Good morning 420 world. Yes I think I'll give it a try to reveg this one too. I think what I'm going to do is leave some greenery on the cheese and harvest it. Keep enough lower growth to support life and up the nitrogen and turn the lights on 20/4 hours a day till she takes off again. She's got rock hard buds on even her lowest branches. So it wood be hard to get a decent clone off her. This is like the second from the bottom branch. She's got solid ass buds all the way down. I don't even see any leafs down there that don't have nuggets growing from them. Cheese;

But I'm going to try to reveg her like the Cripit did. Keep the big root system and let her grow again. I really want her because if this weed is any good, she'd be a great sea of green plant. The main cola is a monster. Even the few side branches have good wieghty cola's on them.

This plant might be a contender if I was one to enter in 420's contests. I did that once hense the plant of the month in 09. But I stopped that back then for personal reasons.
Miwa, I think I had a brainstorm about the Cripits. Seeing the short flowering time, I think I'm going to stick them in 3 gallon pots and throw them out to finish. Till then I'm going to keep them under 20/4 lighting while they veg another week or two. They are growing like weeds. But they should finish easily before fall rots them on the hoof. I took 2 of them and topped them way back for future mother plants.
Here's the mother;

I also took acouple pic's of that Venom or Posion whatever it is. She's a viney creature. And she was hard to figgure on the fertilizers. I meanshe's very finiky to say the least. Looks like shes hungery and I even threw alittle extra nitrogen in her up untill now. I figgure S'st this one, and man she's got a million buds growing. Here's the branch I photo'ed;

And here's the same close up to the terminal end;

Thats alot of tops. You can see the yellowing leaves. But she has tons she could shed and still be fine. Kind of reminds me of the Yumbolt-47 plant I've been growing. Going to be a big yielder I think. Speaking of yields, I cut the OG Kush. Taste to out of this world. 1-10 8.5 on my scale. And I've never seen a 10, yet. But she was just shy of 6 Oz's.
OK a newbie on the scene, Bubba Skunk. Well I guess it should read Skunk Bubba being skunk's the mother. But that don't sound right, sooo. These are acouple of them seeds I tried earlier to check germination rates. I only kept 2 of them;

Ok out back got this Star-47;

But I had cut acouple clones from her. One's still vegging outback, and the other, well;

No idea how far into flower she is right now but she's a going. I also threw acouple Star Trek seeds in during then tests. Star Trek;


And last thing to look at is the Speonik and NLxBB;

I get afew more pic's later. Isn't really alot going on here. Hash mash. I have 3 OG Kushes all at different ages going in flower. Well hope everyones having a great evening. Keepem Green
I feel for ya Jandre. It's sad because mother nature is the bomb. But one thing about inside, I think one can produce better pot there, depends on where you live. Oregon doesn't get a whole week of sun at a time. So the intense lights of a HID, LED, whatever we use, is constant indoors. Unlike the outdoors. And the wind, rain, etc, seems to leave the weed with alittle less smells and tastes. I see the clubs are selling it as sun grown, and sell it for alittle less. But the sheer size of the yields make up for it in spades. Up to 2 lb's per plant sometimes.
Alaskan, you are welcome to stop bye for a bite and a bowl. I seen back on anothers thread you might be coming bye this way. Sure Dude. If you let me know aweek before I might have a strain or 2 you like. We can make that happen.
Isn't alot going on around here. The Cheese plant is real close to harvest. It's about 8 weeks in and 'might' go another week max. One Auto Flower is right about there also. It was a short bushy plant. Might yield a Oz. But she's covered frosting in the mornings. By the evening she loses that look. I read somewhere along time back that companies that produce perfume and use organic bases, harest the flowers in the morning. They say the oils that make the fragrance are at their peek at first light. Makes sense to me. That's why I like that 24-36 hour darkness right before the cut.
Well I wandered around with a camera in my hand out back. I got acouple pictures of the lowryders. Here's the one closest to harvest. She could go tomarrow, but I think 2 more days. She's been flushed, and after that onley molasses;


I also have 3 more auto's going. 2 of these are from Budda Seed. They have a great deal on a mixed package of 10 seed at around 50$ S/H included.

The one in the middle is a Dinafem Cheese Auto. Here's some of the clones off the Cripit. Still haven't figgured what I'm going to do with them as far as flowering, inside/outside?

Kids are getting big. The Northern Lites X Big Bud has started to flower. Yea. Now if the plant, seeing it has Big Bud in it and that plant is famous for just what it's name says, BB can make it here in Oregon. The rest are starting to pack on the secondary bud sites buy the hundreds;

Berkley Blue is growing like a weed. I just transplanted 5 clones off her in pots. I root mine in starter plugs after a dip in Vitagrow and a spray of anti wilt. I really hope this plant is worth saving. If I'd have started her in the spring she might be 10' tall and 15' wide;

I also got acouple shots of acouple clones from the bigger plants in the yard. Star-47;

And OG Kush;

Well that's about it for now. I'll update soon and I hope everyone doing great out there. Keepem Green
Dam...i thought i had a lot of plants..and in flower too..they look good..i put everything i had outside today i only kept the ones in the cloner..i hope to do a inside grow with them..see the difference in yield between them and their mother...been looking at videos of pineapple express and critical mass...that cm has huge buds..i might put a fan in my garden..them huge buds is bud rot heaven..i'm scared of that rot..i pulled early last year because of rain and no shelter..i prepared this year..my buds won't get a drop of water...don't they have a spray for that ?..bud rot ?...how do you control humidity outdoors ?...you don't ?oh well...
Hey Jon, that was a sweet haul of SLH you flipped over there. My little screen didn't fair all that well. I got like 4+ oz's off the Arjan's Haze I tried. But it was the strains fault. Congrad's on your harvest.
Well I took that auto flower last night. I see a Oz off her. She flowered for 57 days. The other two are still going and look like maybe a week to go. Nothing special. My friend harvested his also. He got 1 1/4 oz off her. The smoke is #1 tho. I like it. Auto's have come along ways. They have one I'd like to try called auto pounder. They claim up to a pound per meter. Some many strains.
Well Cheese came down. Shame I'm not going to mess with clones. Least 'this' time. We'll see if the weed is anything near as good smoke as she was in the looks departments. I see 3 Oz's off the little plant. Buds are way solid infact here's acouple pic's to see what she is;

and the lower buds;

Ok I also have a shot of the Auto #2 ;

I'm also thinking about putting a order in on a new strain just fixxing to get on the market. Dr Green Thumbs 'Freedom 35' looks promising. Hey anyone out there ever grown out a Endless Sky? Intresting sounding plants to me. Well Keepem Green
Miwa I know afew other growers that have had good results with it. I haven't seen it here on 420 myself but,, that don't mean it ain't. I watched afew other get some nice cola's with it. Up to a 2 liter size. It can finish real fast and great yield of bigger nug's. One thing sad about my growing situation is where we are. Man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I'd give my left nut to be back on top the Altamont Pass growing again. This lack of sun, wet early winters, isn't the best climate to grow in. Well least not most strains. I've been leaning on trying some of the early sativa's they got out there. I hear they finish well even furture north then here. Even wetter climates. Be nice to have a strain that will stand the extremes of this weather. Even places like Vancover Island, and Alaska. There has got to be a good strain out there. One that everyone can get to work in their home area.
I did find another fairly nice pic of that Cheese plant. Man she's got a oder. I got her in the closet hanging up. IF the buds don't shrink more than I think, she's solid 3 Oz's. Easy plant. I staked her when she was younger because I had watered and then carried bye the lip of the pot and she got alittle loose from being top heavy. I look the look of this one. Sorry I cut the head off the last shot;

That's a top. The sample dubie rocked our socks. 15-20% amber, I am looking for the 'couch lock' effect with this strain. She took 58 days to flower. A 3 gallon pot filled with black gold and Mycro's 30 beside a little extra Tecnaflora Fert's and some organic top dressings. Flushed like 5 days before this pic.
Well that's it for afew days. I don't have much close except them couple auto flowers. 3-4 weeks some Star Trek will be about done. Then hopefully some my outdoors stuff will be showing me if it can make it in time. NL x BB is first to show color. Looks like Berkley Blue will be following suit soon after.
Well for now TC and Keepem Green
dam..i wouldn't like to be locked in to growing inside...i really don' t know what will finish here...last sumer i had to pull early because of the rain..and i didn't have a shelter built..i think that was in oct..i'd have to check my journal..my longest flowerer is this white shark..its between 56-70 days..that would put me in oct...next is the purple haze..shes at 50-65..also in oct...then there is my critical mass..shes at 45-55 days...might be in sept...then this pineapple express..i don't have the time on her yet...so this year i should be able to finish...i got a shelter for the girls..i won't have to worry about bud rot from the rain..although i have to keep an eye on this critical mass..shes known for bud rot because of her large buds..ok...stay focus:thumb:
Ok how is we all doing today out there in 420land? I just figure I'll update alittle today. Looks like 3- Oz's off tha cheese. Man pretty weed. I've sampled alittle off her, but you never get a real hit till she's dried 100%. But talk about sticky. This is one pheno that wood've gone real nice in a sea of green. Shame I didn't clone her. My clones are doing great. I have 10 Cripit's going for a flip. I also took clones from BB, Star-47, NLxBB, Speonik oh and 2 P-91's. My last OG Kush started flowering, so I'm going to let it go as far as mother plant. Is great weed. 8 1/2 weeks is alittle long for me. The weed taste out of the world. Besides all the stuff I got started now is taxing my number limits for a second.
I tried a new product that worked really great. It did what it claimed it wood. Someone else had a problem with them, gnats. I didn't really have a problem, just afew buzzing around in my black gold soil. I always turn the top inch or so of my soil about once aweek. But stuff called goGnats worked great. I mixed like 3 mills per gallon and drenched the soil once, gnats got gone. Cool. I remember peoples having problem with them in their hydro setups. Stuff works great.
Ok whats up here? SSDD but I had a hole in my flower room from taking that Cheese plant out. I moved in a plant called
'Special Queen'. Suppose to be a skunk plant. She's been topped 3 times I think. Up to 8 weeks flower time makes her workable. And like always, I didn't clone her. Really tho there are so many skunk plants around it isn't hard to find a sutiable strain for a plant. Skunks are a dime a dozen but watch, this one will probley be the 'One'. But really isn't anything special sounding about her, cept the up to 8 weeks. Maybe I'll see if that pollen I have has any kick left to it. I haven't really stored it well, but it hasn't been all that long since collected. Bubba Kush, and called pre 98' which I 'guess' makes some difference to someone anyways. Makes me wonder what happened in 98? But I do have two of his offsprings going out there. Bubba Skunk is making her dayveiw;

Oh good news, I forgot, my P-91 plant is female. Yea. Means the 2 clones I have are too. Whew. I had 5 beans for a buck, 100$, and 4 were males I think 1 didn't germinate but 3 were male. But I got one. And the clones are happy and growing.
Well started these clones just in starter plugs after a dip in vitagrow, then ended up in a soil mix with castings, Mycros-30, and black gold. They rooted before any of the others I did that time. Man she's taking off. But I bought 3 strains from them and I have all 3 cloned and growing. Man that Berkley Blue I'm flipping is a sweet plant. I was worried about stems being able to support the massive cola's I'm hoping for, but they hardened off nicely. I'll still have to 'net' the plant I figgure, but really isn't that a 'good thing'?

That's her start of flower.
That Speonik has slowed in growth. Guess she decided she wasn't going to do any stretching in transtion. She's got that claasic look untopped. Looking for a 'real' cola. Plant is suppose to ge good for MS. We have a friend that has it. It's starting or it has been messing with her walking. She's tried smoking her afew times ut she doesn't really inhale. But I hear shes started to get better. Funny I've seen alot of 'older' people who use to smoke cigarrets and they can't hit a pipe? Oh well. Here she is;

The NLxBB is off and running;

And the Lowryders are getting close to finishing off. Like 66 days so far. I feel bad tho. I gave a sprout to that friend that has MS, her hubby grew it out and it didn't yield crap. 1/2 oz. 4 others from that assorted pack I bought another yielded 1.2 oz's, and my first was 1.3, and the two out back are going to do a oz per;
#2 ;

#3 least I think;

I've been leaning back on the basic additives to my garden in the form of organic's. See if I can see any changes . Stuff in a guano and casting's department. Figure I'll make a bat tea for a drench. It's worms castings bout a lb, and same of bat guano, it's like .1-10-1.5 but I'm going to let it seep a day or so. I also added some Mycro's and molasses;

I really like this plant. She has a high flower to leaf ratio that makes triming a breeze. She's about flowering out there. Going to be a monster for sure;

Thanks for the coments all hey Mr. Krip been awhile. Well that's about it for a minute. Thanks everyone and Keepem Green
Looks like you learned the same lesson i did...just in case...clone...why didn't you clone that cheese ???re=vegging takes a while..but since i made the mistake last summer of not cloning...now i clone everything i got growing...then just in case...i clone again...its so easy ...why not...before i start my tea..because Fungi grows slow..i make some Fungi by mixing oatmeal and dampened compost...in a light proof container,,put in a warm dark spot...you will have a container full of Fungi in 3 days..then start your tea...i wonder if putting Fungi in my compost pile would make it decompose faster...gotta... :reading420magazine::nomo:...do more research...that Speonik looks good...how tall is she ??..that last plant looks like a re-veg...i'd say a 3 pounder...great grow Wood...just one thing...START CLONING !!!
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