Our Ongoing Grows

Hell ya'll. Naw Miwa that's from seed. I had abunch that wood've revegged this year but I ended up just letting most of them finish flowering. The reason I decided not to worry about egrowing that Cheese is because it's plenty much a staple for alot of breeding programs, which makes it a pretty stable hybred. If the seeds are from the same parents I should have a better than average chance of getting those same genetic's. Least in my thoughts. On that tea stuff, I do charge mine with some of that Mycro stuff. And I've also added alot of it to my soil. So in a way, I'm just making food for my microb's in the soil I have. I add about 3-4 tablespoons of Myco's. I add this stuff to my starter pots and intermedate pots. I figure all them goodies should be well established bye the time a plant leaves the 2 gallon pots. It wood get kind of costy to add to 20 and 30 gallon pots. Hey stuff wood be great for your yard Miwa. Some of that soil can use alittle TLC. Blood and bone meal tilled in always helps. But I can't really tell if this stuff is doing any good. From what I hear these microb's can live even if using a medium salt based fertilizer. I need to get by your crib and see how's that clone doing in the reefer. Got acouple questions anyways.
Thanks for the kind words Jandre and Mr Krip, They are easier to grow outside it seems. Plants get light from all angles and they veg like crazy. I swear they grow at night. Back afew years like 10, I use to grow in a old pole barn with a dirt floor. Tore all the sides off and replaced with yellow walls and frosted white roof. It was huge. But at night I use to get high and lay back in the middle and you could hear leafs moving. We use to flip like 200 plants a year in that barn. Big plants too. Wasn't any issiues with that lid. And tap roots to do whatever they wanted. Man they got big, And can Flower like crazy also, if you are lucky enough to live in a area that has that bright southern exsposer and dryer weather in the fall. Man Southern Cali wood be awesome even back at Altamont Pass. Or out there with Pop's in Hawaii. That has to be some of the finest weather to grow in anywhere. But then I guess they probley have some different types of problems. Seems problems always follow me. Found a spot of PM on a plant I have flowering. So I tried this stuff called That Stuff PM Wash. Real thin product 99.9% water. I couldn't find any data on whats in it yet, but I'm going to look. Makes me wonder what that .1% is Costy stuff, 20$ a quart liter whatever. Also claims to be used up to day of harvests. The plant that had PM on her was only 3 weeks in so I ain't really worried. Well I'll update when something new happens next I have a Auto going to come out followed shortly after bye the other. Oh that first auto I harvested, smoke is top shelf. 8.25 outta 10. Just no yield. I bet I'd have better yield with Cripit in the same timeframe. Auto's were all started on 6/10. Well till later Keepem Green

Thanks for the coments all hey Mr. Krip been awhile. Well that's about it for a minute. Thanks everyone and Keepem Green

Oh, Christmas Tree, oh, Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
I see we have a up and coming poet in here, but hey least this one looks better than the CB X-mas tree I grew acouple months back. This is that one that had alot of crinkled up sun leaves. They are still there still the same. But the new growth came out fine. One thing about that plant is shes atad bald in the lower branches toward the center. But she's nice full thick for the last 4 1/2 foot of her. She's not near as thick as the Wonder Woman was or even a Church plant. And she's hit the ceiling of her upward growth. About 6' but she looks like she's going to have a nice main cola 'weather permitting'. Hey Jon' last harvest JK I try to harvest a plant a week more or less. I'll say this I'm impressed with the LowRyder. The one dry enough to call smoke kicks my ass. Downer pot. The kind that makes watching Family Guy reruns funny. That's how I rate my weed. Bun around 1/2 a dubie, then watch one. If you laugh it's pretty decent herbs. And if you make it thru a second and still find a giggle better weed.............
BB clones are going. I cloned the BB plant along with acouple Star-47's and acouple Speoniks, and a NLxBB. I have a Star_47 in flower now. I've very impressed with how she looks. She another with a high rate of flower to leaf which makes it easy to trim. She's really packing on some meat now. I got a quick pic of her sorry the pic's didn't turn out great. I'll update some better pic's in a few days but till then these will have to do. But here's Star-47;

And here's a old one I haven't grown in awhile. Star Trek. I got these seeds from a LB I had of her. I figgure she selfed herself. I never seen any male flowers on the first ones but seems like some plants tend to carry that traits. Well I was in the room last nite and I knowiced acouple swollen calyx and sure enough I have a seed or two. Thats why I like to stay away from plants that lean too hermie trait. It might be nice to get acoupe seeds out of a crop to be able to carry on the strain but then you always run the chance of hermies pollenating your whole trip. She's pretty tho;

I also snaped on of the OG Kush I have going.

I have 3 OG's in flower now spaced aweek apart. Well I'll update again soon Thank Ya'll Keepem Green
Well just a quick update on acouple things. Miwa don't feel alone, I started two Bubba Skunks, and they both look like they got ball sacks starting to drop. Tomarrow they will meet the axe. Good thing they are small. But the rest of the kids look fine. I was out watering the 'bigger kids' and got a semi decent pic of them. Here's the whole klan;

That Berkley Blue I got out there is one sweet looking plant. I think I made a good choice in her. She's turned into a monster in the last month and a half. That's about how long ago I transplanted her. This year I'm hoping I'll have alittle better luck with the dreaded PM issiues this state has. This plant looks like it can handle itself well tho. She's got space between the nodes that should keep maximum airflow around her. She's got that 'Blue' look;

And you get alittle closer and you can really see what I mean bye that 'Blue' look. You'd almost think something was lacking in her diet. Or I was feeding her some color somehow. I can't wait to see this one when the night get chilly and she gets on her flowering fertilizer program. But I do have all three strains out there I bought from Stoney Girl. And one in the mother tent. I call it a 2x4 but it's alot smaller really. Like 20X36 or something. I'm running a 250 watt CFL in there. I plan on keeping these strains going till I get a sample from their mothers. This one is suppose to be perfect for Oregon. Man I can see some heavy Blueberry in this here;

My 'CB' X-mas tree for some reason never grew any branches on one side at first. It filled in nicely but she's got a bald spot as big as the one I'm working on myself. Looking at it there is no reason this should be here. I mean I turn my plants alot. and it's like it's missing acouple branches somehow. Speotnik #1 from Paridise Seed;

Ok I have two smaller ones one is OG-Kush, and the other I really see a nice producing plant. Star-47. Man she looks good enough to smoke right now. And she has that high flower to leaf ratio I love. Sure makes it easy on Miss J when she has to trim. Well here's Star-47;

And OG-Kush. they both are just starting to flower. I have 3 more OG's in the flower room. I didn't clone this one. It's great pot but I'm looking for something else. Weed is top shelf to me for sure. I'll probaley be tired of it by the time I run out;

I still have a Auto Flower out there. Dinafim auto Cheese;

Well I guess that's about all from the Dog House for tonite. Hope alls doing great out there. And I'm glad to here Pop's is doing better out there. Hang in there 'Older Man' and Keepem Green
too bad about the ball sacks..at least mine wasn't bought seed..but bagseed..i don't buy reg any more...only femi...my critical mass got a ball spot...i caused a board to fall on her..broke a branch off..now she is fan shaped...looks cool though...man..i wish i had a mrs to trim...i been thinking about getting some electric trimmers..can't wait til oct to see what i got..last year i had colas the size of bud light cans...i hope to get some pics up today..my rain shelter is rain proof..today it gets re-inforced to make it storm-proof..looks like i'm doing to wind up with a outside grow-rm...stay focus...
I know I looked into a trim table. Seen acouple that look pretty functional. They cost a good penny too. I'd really like one of these or something comp' Trimpro - Trimmers - Trimpro Original They do have some small hand hand trimmers, but I've heard bad things. Most people I've heard kick them selfs for wasting their monies on the 'cheaper' models. Oh Miwa, that Bubba Skunk seed was a by-product of a earlier grow. I got tons of those seed. I seen I have alot of Wood's White seed also. I mean 2 fingers of good seed. That was KC36 I think crossed with some White Widow. So it didn't really matter about these males. I need to cut numbers anyways.
Man White Widow was the 'shit' once upon a time. I remember the first time I sampled some. Back in like 82' or close to it. WW is pretty well stablized by now. I can never truly say it was WW, back then genetics were kind of hard to get ahold of but this weed was killer. It was some of the first of the 'whiteThose days you either knew a grower, or you ended up with Mexician Comericial, aka the dreaded 'brickweed'.
Well been outback looking at the Auto Cheese. She's looking frosted for sure. The three other auto's aren't bad weed,,,, sleep weed it seems, and averaged a oz per. This plant has airy looking buds. I'm thinking about throwing her under the HPS. Just didn't get them 'bright, so bright, bright sun shiney days'. Almost sounds like a song? JK
Always welcome Pop's. I don't know how you keep up with your grow man that's one busy thread. I don't show up at yours for acouple days and I'm 10 pages back. But I love the picture updates.
Well wahts going on here. All the outdoor girls are in flower now. The first to start was the NLxBB. And she looks like shes prepared to produce some mean cola's. I can see a pretty Donkey Dick here;

Here's alittle better pic of where she's at in flower;

And I got a decent shot of her tops. She's close to 6' tall I have her in a 15 gallon pot full of black gold mix amended with blood/bone meal, worm castings, alittle guano and Mycros-30. I usally use MG on my outdoor plants but I'm going to try alittle more Organic this year. I've always swore bye blood/bone meals. But here we are;

That Speotnik #1 I have is also 6' in a 20 gallon container with same;

And here's her flowers taking off;

Lets see I have that Star-47 flowering also;

along with this OG-Kush;

I got that Auto Cheese going. I might drag her in for her last week of better lighting to help harden up her flowers. She's alittle airy but all the secondary leafs are covered with crystals

and one other;

Well that's it for a fast update. I'll do it again in a minute till then Keepem Green
Yeah..i was going to get some small clippers but i can do it with sizzors...if i could spell...the sun around here have been bright and hot..so why is my pineapple express so spaced out..have you ever grew that strain ??..maybe the reveg did it ..idk..i just uploaded pics of her...maybe she will fill in...my jock i grew inside grew like that..and she filled in...my bush is 4 ft..the net is holding her pretty good..pots running around 3 ft..i still got 2 months..i want to keep them at about 6 ft..gotta watch that stretch...yeah..i use those meals too on my ground plants..i'm working on my soil now ...in another spot..whats that next to the auto cheese ???...my kid said...look at the nuts on that plant..i told him..thats too round for cann nuts...they look like tomatoes..well tomorrow is feed day..my girls are on heavy feed..i just bought some more tiger bloom..now i need some more big bloom..got meal for extra P..that NL x BB looks good...i might try her...keepem growing..and stay focus...:thumb:
Man I love your thread! Great plants and pics. I love OG Kush too, it's fantastic bud IMO. My jaw is still dropping from the great pics.

Great growing as always, my green thumbed friend. :thumb:
Well Miwa that Avatar is you..... and the answer is no to that about the Pineapple Express. I think I did one awhile back that got lost to the mites I think. I know I've had 2 freebies of it in the last couple years. But I don't remember a full jar of it in my weed cellar. I know for a fact one didn't germinate. BUT I do see alot of people growing it with great results. I hear she a easy one to grow and has good yield of 2-4 gram hard nuggets. I watched a PE grow and the buds looked the same as Vantage. Looked close to me. And they have a got speed to flower too. I hear you can shorter her flower time alot with hid lighting. Like my personal favorite Vantage. I can flip them in 7 weeks inside under intense lights while she takes 8 even more outside. Wow I'm babbling bad. Well ya know I gots to have my tomato's. Did afew green beans and snow peas. I have 1 beef stake, 1 cherry, 1 patio, and 1 Purple tomato. We didn't really do alot of veggies this year. Salads are hard on my gut.
Hey there 209 hope ya feel free to shout out anytime you want. Thanks........
Xlr thanks and welcome anytime. Hope things are rolling your way,
Thanks Pop's always welcome to pop in,,,
I try to keep it rolling here,, Jandre. Just intime for acouple more pic's. These are inside. I'll take this one out for a pic pretty soon. Shes a beautiful one. I'm happy I got acouple clones off her. Shes at 7 weeks and doesn't have alot longer to grow. Star-47. The pic above is of a outdoor one. This is her sister;

She could be a plant of the month if I was so inclined, and I got the rite pic, but I'll get some better shots when I can take her out in the sunlight for a pic;

Also another faster flowerer, Star Trek. I found a seed on her about 2 weeks back. I hope it didn't self itself to much.........

She finishes in 49-52 days. I put her in the dark room for 36 hours before trim.
I got another plant here caPoisonreen Posion. Shes a ugly ass plant. All the leaves are only on the tops and they are thick. The Buds are airy and I don't see a heavy crystal production. That might not mean anything, but she's about timed out at 8 week. Unless I see her packing it on;

Okthe rest of the room are OG Kush. I have 3 going. They are like 3' tall. I grew them in a pot that should've been upgraded. They are all in 2 gallon pots. I do add top dressing about ever week. I take the pots and turn the top inch of soil and add acouple inches of the dressing if possible. Then water hard. Plants could've used a 3 gallon instead. But it's working fine. You just have to water daily is all.
I do have another. Shes Speacial. I haven't gotten a pic up of her lately. She from Royal Queen Seed. Her name is 'Speacial Queen'. A very nice plant. Getting real bushy and is into flower about 3 weeks. Cool structured plant. I have her in a 4 gallon so she'll be all she can be. I vegged her into a nice 2 1/2' bush. I dosed her with Bush Masters at the start of flower. She didn't get all that lanky like the breeder kind of led me to believe. I kind of like keeping these plants inside, short and bushy. These are the OG's nice flower to bud ratio ya think? With plants like these 2 I sure don't need a trimer. Pop 6-8 leaves and then it's ALL bud;

Well I got to roll. I'm trying to find a doctor that takes my insurances. It's harder for me to find a doctor in portland than in bumfuc*ed Egypt. I need one that take medicare/caid, and takes other doctors pain pumps, also needs to be 420 friendly. I'm running out of Doctors to try. The one I have takes half my medical and I don't mind alittle 25$ copay, but to do any injections like I need, cost 10 grand and my medical will do like 3.5 grand of it. Then I guess the rest wood fall on me. So with this doctor I can only continue to take meds. Nothing else. OH well shit happens.
Well that's about it from the dog house. I hope everyones doing fine out there. Keepem Green
Relaxed Lee, shes starting to fill in thats for sure. Me I don't have any faith in names, the only reason I say names is because that what they are 'suppose' to be, to me final product dictates all. OG is a great strain top shelf all the way. This time of year you should easily get that crop in, seeing you are in Cali. Plant looks great from all I can see. Welcome to my nightmare here.
Well I seen another spot of Powdery Mildew. Getting alittle tired of this, Miss J's Son has a friend that runs a hydro store here, as well as alot of other ventures here and afew other states that are all MMJ related, growing, dispensary's, etc, he told me here the best thing is PM wash when far into flower, and suggests Eagle 20 up till visable flowers show. Well time to try the bigger guns. I've tried all the litewieght organic sprays with some results, but I'm tired of it, I just ordered my Eagle 20 along with a new hudson sprayer. Stuff isn't 'real' exspensive, least not compaired to losing a crop, or the price on some other products I've seen. And believe me I've done alot of looking around and asking. I have seen some products that looked intresting, but here's one of the first used and he says it 'really' works when sprayed in veg cycle. Here's a link to see what I'm talking about; cooperseeds.com
If it really works a spray young in veg and a good spray when you flip into flower should fix it up. Least hopefully. I found some for 45$ a pint on ebay. Suppose to be able to use up to 14 days before harvest, least impressions I seen, and the plants I grow have the shortest flowering time of 36-38 days. I'd say it should've disapated long before harvests. Being a systemic fungicide, the plant absorbs it and it stays in the plant for a certian time. Sounds too go to be true. Well I have all them Cripit's in veg just fixing to be put in flower, and if it gets here fast I have alot of plants to try it on. Lord knows I've tried alot of things already. With some results but nothing has wiped it out.. Maybe I'll get lucky. Well Keepem Green
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