Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks for looking in all. We've been alittle busy here. Rained the last couple days. Suppose to break soon but we drug all the girls in outta the rain. Patio's full and the greenhouse. I'll get a update soon. Oh BTW that Companion is something I should've started with a month or so ago. Kind of late now.......... Till then Keepem Green

Yea I sealed mine up in the greenhouse with this storm, was not too bad, but the humidity is a killer when plants get wet. And not a chance to dry off with no long sun days.
Sunshine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, all girls are back out enjoying this sun. Wacky so right about that humidity. I leave the doors wide open and throw a fan in there. Afew years back I even had the dehumidifier blowing full time in there.
But all look fine. I even cut alittle off the Marion. Way I was taught of when to harvest is older school. When the hairs start to die off, well when 2/3-3/4 of the hairs are browned out it's time. Looking at her tric's she's about 35% clear, 55% cloudy with a sprinkle of amber and purple to round it out. These buds are 60+ grams wet. These aren't the larger colas off her. But I did get afew pic's of it. I could've gave her acouple more days but I'm real low in my stash jars so I took afew oz's. You can see the hairs browning out abit I this pic;

acouple more;



Thanks all for stopping in. I'll get my little photo studio setup out and get some better pics in the near future till then, thanks for looking and Keepem Green
Way I was taught of when to harvest is older school. When the hairs start to die off, well when 2/3-3/4 of the hairs are browned out it's time.
I think I might try the "older school method" on my next decent harvest. Seems much easier & less hassle Norcal...
Yea, I was always told by those growing since the 70's just wait till half hairs turn brown, none of this using the loupe or microscope stuff.

But dam those trich pictures I see around the web are sexy :)
Whacky trust me I love looking at the trichomes. Welcome,,, I've been know to get afew pretty good pictures myself. Well not of myself,,,, that's totally imposable. One day I'll setup my little both and cut on the macro. I'd just getting lazy in my old age.. But marijuana is the most photogenic plant I know of. But hey I don't know if been there or but if you like to do some skimming but here's a cool link,
Creme De La Creme Cannabis Photos
I think that's a great one. Ahh the 70's I grew my first plant complete in 74. They year before I thought leaves were the smoke. Doing bongies under the Black Lights cranking Sabbath..................... Earth to Wood...... Oh well
Hey BAR, Looking at the hairs most of the time works pretty close. Every strain is different. If you waited for amber on my Cripit,,,, it wood rott first. Plant never throws out amber tric's. One here there max. They get swollen turns grayish white and then shrinks and decomposes. But that rule of thumb works with outdoor crops well. 3/4 browned out should run 20% amber. Really that Marion Berry I cut could've used abit longer. Most the girls are still about 7 days out yet. BUT the weather is looking good SUN. And suppose to stay sunny and dry for awhile All the girls are out again......Least for the next 3-4 days.
Not a great shot of the kaos going out there but just a idea of it all;


And another 4or5 in the greenhouse. Well I have like 10 others out there flowering than will come to come in to finish. Coming in to a nice CLEAN and BOMBED and MOPPED flower room. Weather might be permitting me to throw up the 1500 waters. I do have 2 SLH plant out there just flowering for 3 weeks now that wood love that bright light. Either way they will get the last 4 weeks finished under something. I really need to install a new power main so I can do a split A/C unit. Then I'd run the Master Blaster Lights all year. BUT monies are going to get alittle tight. Come spring we're talking new concrete around the pool. Much as my feet hurt that crumbling concrete kills them. But jackhammering out that and replacing, plus the new planters I'm thinking of. Never know We 'MIGHT' even tear out the greenhouse. We have that greenhouse, then a pump shed, and a metal 10X10' shed after that. Tear all this out move the pool filter way to the back and build a 16' by 35'+ greenhouse. Something that large will be worth installing climate control to grow a lot of herbs for the legal markets that should happen here in Nov. I see a lot of dollars going out already........
Well let me get this finished and post it before I get sidetracked AGAIN. Ok First off is the Cassius. Smells like cinnamon. Looking like she will be over a LB off her.


This one is going to be the biggest yielder out there. Wood's White. I made this one from a cross of KC33 and a White Widow. Got a lot of sativa in this mix. It's a F1 and this is the first time I grew it out. I know I turned a friend on to some seeds and He enjoyed it. And I did take a bud sample and it's good smoke. Wood's White;

This one is the other Marion Berry I have going. She's over 9' tall and REAL close to harvest. I can take it now but I want this a better nite time med so I'm going to give it afew extra days. I'm going to test afew of these strains this year. I seen on the net they have home tests for thc/cbd content. Test was like 170$. This give ya 5 test that can test up to 5 separate samples per test or plate as they call it. We're going to try one this year. But back to the Marion Berry#2;

And this is the Cripit;

Well that's all for now. Thanks for looking and I hope alls gardens are doing GREAT. Keepem Green
Greatness I see.. That's gonna be a whole lotta trimming :rollit:
Thanks for looking in. Sad thing,,,,,,,,,, we had rain acouple days back, btw cloudy and looking like rain now even tho weather calls for partly sunny, but in those two days acouple plants show alittle rott. The Cripit caught atad, and the SLH I was flowering out there. Not bad just acouple spots which were promptly removed but,,,,,....................... SLH I had plans on finishing indoors for the last couple three weeks. And I have another 12 out there to do the same with, I'm going to be firing up the flower room pretty soon. We are going to take the Marion Berry toamrrow. But I have afew shots of it. I have to say as long as I've been growing here in Oregon, which is a HARD area to grow pot....... this Strain is THE One I'd recommend. I've only been here 5-6 years but I've grown a lot of strains. This is a winner in all three as far as bag appeal and she finishes great here.




I also got a shot of The Crippled Rino,

We get that high humidity and a sprinkle of rain and with all the mold spores we have floating around, it's perfect for spore germination. Anyone that has rott starting all I can say is keep as much airflow as possible. Don't let plants rub up on each other, and promptly cut out the infected area. Hard to do cus you don't want to spread the stuff. If I cut out some rott I leave and get something to wash up with like weak Clorox for a drip between touches. drip the scissors even.
Well I'm off to do a patrol. We got partly clouds now. Whew I see blue hopefully we get sun tomorrow. I want to leave some as long as possible. Happy Hempstalk and Oregon will go legal this time. Everyone could grow 4 plants and possess up to 8 oz's. I could never understand if it's legal whats 4 plant limit about? Or the 8 Oz limit? Can I only buy a case of Jack? Still a person can supply his own recreational... I read in "Dope' magazine that the bill won't affect medical growers limits. Update again soon Keepem Green
Sorry to hear about shitty weather again. I been cursing all the summer and then we had great September with only a touch of rain. This Marion Berry sure looks like a winner I have to say, nice purpling. Is it a commercial strain or did you breed it yrself, NCW? I chopped my SLH few days ago by the way, 33 days it took me to finish her. Got 2 seeds from my buddy, and planted only one. There is layer of lemon on these budz definitely :hookah: Hope you're gonna see some sun very soon!
Sheesh Norcal, great update & pics...
Whata gonna do? Mother Nature's a broad that dances to her own tune.
And now the 'fun' begins................... Work your fingers to the bones and what ya get? Stash......
I don't want to cut some of these but,,,,,,, We going to see whats up with the weather because acouple days could and some weight. Not that these aren't nice cola's anyways here's the mess we got going,,,, 4-5 days of trimming... if we can take our time.

A pic I took yesterday of the Wood's White............ I'd love to give this girl all the time I can and calls rain Mon. and Tuesday, then clearing to decent weather for afew days. She might make it till the sun shines again.

And this girl is real close. Real close. And looks tasty. The Oregon Point Noir Or however it's spelled OPN;

And one last shot of the Crippled Rino. She's frosted up nicely;

Well Thanks for looking in. I got to run I've been taking all the top main cola's because nothing worse than seeing rott on them. Bird in the hand is better than tears in the trash. Keepem Green
Oh BTW peoples just about anything I've been growing outdoors is from SGG. or Stoney Girl Gardens. Local breeder and activist around here. Keepem Green
Yeah, but u cannnot sell seeds in USA, can u? Are they clones?
Brightlights, I'm not sure what's in it but I doubt that's involved. SGG doesn't use tons of different strains. He's pretty small time as in local. Look up the lines in this link coming up.
Hey 23,, yea you can sell seeds and buy clones here. They sell clones on Craigslist. And we 'can' get seeds from vendors like Attitude and ALOT of places here. I've never lost a or had taken anything. A lot of regulations involved tho for the strains I grow. You can get these genetics if you live in Oregon or Cali for now, if your a card carrier. I get my clones from these people. The owner teaches Organic Marijuana growing at the local collage, and is way involved with the activist circles. He pushes RSO for cancer patients. Seeing his wife is in recovery from terminal Cancer...... A lot of great strains for outdoors in cooler wetter climates like ours. His claims for flowering speeds are using older school methods from start of flowering. Still great herbs to be able to finish here with all the humidity we have here. My plants are dry,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but still r/h is maxed out there and rott will start even with dry plants. All I can do is hit them with fans and hope........ Herbs good now,,, but I know they could pack on some more weight with afew more days of good sun. 10% even.
Welcome to Stoney Girl Gardens
Just a thought for peoples out there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lookie here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited.
THC, CBN, CBD Testing for Cannabis, Medical Marijuana Testing
My luck it wood be to involved and 50% of the test wood turn out bogus....
Well I'm off to drag the plants I knew weren't going to finish and start up the flower room. I got afew SLH's and Chemdawgs and all the extra clones I started outside. What they going to think of some REAL lights? Shock might kill them....
Oh BTW I just had a tray finish out drying. Not a caterpillar one.................. Till I find something bad about this stuff it works. I know tests claim smaller nuts on rats but that's not a problem I have to worry about. Called Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew. I sprayed two weeks+ before harvest and all it should've all dissipated bye now with the rains and dews and wind. It's not a oil or such. But it works for worms. One dose and forget. And anyone who grows outdoors hates to see worms climbing down on a thread from the dryer trays a day after harvest.
Hope all's gardens are Green and Keepem Green
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