Our Ongoing Grows

Oh, well I am a Older Newbie. Looks Awesome! 'Round hear, it's bunky no matter what bag it comes out of...so, these posts are really cool!
Thanks for straightening me out...well, almost. lol! :tokin:
Your welcome to ask anything you feel like Strongarm. I think we all are getting old. But is alot of friendly peoples here. And I've been on alot of other grow sites, but this one is real mellow and people will try to answer anything you want. ALOT of drama at other sites.
Stay on top of that Dutchess. If it is a problem, and you catch it early, you'll be fine. I've known something was wrong with me for along time. I hate hospitals and doctors. Back in 86 I broke my neck in a motorcycle wreck and was a full quad for close to two years. Did that Superman thing, blowing in a staw to drive my wheelchair around. Which is why I've stayed away from most docs. I have so many aches and pains I don't even know where to start to explain to the doctor what part hurts. But I have a gland swollen in my neck which didn't go away with antibiotics. They did a biopsy on it, and it came back dirty. And it feels like someone kicked me in the Kidneys 24/7. They are fixing to see if it is my lungs or what. I use every clear for my solvent. I've posted this is afew threads here. I guess you don't have to flash off all the alcohol, and can leave it more liquid than going all the way down to RSO. I haven't seen this MOTOCO before now, but I'm going to look into it. But here's a good method to make RSO. Or a rice cooker works great for 'larger' batches.

I want to thank ya'll for the positive vibes. This all will pass. The 7th and I'll find out what, and where this shit is. The RSO, I've been doing a pretty big dose myself of the oil twice a day. Guess I need to step it up to three times per so it will keep my system permeated with THC.I see alot of people had a harder time handeling RSO. That's why
Mr. Simpson says to start with a grain of rice X3. I'm doing about 4 grains per, and I don't really feel it. Least not much that I can lay a finger on. But then I'm still on my pain meds. And my tolerance is off the chart with them. They last 30-45 minutes. So I get alittle relief 5 times a day for a total of 3 hours worth. Enough sniveling. Well, I'm outta here. Once more thanks my friends and Keepem Green
I am so so lucky, while I slumber NCW works very hard, and I wake to some real pretty girls. I love it. And I can see his work throughout, as I clean behind him, as he slumbers. I appreciate all you do MS J
Norc, just make sure you do the dosage correctly, you can always speak to cajuncelt, he is so full of knowledge.
Big hugs to you and your wife :hug:
Vibes coming, just stay positive. :circle-of-love:
Well, I am up most of the night playing around with the girls. Guess I do leave a trail behind me sometimes. People sometimes call me 'pig pen' but even so, someones gotta clean the pens every now and then. We even have a deal, if I cook she'll clean up. That's a no-brainer. But we aren't ones to do alot of 4-course dinners. JK JK sshhh don't let Miss J hear.... She sure looks out for me, and I can say honestly say that she is my better half.
Thanks for the input AngryBird. That's a name I haven't seen in along while. I've done alot of reading on the treatment. Outta the horses mouth so to speak. I know the first few days I wasn't doing the regiment the way it was meant to be. But I'm going to start. Now doses will vary depending on your tolerance. But one of the key things, least from what I understand, is it's important to do it 3 times a day. You want to keep your levels up 24 hours a day. And like I said doses can go up to a gram a dose once you acclimate to it.
Welllll, I was piddeling around in the flower room. Acouple girls are showing signs of a calcium problem. We have this ungodly low ppm water here and calcium defiencies are a common place here. I have been adding 2.5 mils cal-mag to every fertilizer made, but all plants are different. Looks like I have 3 that need atad more than the rest. Time to givve them a quick charge and then up it to 5 mils per in the future. I also have a plant in there, the 8-Ball Kush, that is flowering so agressively that she needed alittle grow added to her bloom mixture. She started getting afew yellow leaves in the first couple week of flower. To me that's alittle to early to start yellowing out in the fan leaves. It will be week 5 starting now and she won't be getting that little extra nitrogen anymore. I have to do alittle rearanging tomarrow so I'll get acouple pics as I take acouple out. This time I'll remember whats what. Keepem Green
YOu have motoco's tacking thread : Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial - Tacking Method
SweetSue's oil thread is a good place to ask and taking it orally(tacking), might be better.
cajuncelt is building a clinic and he has serious knowledge on this.
Thanks for the info there AngryBird. I got that shit on my teeth once and it's some nasty tasting shit for sure. I think I'll stay with the bread routine.
I forgot to say that I have three new strains cracked and showing above ground. I plan on taking cuts off these for the next flip. I have the Black D.O.G, a Purple Orange CBD, and a Blue Dream. All three are up and growing. I'll tell ya germination rates are way up there anymore. I think I've lost like 2 outta the last 30-40 seeds I started. I've had afew that the tap root didn't come out correctly and they survived. Well off to lalaland, first a dose of oil, then a small rainbow of medications. I never thought I'd see the day I'd be taking a bunch of pills,,,, and not getting high off them!!!
Keepem Green
Man, had to read back to see what is up. Say'in some prayers and waiting for good news
It'll be good Buckshot. I got the inside scoop. I asked my Mother. Tonight's a night to thoss back afew Jack Single Barrel shots and crank on some Conway Twitty. I imagine alot of people on here are looking at me crossways after that comment.
People put faith in whatever we call our 'higher power' or our gods.. Some it's a church, some a statue, I was raised a Roman Catholic.
But I found out about parting when I was around 12-13 years old. Hell, I was in Jr High slinging across at the High School. Got caught with a pocket full of THC????? capsules too. Mind you, this was 1972, they didn't have any true THC on the streets back then. This stuff was true hallucinogenic material, dummy dust, whack,tic. etc. I was 12 and didn't have a clue it was pCp they pawned off on me and told me it was pot in pill form. I tried some and of Course I liked it, at the time, we all like the effects. But State of Florida didn't take kindly to it. Options,,,,,, they offered two, take a chance being trialed as a adult, or hop on a plane and don't look back for a long time.. WOW where did this convo go off to? Higher Power or Your Gods, I chose to think of my Mother being my mediator to my "higher Power'. I never knew her, She died back when I was 4. And I've lead a pretty crazy life and lifestyle. I'm a "Peckerwood' and I use to putt my scooter down in the 'Deep East Oaktown back in 85'. As a White Boy in Tony Lama Boots and a Stetson Hat, I had a target on my back most places. Crack had tore up everyone in that town. 2 sometimes 3 shooting in a night. But between the gunshot wounds, I had 3 gunshots that should've killed me alone. Cops did that, but that's a long story, and then afew stab wounds from bar fights, and acouple real BAD motorcycle wrecks.
I should've be here. I know I should've been dead at least 10 times in my life. But yet I'm still here. And I know that that is my Mother looking over my shoulder. That's how I say my prayers. But I got a feeling all the prayers in the world are all going straight to the same errrr? Entity? Keepem Green
Wood, some of that sounds way too familiar. The choices we make.
I wrote down Rick Simpsons oil to check out later. The video you posted is great stuff and will watch completely. I have a feeling drinking oil is next for me.
On a lighter note...... i learned the magnifier on my phone!! Check this out.....
Woody brother I am so sorry I must have missed a post some place ??
I had an idea you had a bad gut like myself ,, but the swelling I saw you mention ,, Well get you some turmeric from a local store in health shops they call it Cur cumin I have to use it for an ongoing deep sinus infection,, put some in a cup of water an drink this morning and night :) I also have a thing about Dr,s most seem to just help symptoms an not treat the cause :volcano-smiley:
And also get you some good Organic Cider Vinegar (with mother) mix a spoon of honey with a couple of spoons of cider vinegar this is just a brilliant all round tonic ,, it will clean the receptors also before a dose of RSO ,,you be taking care it gets my attention will try to be more your way focused :) Not cause I have much to offer Just cause I love your skill support with others like me:) And just keep sharing them stories mate we would so have fun Beer drinkers an Hell raisers
well at times nowadays :) Check out Turmeric powder 10 Turmeric Benefits: Superior to Medications? - Dr. Axe
This was just a random place I googled but didnt look at :thumb:Get on the infection with this an you may just have a faster recovery
So a slightly saddened Jaga and Miss P sending my love to you an MissJ
Hope the 7th brings non bad news brother ....Me and Becky's thoughts and prayers are with you and miss J in all these hard times we call life :passitleft:
Wanna know a funny thing? I was raised a roman catholic too... bunch of bullshit

Like you do with your Mom I say my thanks to my sister and father in law ( both passed) who I believe look directly over me like your mom

I know they are here and as you said part of the BIG picture.

Man I gotta do a dab


Dab to ya NC
Hey thanks Slim. Haven't heard from you in awhile. I'll give ya a call in afew days and have a chat. Thanks my Friend. It will all work out for the good.
Well you know Buckshot, my Grandparents raised me for awhile. And they were old School Roman Catholic. All the Midnight Masses, everything you could do,, they took part in and drug me and my sisters along for the ride. Kind of jades ya abit. But I did the Catholic School for up to like the third grade. I don't see anything wrong with that road, if it turns your crank. It did a pretty good job of installing some good morales in a kid. My family had their eye on me about becoming a priest. Now that's funny. I mean I ran with some 'bad' people, and some were really bad, but I've never did anything myself, that hurt or stole from a private person. Besides afew bar fights and maybe a insurance company on a estimate, things like that, I don't see as wrong. Kept most of the commandments anyways.
But I didn't get the girls out the do the redecorating, so no new pics for a minute. But I looked on the carmera and had a decent pic of a problematic plant. This is that one that it's taproot curled around into itself. You can see the kink in the pipeline. It did grow,,, if you call it that. I planted it the same time as any of these in here, and this pic is afew days old;

She's still in veg and only 14" tall. The ad sounds great, but don't they all? I'm just keeping her alive till my next flip and I'll grow one out atleast. Delhi Friend;

Well Thanks all for stopping in and TC and Keepem Green
I was looking at that picture. You can see I dug it up alittle to expose the kink. But you can see afew fine roots starting were it touched the soil. I guess someone could bury it a half a inch above the first branch line and later cut that branch for a clone? Sounds funny but was just looking interesting. Turn your pot plant into a tuber,,, like a strawberries or a spider plants reproduce. Keepem Green
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