Paneer - Indoor - Soil - LED - UGORG#1 - Grow - First Timer!

That shouldnt be too hot. My veg cabinet stays right around 28c +-2°. I try not to let them stay above 30 for an extended period with 32 being the MAX I personally use. These temps are lights on( I keep veg on 24hrs) if you use 18/6 try not to have a big difference in the lowest and highest temps in a 24hr cycle
Managed to take some better pics





Temps were around 22C when i got home but i now have the heater on medium coming on 15 mins every hour until lights off, from where on it will be constantly on until lights on. A good water made a considerable difference but I am reluctant to water again in case i over do it.

I am looking to change my lights on schedule to the night to help temps and not require the use of a heater, but don't want to disrupt the cycle of the plant. When do you think the best time to do this would be?

Just a quick update as there has been a good amount of growth and new leaves developing/forming. I thought i saw pistils at one stage but checking again after 12 hours it seems to be offshoot/stems?

This was around 4 days ago


This was today. The stink has arrived as even moving the plant sets off that magical aroma. Dank and I'm still in early veg!



And one of my radiator set up - works really well and keeps temps consistent. Credit to this forum for this idea :thumb:


All comments welcome. The stems do not seem long enough to be able to LST. Any suggestions or ideas?

At least all you broke off was a leaf. When lst'ing you can pull a little and tie it down, then the next day pull a little more and so on, that way you dont break it trying to pull all at 1 time. And you should be safe switching to 24 hr whenever
yea a little at a time pull the whole thing over slowly and the other branches can start reaching up then you have more to slowly pull down
Thanks sillymoose and chronic. The stems still do not seem long enough to LST. Shall I try to have a go with what I have?

Right that's settled will be going straight to 24/0 when I get home. No dark cycle from today!

Also I was contemplating getting the nutrients. I was thinking bio bizz (grow+bloom) or plant magic old timer (grow+bloom) and plant magic cal/mage.

Tempted to go plant magic route as I have them in PM supreme soil at the moment.
I didn't get a chance to check on the plant for alf a day or so and noticed signs of underwatering - soil was completely dry. I quickly gave it a good water and left it coincidentally right at lights off. I was worried that this wouldn't revive the plants due to no light. Checked this morning and they had perked up very nicely. I think it has overgrown its current pot so repotted today (4th week in veg). Cam still needs charging so i took a few quick pics on my phone

Last night wilted


This morning before a repot



The roots looked to be healthy. Would this be considered a good time to repot?


Had a go at some LST at this stage but can't get much pull off the stems yet. I will get some pics later once the cam is charged.

Looks good. Unsure of what to say about repot. I know I need to repot the solo cups but they have kept growing up to this point. If you can pull back the leaves and take a picture of the stalk. You should be able to LST at this point, but would wait till you repot if you are considering this soon.

Today is day 42 from seed and managed to take some pictures under natural light


Top vertical growth where I cut the vertical stem - still growing



The main stem and lower branch that i cut a leaf off


appears to be new growth on the stem every time i look



tried to bend some leaves out of the way


Approaching 6th week in veg now and cannot help but think the plant is too short and bushy. Granted these are Indica traits, but comparing to other LED soil grows, my plant should be alot bigger at 6 weeks veg. Any comments or advice welcome.

I have yet to start on nutrient feed. Waiting for payday next week and i will get some oldtimers Bloom&flower with some PM CalMag.

when you take leaves take them as close to the main stem as possible you can even just pinch it off if you have fingernails
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