Pbz's First Time!

Hi it's me. I'll reply just in case they're all busy with whatever it is earthlings do. Making more earthlings probably.
Are these rooted clones, or just cuttings, in what medium?
Hi it's me. I'll reply just in case they're all busy with whatever it is earthlings do. Making more earthlings probably.
Are these rooted clones, or just cuttings, in what medium?

They don't understand the commitment m'lord! Once you swear the oath and take "the black" you are above the reach of man's law,. For you have sacrificed EVERYTHING to protect the realm from the infamous weasels...

Good to know someone out there is listening.

My buddy gave me cuttings. They're in a small cup of water inside a couple grocery bags in my fridge waiting to be started. The guy that gave them to me is a friend but he is kind of sketchy in terms of personality. Good guy, but he fairs better w trees and animals than people, and grows in a different fashion than I'm going. Ergo, I couldn't get much useful info from him. He went on about feeding green, then feeding red, water seperately, master bloom, chrome powder, WHAT?! IDK but I'm glad he gave me those guava snappers for free! I want to start them in 3g pots on fox farm ocean forest. These grows are for me and my lady NOT for economic growth, and we're trying to leave toxic, poisonous artificial things out of our lives. SO, I wanna grow these puppies as naturally as possible short of outside behind the old garden shed lol.

These were taken a few days ago of the mystery plants ABBA/ZABBA

Today I transplanted (first time doing it, and the experience further pushes me to start in large pots ) ZABBA to a 1.5g pot w same dirt/perlite mix i ran in soda bottles. ABBA still lags behind in growth.
I think the will EXPLODE once those roots get a chance to stretch. Those CFLs look a bit yellow to me. Get ya a couple 6500k if possible. Keep on keeping on...

I had read 2700k was ideal color spectrum for both veg/flower and was running 12 of them. But at the advice of fellow members i cut it down to 3 2700k and added 3 3500k. Should I start running my other 6 2700ks yet?
Those little ones are quite stunted. I'm not sure why. Overwatering would be my first guess though. Is that possible?

Ive read you can over water but i dont think thats it. I'll go couple days w/out checking on them sometimes due to work over load. I think the roots havent been able to spread as Spitz said. I'll try to check in more often since I'm not running a self watering methid but I'll work on that. Definitely something opaque because the clear plastic lets algae grow.
i think the self watering is keeping them too wet. although a VERY cool idea im not quite sure it's made for this plant. you have plantly of cfls fr these plants yet they are stretching. . tiny amount of soil are you adding nutes to the water? nevermind the last comment i just saw you transplanted. im sure it will be shocked for awhile depending how much the roots ripped while removing from the 2 liter. i would have planted a little deeper to eliminate some of the stretch but im sure it will fill out

edit. i water my plants every 3 days in 3g pots. water till you get run off coming out of the bottom then wait a few day before you water again. try and get a feel of the weight of the pot once watered this will give you an idea on when to do it again ie. pot is very light hope all works out for you :thumb:
i think the self watering is keeping them too wet. although a VERY cool idea im not quite sure it's made for this plant. you have plantly of cfls fr these plants yet they are stretching. . tiny amount of soil are you adding nutes to the water? nevermind the last comment i just saw you transplanted. im sure it will be shocked for awhile depending how much the roots ripped while removing from the 2 liter. i would have planted a little deeper to eliminate some of the stretch but im sure it will fill out

edit. i water my plants every 3 days in 3g pots. water till you get run off coming out of the bottom then wait a few day before you water again. try and get a feel of the weight of the pot once watered this will give you an idea on when to do it again ie. pot is very light hope all works out for you :thumb:


I'm still learning and appreciate everyones help. Are nutes/additives absolutely necessary? As previously mentioned I'm trting to run as natural a grow as possible. I know that means smaller yields and weaker buds most likely but the peace of mind is worth it for me and my wife.

Ideally I'd love to have a nice pair of mothers, 1 Indica 1 Sativa. But like all things, you get bored/tired of the same nugs so let me not get ahead of mysel. I just wanna get some nugs growin lol.
Well i have to say ABBA was looking better today than yesterday. When i got to them yesterday the reservoirs were empty so filled her and transplanted ZABBA. Prob by tomorrow I'll have to water zabba again. ?Rule of thumb: water when soil edges start to seperate from pot?

At what point in growth should i push flower cycle and kick up bulbs?
Sureguy, when the soil separates from the pot I either 'manicure' it a bit and fill that gap with soil by running my fingers around the edge, and/or sprinkle a bit of water along the edge if pot moisture is very uneven. But I do not use it as a reference for watering. I always lift the pots for that. Yes there are lots of organic natural nutes. Derived from concentrating kelp and fish and such. Around these parts there is one kind called Green Gaia which I sometimes use in my greenhouse and am very happy with.
Coming along. You moved to 6 CFL to work out the temps (stay at or below 90F). As for color, 2700k is good for flowering and 6500k is good for vegetative growth. The red 2700 does have some use in vegetative growth but 6500 should be primary. Switch to 2700 at flower. Please don't "soak" those 3 gallon pots until your root zone can take it. Maybe a cup or so every day or 2 depending on your humidity. After they fill in the root zone, water completely to drain but only as needed. Good Luck! Keep working on those temps as you'll need those bulbs back in a couple weeks.
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