ph lock out? mag def? advice would be appreciated


New Member
People of 420 I'm aware this one is very difficult to diagnose... (at least for me) but after 24 hours of reading I'm more confused now than before I started and feel a fresh look on this might help...

So the set up is as follows super silver haze in week 7 of veg, (I know long veg time but once I get them healthy and about to switch something crops up, not an easy strain)

Water ph 8 but after nutes added I bring it down to 6.7-6.8
water left out for 24 hours before every watering
Soil grown, house and garden special batmix
using house and garden soil a&b nutes*
been using Magne-cal also
400W hps
18/6 lights on/off
Temps during day 26-28 deg cel, night time no lower than 18 deg cel

*I have recently read that I should not use soil a&b with medium that contains lime... The bat mix has lime in it. Though its been flushed now a couple of times.

So the problem is in 2 of the 4 plants I have in the tent and they are yellowing/lime greening of the leaves starting from the outside and working inwards. Seems to have started half way up the plant spreading to the newer growth. Old growth seems ok at this point. The colour doesn't seem drastic at this point but im hoping ive caught this early, its getting worse.

Affected leaves feel almost crispy and dry.

Affected leaves have long skinny elongated tips which are pale in colour, some are twisting.

I flushed last night and the final 5 litres I added a half mix of nutes as at the time I thought it was nitrogen def. Now im not so sure, if it was nitrogen it would be the bottom leaves affected right?

My latest thought is manganese but ive been supplementing with magne-cal. as I say the more I read the more im confusing myself, here are the pics,

Help save my mental health at the same time...






Yeh dude, at least I think so. I'm using air pots so within 2 days they are dried out. I poke my finger in knuckle deep and it barely moist. I do wonder how dry to leave it get mind you...
Not measuring ec. Just the ph and following the guidelines of soil a&b. However I was feeding them every other watering which I was recently advised against. house and garden say to give for example 17ml in week 7. I took that as each feed, now im led to believe they mean each week. So now I'm feeding 3 times per week with 5-6ml per feed.

As you can probably tell im new to this game... Wishing I got a more forgiving seed to start lol
Most nutes lables are for veggies that can tolerate much more ferts I use technaflora 3 ml of boost and 3 mls of bloom in one gallon of water put my e.c at about 1.8 hope that gives you some more insight on how much to use I hear nothing but good thins about house and garden so good luck and happy growing
OK further research and a bit of common sense tells me this...

The soil im using has Calcium in it...
The Nutes have Calcium in it...

Plant shows mag deficiency, I was given Magne-cal.... Yes with Calcium in it!!!

So plant is over loaded with Calcium which is locking out the Magnesium, turning my girls a lovely shade of yellowey lime green, "SHIT I have a magnesium deficiency... Give her some more Magne-CAL. Yes more calcium to lock out any magnesium.

Im on my way to get some Epsom salts to give her a foliar feed, apparently this will cure them sharpish.

Moral of my story... Don't always believe some cashier when he diagnoses your issue from a few iphone pics. Do your homework. I.e spend your weekend reading these posts and you'll figure it out sooner or later.

Maybe... Just Maybe
One thing I have always used with all my soil grows is Age Old Kelp. It does a great job on cleaning out my plants to take in nutes.
Cheers dude first ive heard of that. Will definitely take a look. Still having troubles, the leaves don't seem to be getting worse but are not looking much better. The plant looks in a bit of trouble, cant seem to put my finger on it. did the grow turn out? That's a nice looking Sativa, I hope she lived. I currently have a very similar problem as you had - leaves turning yellow starting at the tips, tips curled up, and brown spots. I don't know if it's a Mg or a K deficiency or if those nutrients are locked out.
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