Planting in Nova Scotia

Hello guys and gals,,just looking for different ways people in Nova Scotia grew their crops,,any special little things that you do,,time to plant,,time to harvest,,lets swap ideas

Welcome to :420: BigBrat. You joined the right community for a wealth of knowledge on this wonderful plant. Head on over to, Grow Journals and join a couple grow journals. Best of the Best farmers in the world will be happy to share their secrets. Good luck and be active.
Welcome aboard bigbrat, this is a great place to share and discuss cannabis growing and general information relating to cannabis culture. You could check out the Canadian forum section I just took a peak and there's quite a few Eastern Canadians there, they'll be glad to know you I'm sure. Cheers eh!
Hello guys and gals,,just looking for different ways people in Nova Scotia grew their crops,,any special little things that you do,,time to plant,,time to harvest,,lets swap ideas

Welcome ya bigbrat! I guess you're doing an outdoor grow then, otherwise it wouldn't really matter what province you're in. :)

After I finish stating the obvious, you can ignore me.
Hello guys and gals,,just looking for different ways people in Nova Scotia grew their crops,,any special little things that you do,,time to plant,,time to harvest,,lets swap ideas
Hi, I decided to grow outdoors this year. The last time, I got plagued with PM and I swore never again lol. I am totally organic when I grow. I bought the "Dessert" mix of seeds from NSLC and started them on April 13th, indoors under a grow light. Once the true leaves show, I water them with a bit of Neptune's Harvest Tomato & Veg 2-4-2 (it's fish based and what I had on hand). It worked beautifully and my plants thrived. They eventually got planted in 20 gal cloth pots, using Gaia Green fertilizers and a 420 potting mix from Shur-Gain. I do a lot of research, and tried various training techniques. The one thing that I think is important is to defoliate, several times during the cycle. This includes lollipopping. We really took a hit this year with rain. All that wetness, I ended up with a fungus gnat infestation which I finally got under control, but was stressful to the girls because the soil had to completely dry out. Yellow sticky traps are a must. I buy the large sheets on Amazon. When hurricane Lee was approaching, we moved them into the garage with 3 grow lights, two fans and 2 dehumidifiers to weather out the storm. Bud rot and mold are always my fear, and they're loving it in there, so that's where they will stay.










Hi, I decided to grow outdoors this year. The last time, I got plagued with PM and I swore never again lol. I am totally organic when I grow. I bought the "Dessert" mix of seeds from NSLC and started them on April 13th, indoors under a grow light. Once the true leaves show, I water them with a bit of Neptune's Harvest Tomato & Veg 2-4-2 (it's fish based and what I had on hand). It worked beautifully and my plants thrived. They eventually got planted in 20 gal cloth pots, using Gaia Green fertilizers and a 420 potting mix from Shur-Gain. I do a lot of research, and tried various training techniques. The one thing that I think is important is to defoliate, several times during the cycle. This includes lollipopping. We really took a hit this year with rain. All that wetness, I ended up with a fungus gnat infestation which I finally got under control, but was stressful to the girls because the soil had to completely dry out. Yellow sticky traps are a must. I buy the large sheets on Amazon. When hurricane Lee was approaching, we moved them into the garage with 3 grow lights, two fans and 2 dehumidifiers to weather out the storm. Bud rot and mold are always my fear, and they're loving it in there, so that's where they will stay.










Beautiful Garden my friend.
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Anything I can help with let me know.
BTW this thread is from 2016 and you may not get a response. :Namaste:
Top left corner has the date.
Take care.

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Bill284 😎
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