Police Encounter Protocol


New Member
Ok, a fellow med pot buddy and I were discussing possible encounters with the cops. Lets say you are pulled over by a cop, and you have weed on you, or in the car, but you arent high. If the cop, for whatever reason, asks if you ahve any drugs or alcohol on you, what do you answer? If you say yes, then your fucked, even though you are protected by thge state (some cops are either dumb, mean, or under orders, to arrest or confiscate pot regardless of medical status).
On the other hand, if you say NO, and for whatever reason the cop decides to search you or your vehicle, then you are caught lying to the cops. My question is, what would you fellow med pot patients do?
Personaly, I see no other option than to say I have medical marijuana in the car. What would you all do?
Thepurplem0nkey said:
If you say yes, then your fucked, even though you are protected by thge state (some cops are either dumb, mean, or under orders, to arrest or confiscate pot regardless of medical status).
never heard of this happening in oregon?

My question is, what would you fellow med pot patients do?
Personaly, I see no other option than to say I have medical marijuana in the car. What would you all do?

I seldom carry weed on me even tho I'm allowed 1 oz on my person at all times....but if a cop did pull me over he wouldnt be search'n my car with a warrent :kjhkhkl:
MMJUser, I live in California, and while our laws are a bit more liberal, Oregon's program is much more stable. Hell, its run by your state, you can register with your state, and your state approves med pot patients. IN california, every COUNTY'S health department is supposed to issue out cards to qualified patients to show police , but only a few so far have (Such as San Francisco, Humboldt County, Oakland, etc). The police, especialy the more south you go, aren't especially supportive of med pot, and its not uncommon for a med pot patient to lose his/her stash by confiscation (Also, keep in mind, the police get millions of dollars for their drug task units and officers...taking pot away from them as an offense is threatning these programs and the cash flow they bring).
As for the warrant, the police no longer need a warrant to search your vehicle OR your house for that matter, thanks to the patriot act. Now, all a cop needs is "reasonable suspision", which for all intents and purpose, could be you farting in front of the officer or a nose twitch.
PLUS, in California, you can have up to 8 ounces of a time on you, not just 1 :)
I am looking for a response for what other med pot users would say to the cops. I am usualy carrying some weed in my car, for when I arrive at my destination, I can medicate myself. What would anyone selse in this situation say to a cop, if asked if they have any drugs in the car, knowing the cops, if he smells pot (reasonable suspision), may search your vehicle. I dont want to lie, but I dont want to give the cop any excuse to hasstle me or take my weed away either. Also, I am a privacy advocate, and wouold rather not give ANY information to the police (Such as my med pot status) if I dont have to.
wow it is alot different in cali, but non the less i would NOT tell a cop yes i have my MMJ card and some stash....

sounds like if you do tell him he's gonna take it anyways?

i gotta read up on 215

if a had some stash on me and got pulled over it would be like this

cop: MMJ_USER do you have any drugs in your car

MMJ user, right on, thanks for your comments. Im STILl not certain as to what I would say. Again, if the cop smells the weed and already knows, and asks me and I say "no", thens earches my car and finds it, cant I get into trouble for that? YIKES! I hope neither of us are EVER in this situation, but ALL feedback is encouraged to help us figure out the correct proceedure :)
Well, while that web page has some awesome information (Erowid is the first stop I used to go to when experimenting with new stuff back in my "psychadelic days"), uit doesnt specificly adress people who are legaly allowed ot have marijuana.
I just talked with my mom about it, and she put itinto perspective. She said that I wouldnt tell a cop if I had pain killers or perscription tylonal or anything, so I shouldnt have to say I have weed in the car. And if the co finds it, ill just say, "I thought you meant illegal drugs", and THEN explain my status as a med pot patient :)
Ok, I just asked my father (who is an attourney) what I should do. He said, right off the bat, I should admit to the officer that I am a medical marijuana patient if he ass if ther eis contarband in the car (and there is). He said, "If you had an unloaded gun in the car, you'd tell the cop that you had it. Same with this. If you deny it, and they find out later, then it looks like you were hiding something. But if you are legaly allowed to poses it, then you should be able to admit right off the bat that you ahve it in your car".
My father did point out that there is still aloohole for cops to fuck with med pot patients who are driving. First, they can demand a urine test or blood test, and Pot stays in your system for a long time. Of course, it could be fought in coirt that pot stays in your system for months at a time (in some cases), but still, it COULD happen nd be a hastle in your life. Secondly, m father pointed out that while it's legal for me to posess and grow marijuana, theres no law protecting people ffrom driving with it.
Keep in mind my father was EXTREMELY against my med pot status (only recently has he begun to sot being a complete dick about it and accept my status), so this is NOT his area of expertise.
I personaly dont think it would be a problem to fight in court if you were pulled over for a standard traffic violation and NOT for reckless driving, since it can be easily argued and scientifly proven that Marijuana stays in your system for up to 2 months wityhout causing any of the euphoria or effects of the drug. BUt it would be a fucking hasstle.
So, my NEW POSITION for talking to the police. If I am asked if there are any narcotics or contraband in the car, I will explain that there is MEDICAL MARIJUANA in the car, and that I am a medical marijuana patient (and I, of course, always have my doctors note and my medical card on me). But I will NEVER admit to having smoked marijuana within 24 hours, as that might cause problems. But bottom line, if its LEGAL IN YOUR STATE< then you shouldnt have to hide your medicine from police.
if a cop does pull you over you say that you are a med user even if he doesn't ask and not be high because its illegal to drive under the influence. they just get the card call in the number and check if its legit than they let you go.
Heh. My father came up to me tonight and told me that he asked his cop frien what to do. THis is a bit scarry, but the first thing his cop friend said was "What? Marijuana isn't legal!". MY dad had to explain to the cop that it was. Isnt that fucking sad? THe police dont even know the fucking laws. This pisses me off.
how could they not know? that is scarry indeed so much different up here in oregon....

hey monkey you got a good 215 link handy? i need to know more on whats going on down there in cali. sounds pretty messed up to me.....i mean like shouldnt the cops be trained by now on how to deal with card holders? they are here and dont hassle us if we stay legal....

bong break

another i notice the feds hassle everyone alot in cali. (the clubs) mostly....but here since we cant sell are herb the feds dont mess with us?

I'm kinda glad measure 33 got shot down just becouse of that....we still have no clubs and cant sell.....but we sure can give it away to fellow card holders.... what a goverment huh? makes me want to puke

wow that was a good bong hit guess i better stop ramble'n

MMJ_User, the clubs down here do get raided on occasion, especially down in LA. But in San Francisco, there were well over 30 clubs that I knew about, which is amazing. SUre, it sucks that they get raided, but they offer some high qualit ymerchandice that would be a pain in the ass for me to make (such as high quality hash oil and hash in general). Plus, I can go down there and pick uo a clone for 10 bucks :)
As for prop 215, here in California, that was voted into law in 1996. In 2003, SB420 was also voted into law, which gave furhter clarification on Prop 215.

Here is a link to prop 215'a text: https://www.potdocs.com/215.htm
Here is a link to SB420's text: https://www.potdocs.com/bill_sb_420.htm

Also, one of the first medical marijuana boards I joined was an Oregon based board. I dunno if you've been there yet, but I found the people to be extremely friendly, and (no offense to this board, you know i love 420times!!!) tended to be a bit older than the posters here. They have meetings and get togethers, and were extremely informative and helpful to me. Hell, I met a glass artist on there who custom made me a fott tall glass bong (its a beauty) and mailed it to me, for 80 bucks!!! Here's their web page, if you are interested: https://www.oregongreenfree.com

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