Proper ratio of Fox Farms dirt / Perlite?


New Member
I'm going to be starting a grow this weekend, and I'm buying the supplies tomorrow. I'm going with Fox Farms for the dirt and all the nutrients.

One thing I've read is about mixing Perlite with the dirt. For improved water drainage, I think.

What's the best ratio of dirt to perlite? I read somewhere that the Perlite should be 25% of the mix, or 3 parts dirt to 1 part Perlite, but I'd like to get some confirmation on that before I start mixing it up.
Good stuff man. Perlite also helps by allowing more oxygen to reach the roots.

Honestly I don't think it's going to matter whether you mix 1/4 perlite or 1/3. The more perlite you mix in the sooner your plant will run out of nutrients and you'll have to begin adding nutes during watering.

One time I mixed too much perlite and while the mix drained well and had plenty of air, I ran into nute deficiency problems very early on.

Why not mix up a test pot with 10 or 15 percent perlite just to see how well it drains.

All the best :grinjoint:
as a ffof user, you might want to consider the addition of some dolomite lime to your soil mix. helps to stabilize soil ph. i use 2 cups to one bag of ffof. :smokin:
+1 on the dolomite lime.

I use at least 1/3 perlite in my mixes, perhaps more.

It's a lot easier to add water or nutes to a very well drained mix than it is trying to get a soggy mix to dry out.

I also buy my perlite in the 4cf bags, those smaller bags are killer in price. 4cf cost about $16 here at the garden supply place.

I usually mix in about a 10-15% perlite and don't forget a little worm casings too :)
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