Quick question! Help please


New Member
Okay... today, I had surgery. I had a hydrocele, and basically one of my "balls" was swollen and they had to cut my scrotum and drain the fluid shit... yeah and now theres stiches on my right nut... It doesnt really hurt surprisingly and Ive only taken one Motrin since the surgery... Do you think it would be fine for me to smoke a J tonight? Thanks for the help.
That's hard to say only because we don't know what drugs they gave you while at the hospital. I really wouldn't feel comfortable telling you smoke. I think you should use your own discretion. Oh... and I hope your scrotum feels better. ;-) That musta really sucked.
Shit man, I'm sorry you're having to go through that, especially on such a delicate area. You would probably be ok, but I agree with Ms.Fox, I think you should try to find out what other meds you were given at the hospital before you smoke, if possible. You never know what reaction THC could have with other meds, since unfortunately our government doesn't allow much, if any testing in this area.

Hope you feel better man! :peace:
Like they said, I would hold off until you know what they gave you, or a few days have passed and whatever they did give is out of your system.

Also, if you did smoke and you said you had stitches... coughing my hurt because of that... that would worry me more than the drugs.

Last time I had to be put under, that day I didn't smoke because I was still feeling weird from the gas, but the next day I smoked and felt fine. Much better than when I tried the painkillers they gave me.
Thanks yall for the help... I found out that they didnt give me any other meds, except for an IV and the anesthesia, but thats it... and I did smoke a J last night and nothing went wrong, I didnt really notice any difference in pain or anything. Haha and yeah luckily I didnt cough or that would proly hurt :ganjamon:

Thanks again
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