Roc's Auto Kush & Auto Bubblegum +Pro CoCo Grow

Gonna do a quick update for the 8 week from seed... They have been flowering for about 2 weeks and they really went thrust a stretch the Seedsman auto kush have reached taller then 60 cm with is the recommended height for kush... The topped And lstd one is only 13 inches but got the buds to show for the height.. I also switched to beastie bloomz for the bulk up.. The victory seeds auto bubblegum + pro will also exceed the 60 day from seed which is fine... It will have 75 days I think maybe less... Hopefully they just start bulking up like crazy... Kush is a 70 to 75 day straight and it might be on the mark :)

Here's some pics....

Victory Seeds Auto Bubblegum + pro


Seedsman Auto Kush #1


Auto Kush 2 and 3 - not topped or anything just normal lets it go :) 30 inches when this was taking now over 33 inches


Baby buds starting to blow up fast... Hopefully they go a little faster now


Kush #1 and bubblegum


My first ever attempt at hydro... Its going pretty good only hiccup was in the beginning when I had a see thru container and algae was growing in it... :( now everything is fine...


My project light almost done just needs a internal fan for cooling... Had to upgrade it so they wouldn't get to hot... Im definitely going to do a bigger one with the cxb3590s. So much power in those little cree's

Its that time for a update again... Its now on 9 weeks...

The auto bubblegum + pro surpassed its 60 day seed to germ and I still think it has a week if not 2... The kushes might be right on with 70 to 80 days... They are getting fed with the fox farm trio with the full line of boosters... Open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching..currently they are on cha ching for the final weeks.

Still running 20/4 for lights and oh at 5.9 to 6.0... 1320 ppm and going strong... I might raise ppm to 1450and stay there... But for the most part everything is going smooth... These autos are impressing me everyday... I was very unsure how I was going to like them but I do... Anyways enjoy the pics :)

Happy 420!
Hey guys just wanted to give a brief update for day 77.... 11 weeks... We are almost there... Also I have started some peyote cookie :) I cant wait man... Anyway...

Seedsman Auto Kush #1 and Victory Seeds Auto Bubblegume + Pro are at day 77 and Kush 2 and 3 are ok n 70 or 71 i cant remember :/ they are only a few days behind... They have both just plumped right now in the last past week or so... I did change the nutrients additive back to beasties blooms for 2 feedings and then 2 of cha ching to finish it of... I started to do that on my last grow and it seemed to help plump them up a little with the high p & k.. Im going to start cutting back on the like by a hour each night when it comes time to start flushing. To give it a little help on trichome building.. Anyway hope you like... They have showed some real growth last week . . .

Auto Kush #3


Auto Kush #2


Bud shots under light .


Kush #2 & #3


Auto Kush #1 on right and Auto Bubblegum + Pro on left showing good fattening skills


Better picture of them!!!!


Baby Auto Kush


My first ever attempt at hydro... Going pretty good... Another auto kush.. And she doesn't seem to want to start flowering either... She just started to show sex so I hope she will start flowering soon... Her roots are running out of space


Anyway I hope to be show ok my more Reich picscoming soon of they ever switch over lol... Itdont matter to me as long as they keep fattening up... .
Hey days 84 and Auto kush 1 got the chop today... She was in darkness for 48 hours for that last little boost and here she is... Finally weight and all that in a few days kush 2 will be the next... Bubblegum and kush 3 need a little more ripening :)

Auto Kush #1

any chance you'd be willing to give a wet and dried weight for the Bubblegum? looking for specs on the strain for future endevours.
Of course... I usually do it for all my plants to see how much water they retain.. Im actually getting them lab tested also so I will make sure u see that also :)
Oh man does this Victory Seeds bubblegum smell so sweet!!! It actually smells like bubblelicious gum; :) this strain said it's a 60 day seed to finish... It took mine alot longer 88 days but well worth it... All nice dense buds... I wouldn't change anything I did to her.. I did water to much in the begfinning which I think if it wasn't for that she would be alot bigger and the lst I did to her she loved it... And will continue to do that to her..I have 2 more seeds of bubblegum and can't waittogrow them... Very good plant to grow !!!!

Seed to finish - 88 days

Lst - low stressed trained with bent over after 3rd node gave me nice dense colas all over

Wet Weight - 16.6 oz

Dry Weight - ???? Still drying with update as soon as she is done

Here she is!!!!!!!!

how long do those fabric pots last for ? do they leak a lot of water when feeding ? would you recommend them cause lots of people use 5 gallon plastic jugs but those look like they allow the roots to get a little wide allowing the plant to span out a little fuller.
how long do those fabric pots last for ? do they leak a lot of water when feeding ? would you recommend them cause lots of people use 5 gallon plastic jugs but those look like they allow the roots to get a little wide allowing the plant to span out a little fuller.
Yeah I won't go back to the plastic containers... Ever since I started using the fabric pots with coco coir my plants seem to grow faster and healthier... Fabric pots allow aeration to the roots kinda like hydroponics.. More feedings is the downfall... And if you water to offend they can get root rot... So it takes a little adjusting to get use to but when you do they reward :)
Hey guys need some help... I have this Seedsman Auto Kush that don't want to flower... She has been going for 40 plus days... If not 50... :/ she is showing female hairs and that's it she just keeps growing and growing... Will she end up budding or can I switch her to 12/12?
if she's showing sex she's in flower maybe she's stalled, have you switched to flower nutrients to maybe give her what she needs to transition into flowering faster, maybe she's lacking something that is keeping her from transitioning?
if she's showing sex she's in flower maybe she's stalled, have you switched to flower nutrients to maybe give her what she needs to transition into flowering faster, maybe she's lacking something that is keeping her from transitioning?
I did switch to flower nutrients I started a week ago with fox farm open sesame.. Its just weird it wont flower my other 4 auto kushes had now problem... This is my first ever hydro
So far I've had the best with 24 the first 2 weeks and then 20 4.... When it transitioning from veg to flower I lower to 18 6 for a week and then back to 20 4
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