root rippin


New Member

i have 3 plants in large pots in the ground.
i had to move them today because they were getting to big.
as i was lifting the pot of one of the plants i heard a tearing like sound and was horrified to discover that some roots had grown out of the pot and into the ground and i had just ripped them. there wasnt a whole lot of roots maybe a hand full and it was only coming out of one side of the pot.

my question is will this effect my plant or give it shock?

i have given it an extremely good watering and cleared the area around the stem base of leaves and cluster.

any help and advice is much appreciated.
thanks for the advice dudes, here are some pics of the roots. if roots are growing through the pot does that mean that i should put it in the ground? and if it does get stressed what can i do to help it?
I use black acrylic felt, cut it into squares and then put it over the holes from the inside of the pot, they make perfect little barriers for those holes. Yea you didn't rip many roots, should be fine after a few days, maybe a week.
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