RUNOFF PH 5.9 PPM 2700


Well-Known Member
Today I dumped my ladies in pH water 6.5 and measured the runoff for the pH and PPM. My run PH was 5.9 and PPM 2700. I’m guessing I should feed nutrients until the PPM drops below 900 PPM while also bring my runoff PH to around 6.5 correct? My plants are in the 3rd week of flowering


Today I dumped my ladies in pH water 6.5 and measured the runoff for the pH and PPM. My run PH was 5.9 and PPM 2700. I’m guessing I should feed nutrients until the PPM drops below 900 PPM while also bring my runoff PH to around 6.5 correct? My plants are in the 3rd week of flowering


Your girls look fantastic, nice and healthy. :thumb:
Screwing around with their nutrients trying to get run off to your liking won't improve their health.
Infact the opposite usually happens. :Namaste:
I concentrate on what's going in not what's washing out.
Nothing wrong with high ppms in runoff and pH wasn't bad.
I'd keep feeding what ever you were feeding because it's working well for you.
A compost tea to improve microbes might be helpful but otherwise stay the corse.
Your garden is terrific, keep up the good work.
And don't chase your tail.
Happy growing my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Your girls look fantastic, nice and healthy. :thumb:
Screwing around with their nutrients trying to get run off to your liking won't improve their health.
Infact the opposite usually happens. :Namaste:
I concentrate on what's going in not what's washing out.
Nothing wrong with high ppms in runoff and pH wasn't bad.
I'd keep feeding what ever you were feeding because it's working well for you.
A compost tea to improve microbes might be helpful but otherwise stay the corse.
Your garden is terrific, keep up the good work.
And don't chase your tail.
Happy growing my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I was under the impression that my PPM for runoff needed to be no higher then 1200 PPM tops. I did the dunk today because I was getting run off out the sides of the fabric pot instead of out the bottom so I figured I might be hydrophobic and wanted to be sure the whole medium got water/moisten and also to see what was going on in my soil as far as PH/PPM. The very tips of my leaves have been yellowed and some of the bottom older leaves completely turned yellow and even shriveled up so I figured I was a bit high in nutrients.

Here’s pictures of the older leaves but if you zoom in the higher leaves tips all have a small bit of yellowing on the tips


Is ti true soil?
Is that an auto feeder in the last pic?
Lowers are fine.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The very tips of my leaves have been yellowed and some of the bottom older leaves completely turned yellow and even shriveled up so I figured I was a bit high in nutrients.
Or completely the other way. The yellowing could be a sign that the plants are not getting enough of any one particular macro or micro nutrient.

What fertilizer are you using, the dosage and the schedule when used?

Is ti true soil?
Yes, this.

What are the roots growing in?
Or completely the other way. The yellowing could be a sign that the plants are not getting enough of any one particular macro or micro nutrient.

What fertilizer are you using, the dosage and the schedule when used?

Yes, this.

What are the roots growing in?
Fox farms happy but I’m 45 days in been feeding big bloom 10 ML and tiger bloom 5 ML with 3 Ml of CALMAG and 5 ml recharge
Is ti true soil?
Is that an auto feeder in the last pic?
Lowers are fine.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It’s fox farm happy frog soil but I’m guessing by now the nutrients in the soil should be depleted but I have been feeding a little over a 1/4 dose of big bloom and tiger bloom ( BB 10Ml & TB 5 ML ) feeding CALMAG every feeding and alternating stash blend and recharge every feeding.
It’s fox farm happy frog soil but I’m guessing by now the nutrients in the soil should be depleted but I have been feeding a little over a 1/4 dose of big bloom and tiger bloom ( BB 10Ml & TB 5 ML ) feeding CALMAG every feeding and alternating stash blend and recharge every feeding.
I try not to thin out my nutrients.
Especially in flower. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I try not to thin out my nutrients.
Especially in flower. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Well I don’t wanna thin them out but I would like them to be where they need to be and 2700 PPM is way over the 900-1100 that’s recommended for flower. So do you think skipping the next feed will be a bad thing being the last reading was 2700 PPM for the runoff or just feed as normal?
Well I don’t wanna thin them out but I would like them to be where they need to be and 2700 PPM is way over the 900-1100 that’s recommended for flower. So do you think skipping the next feed will be a bad thing being the last reading was 2700 PPM for the runoff or just feed as normal?
The plants eat what they need.
The rest is left in the soil.
When you feed again it washes that debris out of the soil.
It will give your feed water a high ppm coming out of the bottom.
That is by design, to remove old salts and debris from the root zone.
Preventing a lock out.
Feed full strength nutrients every other feeding to run off.
That means for instance say on Monday feed full strength nutrients, then dry for a couple days.
After it drys give plain water to run off.
Dry again then feed full strength nutrients.
Dry then water.
So feed/ water/feed / water/ feed/ water ...etc...
Always to run off at 6.3 ph.
That's the recommended method of feeding in soil.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The plants eat what they need.
The rest is left in the soil.
When you feed again it washes that debris out of the soil.
It will give your feed water a high ppm coming out of the bottom.
That is by design, to remove old salts and debris from the root zone.
Preventing a lock out.
Feed full strength nutrients every other feeding to run off.
That means for instance say on Monday feed full strength nutrients, then dry for a couple days.
After it drys give plain water to run off.
Dry again then feed full strength nutrients.
Dry then water.
So feed/ water/feed / water/ feed/ water ...etc...
Always to run off at 6.3 ph.
That's the recommended method of feeding in soil.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ok so being I did the “DUNK/FLUSH” of straight distilled water last feeding your saying feed this time and don’t worry about the high runoff from previous just follow the nutrient/water/nutrient/water etc schedule?

Also every time I feed should it be to runoff? My last watering was the only time I did a runoff feed.

I’m in 5 gallon fabric in week 3-4 flowering and it seems like 1/2 gallon of water/feed only last in the pot for 2 days maybe 3 should I feed a gallon each feeding?



The plants are being grown in soil so about all that is needed is to keep the pH of the water going in at 6.3. Trying to get a pH from the water that runs through is going to get nowhere. In soil it is the micro-organisms that are running the show and the grower is along for the ride. The organisms will be constantly changing the pH for hours and where-ever it settles at is up to them.

Sometimes trying to grow in soil while following hydro methods can get frustrating and not really accomplish what a gardener wants.

The signs of a Nitrogen deficiency include leaves turning yellow starting at the bottom of the canopy and working up to the top. The older and larger fan leaves go first until the plant starts taking the Nitrogen from the smaller fan leaves on buds themselves.

The source of Nitrogen is the missing bottle of the classic Fox Farms trio. You have two of them and are missing the Grow Big. Boost the amounts of the other to to the levels printed on the bottle which should help some. Next grow pick up a bottle of the Grow Big.

The Big Bloom that you have is not a fertilizer since the NPK levels are all extremely low. Instead it is a source of micro-organisms which will help improve what is available from the soil that should be replenished once a week. It is similar to the Stash which also should be used once a week. Some growers consider the ReCharge to be like the Stash and the Big Bloom.

The link below is to the thread on how to water a potted plant. There is a difference between watering while they are in their vegetative stage and after they have started full flower. Look for the Addendum which was included to cover watering the plants after they have entered flowering. The thread does discuss the need for more water during flowering. Water until the excess just starts come out of the pot; no need to water to 10% run through.
The plants are being grown in soil so about all that is needed is to keep the pH of the water going in at 6.3. Trying to get a pH from the water that runs through is going to get nowhere. In soil it is the micro-organisms that are running the show and the grower is along for the ride. The organisms will be constantly changing the pH for hours and where-ever it settles at is up to them.

Sometimes trying to grow in soil while following hydro methods can get frustrating and not really accomplish what a gardener wants.

The signs of a Nitrogen deficiency include leaves turning yellow starting at the bottom of the canopy and working up to the top. The older and larger fan leaves go first until the plant starts taking the Nitrogen from the smaller fan leaves on buds themselves.

The source of Nitrogen is the missing bottle of the classic Fox Farms trio. You have two of them and are missing the Grow Big. Boost the amounts of the other to to the levels printed on the bottle which should help some. Next grow pick up a bottle of the Grow Big.

The Big Bloom that you have is not a fertilizer since the NPK levels are all extremely low. Instead it is a source of micro-organisms which will help improve what is available from the soil that should be replenished once a week. It is similar to the Stash which also should be used once a week. Some growers consider the ReCharge to be like the Stash and the Big Bloom.

The link below is to the thread on how to water a potted plant. There is a difference between watering while they are in their vegetative stage and after they have started full flower. Look for the Addendum which was included to cover watering the plants after they have entered flowering. The thread does discuss the need for more water during flowering. Water until the excess just starts come out of the pot; no need to water to 10% run through.
I do have grow big but stop using it now that I’m in week 3 of flowering and because my calmag has nitrogen in it and didn’t wanna cause a nutrient toxicity on N. I also wasn’t flushing/dunking for PH it was for PPM to see what has been going on in the soil. I believe because this is my first time I’ve watered to runoff that may be why the PPM was so high and thus I have decided to skip this feed and only water PH distilled water to runoff.
Ok so being I did the “DUNK/FLUSH” of straight distilled water last feeding your saying feed this time and don’t worry about the high runoff from previous just follow the nutrient/water/nutrient/water etc schedule?

Also every time I feed should it be to runoff? My last watering was the only time I did a runoff feed.

I’m in 5 gallon fabric in week 3-4 flowering and it seems like 1/2 gallon of water/feed only last in the pot for 2 days maybe 3 should I feed a gallon each feeding?



It doesn't need to pour out but you will benefit by getting a little moisture coming out the bottom.
In flower you don't require as long of a dry period.
Watch for a slight droop.
How far is your light? Watts?
You have lots of air circulation?
RH can be a issue.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My light is 16-18 inches from top canopy. I believe the wattage is 280. I have 4 fans and a in linefan with carbon exhaust. The VPD is between 1.0-1.3 average temps 75-82 and humidity 55-66 degrees
they look good. keep it up.

chasing runoff will get you going in circles. it's the inputs that matter. if you read the plant it will tell you more about what's going on than the runoff.
they look good. keep it up.

chasing runoff will get you going in circles. it's the inputs that matter. if you read the plant it will tell you more about what's going on than the runoff.
So just PH to 6.5 and measure PPM going in not out
So just PH to 6.5 and measure PPM going in not out
In soil mix your nutrients according to the manufacturer recommendations then set ph to 6.3.
No need to check ppms in soil.
Feed/water/feed/water. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
In soil mix your nutrients according to the manufacturer recommendations then set ph to 6.3.
No need to check ppms in soil.
Feed/water/feed/water. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you so much and one more question when in flower do I let the soil completely dry before watering or never let it dry completely just try to keep it moist not water
Thank you so much and one more question when in flower do I let the soil completely dry before watering or never let it dry completely just try to keep it moist not water
Any question you have is a good question no matter what.
We are here to help. :thumb:
You are correct in soil the dry cycle is shortened.
Still wait in between but don't let it dry out like you would in veg.
Watch your girls when you water.
Then pay attention to thier changes , as they dry you get a little droop before the soil dries.
Then water/feed and watch the change.
Good observations and notes will be beneficial on your next grows.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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