Seeds repeatedly refusing to germinate?


New Member
hya hope sum1 has an idea of what i mite b doin wrong?
i put 10 ak 48 beans in a cup of water-kept warm and dark
nothin at all came in 4 fukin days and i was careful 2 check regularly 2 avoid drownin
so ive ordered 10 hindu kush and does i seema better plan to use kitchen towel instead?
thanks alot:roorrip:
Try getting a heating mat from a grow shop and use the paper towel and plate method and make sure you keep the paper towels moist. Sometimes it takes longer for a seed to pop I ran into some that took almost 2 weeks and I used this method. It's possible those seeds my still be good?
I used the paper towel method and have a 90% sprouting rate. Moisten a towel and place the seeds in it. Fold the towel over once and put it in a ziplock baggy. Keep that baggy warm and out of direct sunlight.
If you have a problem, look to the seeds. Ive had seeds germinate that i thougth were dead or whatnot. I once had a seed left in the bag that i missed and grew 2 roots.... no JOKE they were like 3'' long. I was impressed for some bagseed. It was dead but it was trying soo hard to find food and water it still grew.
hya all just an update!i chucked them seeds in with my bay trees seedling in disgust really-any way i left em for about 3 days and nowt popped up-so i had a dig round in the compost wiv my tweezers and oh my fukin god!4 i found had roots-did i scream or what!i was so made up-neway theyre all goin strong
but 1 is 3 times the size of its friends(cnt sex em yet)does it mean nefin or is a male perhaps?
Plants all grow at their own speeds, so its common to have 1 plant larger than the other. As far as sex, I dunno what light schedule you have or are using, but sex doesn't usually show up until you start 12/12 flowering cycle. ;-)
Sex will bve found out later. there are several ways to find the sex of a plant. SWEET glad to hear your up and growing. Its no fun to be dead in the dirt.
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