Smoke much?

Hi everyone
hope your having a good day

just out of curiosity,
I am wondering how much you would smoke a day or a week if your not a daily toker

i smoke about 3g a day on a good day probably more
my tolerance is really high at the moment so im probably going to take a short break
although i do say that alot haha

3g per day? Wow, that's a lot of weed, more than 3 oz. per month! When I was in the corporate world, there were periods that I'd smoke a little over an ounce a month. Now that I grow for a living and am home all day, I curiously smoke less. Probably because I like my life more and don't feel the need to wipe the memory of a boring job out of my brain each day. I'd say I smoke about a half gram per day. I do have 5 strains, so I rotate to keep my tolerance to each on the low side. Plus, my shit is fucking strong, uber dank...
yea man too much haha,
i find i end up not getting much done except watching lots of tv haha,
im in college tho and i dont smoke then cos that would be way to difficult.
i suppose i would be sharing the 3g with my girlfriend so my intake would actually be less.

yes definitely swap strains i hate when you get to used to a certain type.
im growing 2 strains at the moment
before this i always had the same.
dont no why i didnt do this before
I smoke a lot. About 6 to 8 nice joints everyday, more on the weekends when I'm not working. I've never really weighed it but I would say I smoke about 3 zips a month. The amount I smoke is why I started growing, I just couldn't afford to buy it anymore.
I'm on the same level with stealth grow but maybe more, I think i clock in about 2 oz per month because i was picking up 2 oz every two weeks from my dealer and i would sell half of it to my buddies. I would smoke one every time i wake up then another one before going to work and then two more after and then another two before bed. On the weekends that would almost double, I'm like the real life version of that song by sublime - smoke 2 joints lol. People think im crazy but im in good health never get sick, workout and play sports, love to read and have intellectual conversations, live on my own and pay my own bills. Lately though I have had to curb my smoking down to 1 or 2 a day due to my work cutting down some of my hours so i can't afford to grab what i used to pick up. I actually like smoking less as it was a challenge for me but I can't wait for my harvest lol
When I was working I'd easily smoke an ounce or close to an ounce a week...of mids so of course it took more weed to get a buzz...down here we can get an oz of good mids(very green orange hairs but dry minimal sticks and seeds) for 40 bucks. The kush prices down here are crazy.. Which is why I opted to start growing my own. Check out my journals btw you guys I could definitely use some input!
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