Sometimes the munchies are a bitch.


New Member
Here's a family that's going to have a fun holiday season: in late July 2003, "Chad," a growing boy of 18, stopped by his sister's house. His sister's mother-in-law was there, and Chad asked if he could come on in and look for a pair of sunglasses he had left behind. Well, sure; into the house Chad went.

A couple of hours later, Chad's Sister, her husband and the aforementioned mother-in-law decide they'd like something to eat. The husband suggest pizza, which they have in their freezer. Or do they? An examination of the freezer shows it to be pie free. Well then the sister says "Lets have some teriyaki chicken instead, I knows that's in the freezer" Only its not; it too is missing. The family is reduced to settling for scraps of animal flesh compresed into a tube like shape i.e, hot dogs. But even these inferior sources of sustenance have gone missing. The sister and her kin face the immediate prospect of starving, or at least having to order out.

Then, a brain flash: The sister remembers her mother telling her that Chad had scarfed down on pizza, teriyaki chicken and hot dogs that very day! The sister hurried herself over to Mom's, where she found her freezer bags. Armed with this evidence, The sister confronted her brother, who denied everything. So the sister called the cops, who carted Chad away and charged him with petty larceny.
"They felt he needs to learn a lesson about taking other people's property," Sheriff's Capt. Scott Moser said to the Fredrick burg Free Lance-Star. Chad was still maintaining his innocence, though he also acknowledged "the facts look awful bad for me." Cut a deal with your sister, Chad. Preferably sometime before the next family get-together.
No word on whether Chad actually found his sunglasses.

-From Uncle John's Presents BOOK of the DuBM
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