ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow

Sorry I'm so late, I haven't been sitting by a computer in a long while. To add my few cents for that water problem you had before. For me when I first used the tap water, because the store runned out of distilated water, the water started to smell after like 2 days.. Trust me distilated water is great I can go months on it and no smell.. Another thing I noticed is when you buy a bottle of water, add to it some ph up or down and close the bottle and put it in a warm place it will stink after a while, just an experiment I made... If the water has a way to evaporate it should be good. Also what people said is true.. If you use water that has some ppm already there is a chance it will go bad faster than lets say distilated water with ppm of 0.

Now another thing is you're plants look great, I see topping and lst worked, I will definitely have to try it next time..

Sorry I'm so late, I haven't been sitting by a computer in a long while. To add my few cents for that water problem you had before. For me when I first used the tap water, because the store runned out of distilated water, the water started to smell after like 2 days.. Trust me distilated water is great I can go months on it and no smell.. Another thing I noticed is when you buy a bottle of water, add to it some ph up or down and close the bottle and put it in a warm place it will stink after a while, just an experiment I made... If the water has a way to evaporate it should be good. Also what people said is true.. If you use water that has some ppm already there is a chance it will go bad faster than lets say distilated water with ppm of 0.

Now another thing is you're plants look great, I see topping and lst worked, I will definitely have to try it next time..


Glad to see you back buddy !:thumb: Wondering where you went.

Yeah, I was having a water temp issue. I had my Res in my grow room so it wasn't the best of environments for my res. Since I have moved my res and started doing in gallon containers, I haven't had the issue since. Also, I was doing half-assed clean up after using nute water so the left over caused the water to start to smell.

Thanks for the input! :tokin:
Mini Update: I am now on the third day of 12/12 and my girls have stretched a decent amount. I'm still holding off a few days to do my trimming for reasons I will explain in a moment.

Possible bug problem: I have been seeing like 1-3 white specs floating around in my closet and periodically in my room. I don't know if this is something i should worry about too much but i would like to eliminate this as a future threat. Any way to take care of an almost insignificant amount of bugs without needing a whole bottle of pesticides?

Heat/light Issue: Since I have been growing these last few months and have been learning so much everyday, I have come to realize that my environment condition is "poor". Does continuous flux in Temp/Rh throughout the day effect the plant that greatly? The reason I ask this because during the day I go between opening and closing my closet door and within hours of having it closed(with continuous fans circulating air within the room itself) my temp will rise about 10 degrees. My Ambient temp is 79 degrees WITH my closet doors open. When I close it for an extended period of time It can reach upwards of 90 degrees.

At this point in time, funds are tight and i have no means of getting an inline fan and drilling holes to vent outside of my room. Nor can i keep my closet open 24/7 So for now i have to make due with what I have.

So like my previous question stated: Does temp flux from 79-90 throughout the day impact the plant( Stress etc) that much?

Spotting problem: On #1 I have had a constant problem with spotting on the leaves. It isn't at the tips so it doesn't seem like a nutrient burn. Could it be my possible bug issue? Light burn? I keep my tallest plants top at a distance of 1' from my lamp. It is a 400w Hps system. I can keep my hand right above my plant with no issue so I'd assume its ok for my girls as well.

Here is a pic of the problem #1 is having:

Also, I am noticing that not all the fan leaf branches on #1 are green. Some look a bit reddish brown. I dunno if this is a problem but I can't seem to figure out why. Here is a pic of that:

You can see the spotting on several of the Inner leaves. I don't know if im overthinking it or underestimating my problem. Hopefully someone can help out cause I'm at a wall, for the most part.

Cloning/Trimming tips: Before I look silly and try to clone incorrectly, I thought I'd show some pics of what i plan on clone. I would like to have viable clones for my next round. Since the branching on the bottom is small, about 3-4" in length with multiple nodes, I thought it would be possible to clone. Here are some pics of that:

Those bottom four branches on all of my plants(with the exception of one on #4 that im gonna leave alone because it got really big) are too small and don't get enough light for them to stretch so I'm planning on clipping those.
Would those make good clones?

New seedlings: All 5 popped! The last one didn't pop until this morning. I was about to trash the seed cause I thought it was a DOA seed. I cracked the seed slightly and I left it under my paper towels for 3 more hours and the Taproot finally sprouted. I have it down in a starter plug now so hopefully it will catch up to the others. Here's a pic of them:

The first one in the row( to the right) had a hard time rooting itself and pushed itself out of the hole. I had the same problem with one other seeds for my Lemon skunk grow hopefully this one makes it. The next three are already showing roots at the bottom of the plugs. and the last one in the row was the one that finally popped today . hopefully it survives and catches the rest of them.

Well so much for a mini update, If anyone reads through it all and has any answers or comments to my questions, I will greatly appreciate it. :thumb::peacetwo:
Hey, TOG, you're plants are coming along nicely! :goodjob:

For the few bugs, try a no-pest-strip.

The spotting could be bug related, but looks like possibly burn from a foliar spraying? Perhaps you did a foliar with the lights too close? It doesn't look like anything to worry about, but I'd definately keep an eye on it to see if it starts getting worse.
nice plants, cnt wait for to put my plants into flower see how they do, only been 16 dys in veg, think i might give it another week then start training them make use of the space i have, might also fim but im still unsure how its done, more reading ahead lol

:thumb: keep it up :peace:
nice plants, cnt wait for to put my plants into flower see how they do, only been 16 dys in veg, think i might give it another week then start training them make use of the space i have, might also fim but im still unsure how its done, more reading ahead lol

:thumb: keep it up :peace:

Well from my experience with Topping/Fimming , I would go with topping so you can get a nice length of stem. You can always clone the tops. The only benefit i see with FIM is the new Top nodes will start out higher than the ones if topped.

e.g: Let's aay you are 3 nodes up and 2 nodes barely developing, so 5 nodes in total. If you were to top your plant(Taking the top 2 nodes off completely) The new tops will gro from the 3rd node and a secondary tops from the second node.

If you FIM your plant(Cutting off the new leaves and part of the stem from the new developing nodes) You will end up with new tops at the 5th node and the secondary tops on the 4th. The new Tops will grow from the highest node point possible.

I didn't clone my tops because I didn't think about it at the time. I am still learning and have a long way to go.:thumb:
i think your doin a damn good job, better then i did on my first grow for sure.. and the branch that you plan on cloning should do fine, specially its a nice strong branch and not one of them little tiny ones, but yea both of the branches thats in the pic should clone good.. i think i might start some seedlings here my damn self, instead of waitin for my current grow to be over, yours look like their startin off nice too, good job man!!! :tokin:
Ok so I took some clones and they range from 2-4 " in Length.

I put them in my chamber and misted the dome. Now I have a few Question: Should I cut the leaves back to stop the transpiration and How long should I keep my lights on? 24/7 or 18/6 etc?

Here are some pics of the clones. I ended up with 20 clones:

I would have had more but some were just way too small for me to actually want to try them.:thumb:

Let me know what ya'll think:thanks::lot-o-toke:
Thanks G.J. ! :thumb:

So during my watering, I managed to get four more clones from my plants. Two from #2 and two from #3. Im still curious if I should cut back the leaves on my clones.

After a day, they seem to be doing pretty good. Ive been misting my dome every two hours or so.

Question: Should I trim the leaves on my clones?

TOG, I always trim the leaves on my clones, but many growers do not.

The reason to trim is because of transpiration through the leaves which causes the clones to lose water they can't yet replace through their roots, cuz they don't yet have roots. This is also why you should keep clones in a humid environment.
Mini Update(Hindu Kush): #5 popped from the seed but the cotyledons were dead and were not gonna stretch. #1 is having a similar problem but the cotyledons are still intact they are just hard. I am soaking them and the starter plugs. Hopefully they pick up soon. If #1 doesn't, I will trash it and move on with the three that are growing quite nicely.

The other three I already put down in 1Gal pots and they will rest there for awhile until I can make a stealth cab in my dresser where my mothers will rest.

Bug Issue: I am happy to report that no white flies have been spotted since i bought the No-Pest-Strip( Thanks for the suggestion Mr.K)

Clones: I haven't decided if I want to trim the leaves back or not. They are not too big so I will let them go as they are. I will continue to mist my dome until they took root.

Question: How long should I keep my clones in a 90% humidity environment?

I read that clones like a humid area but too much humidity for too long will cause mold and rot to set in. I was thinking after one week I will take off the dome and let the

As the temp decreases, the RH increases. The mold is caused by stagnant air. Just remove the humidity dome once or twice a day for a few minutes to let it air out and you shouldn't get mold. I usually remove the humidity dome completely after 4-5 days.
keep the temp around 80...humidity 90...give them some air..

Yeah, The temps don't get too High in my Veg room. I'm running a T5 light and my ballast in there. I usually leave it open a crack for passive ventilation and I have a fan on oscillate so my temps hover around 75-85 degrees. Today was kinda warm so it stayed above 80 most of the time.

As the temp decreases, the RH increases. The mold is caused by stagnant air. Just remove the humidity dome once or twice a day for a few minutes to let it air out and you shouldn't get mold. I usually remove the humidity dome completely after 4-5 days.

I air it every 2 hours or so when I remist the dome. Im hoping all these take and are female.(They haven't yet shown sex. I'm on my fourth day of 12/12 so they are still stretching.)

I will most likely veg these for the remainder of Flower on my other plants. so I estimate 1-2 weeks of rooting then I will put these down into 1Gal pots and Veg for most of flower. I will then put them in my flower room 1-2 weeks before harvest to start them on flower. They will remain in 1Gal pots and will be in a sog setup. No Lst or topping. :thumb:
awesome grow bro! ill be around :peace: ill be looking into those nutes also!
The All Important Update:

I had no idea what was going on... But the most important day of a plants life was upon us. They have fought so valiantly for the day of Judgement has risen. It has been a long journey and the path was difficult, trials of survival even more so. The glorious battle of life will continue for few brave warriors of this land and some have traveled to the halls of valhalla. Your brothers... their lives...their sacrifices...will not be in vain...

A monent of silence please...

What things boil down to is.... SEX DAY!!! Yes, Sex day. Five days after switching to 12/12 and they all revealed themselves to me. Here are the Results...

#1(Suspenseful pause) FEMALEThe largest of the bunch is in fact Female. Completely changed my bias towards my plants( earlier in the grow I had read that some early signs of sex is that males tend to stretch more than females) Simply not the case.

#2 FEMALE another female that i was happy to have in the bunch. This also gives me a nice benchmark test to see the difference between topped and untopped.

#3 MALE This one was the biggest upset of the bunch. I managed 10 clones alone off this plant. All trash now.

#4... MALE Second upset of the bunch. This one lookever very promising. I loved the way this plant looked and how it grew after i topped and LST'd it. Oh well

I will also count this day as the first day of FLOWER!!!

One thing i learned is "don't judge a book by its cover" also applies to the plant world. You think you have a wonderful plant just by its appearance but its the ability to perform should speak for it instead.

I still managed 10 clones out of 24. the ones I pulled from the rockwool had very small roots showing. So i expect the others to root just as well.

Now onto the pics!:


You can see a pistil in this pic. I don't have a tripod so my Macro shots are kinda crappy. I should be getting one soon and that wil help.

The next two pics you can clearly see the little sacks:

The moment of silence for these two. #3 and #4. I took them out of my room and i plan on killing these when the sun goes down. My neighbours are nosey so I will wait:

Will I be able to reuse the rockwool I used for the male clones later?

Will drying them out be ok?

My Closet is a bit empty. I will take pics on Tuesday when i feed these girls.:thumb: That's all i got for now.:peacetwo:
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