ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow

TOG, I've NEVER heard of PH solution "degrading" water and causing bacteria to form. PH-Down is an acid and PH-Up is a base. They simply change the alkilinity of the water. Now, having properly PH'd, nutrient-rich water can certainly be a breeding ground for bacteria, especially at high temps, but it's not the PH up/down that causes it.

Also, I don't believe the 24-hour dark period before harvest will effect your yield at all. The reason some people do the dark period before 12/12 is that SOME believe it will trigger the plants to start flowering ealier.

I hope that helps!
i dont know nothin about the water problem, but giving them 24 hours of dark basically tells your plant thats its flower time and if anything it will help your yield..

Thanks SuKa! I was wondering this because It was coming close 12/12 and I read something that it is good to have a dark period before flipping to 12/12

TOG, I've NEVER heard of PH solution "degrading" water and causing bacteria to form. PH-Down is an acid and PH-Up is a base. They simply change the alkilinity of the water. Now, having properly PH'd, nutrient-rich water can certainly be a breeding ground for bacteria, especially at high temps, but it's not the PH up/down that causes it.

Also, I don't believe the 24-hour dark period before harvest will effect your yield at all. The reason some people do the dark period before 12/12 is that SOME believe it will trigger the plants to start flowering ealier.

I hope that helps!

Thanks Mr.K !
I figured that is was leftover nutes that just went bad + the heat from my lamp. I now washed my res out and moved it out of my grow room and it is doing fine. Im most likely gonna invest in an aquarium pump to prevent the water from going stagnant.

Well I am now going on a 30 hr dark period. Went to the store and picked some black plastic sheeting to seperate my two parts of my closet. I also made a trip to my local Hydro store to pick up massive pots to get ready to start my second grow!

Ill try my hand at keeping a mother and cloning this time around so Im excited for that.

I will update pics tomorrow after I feed and decide to not be lazy. :peacetwo:
Yeah, Im going to watch quite a few videos on cloning so I think I will do pretty good. Just gonna let the lower branches stretch a bit before I Clip.

Im also Germing some Hindu Kush today and Im wondering if i should just continue updates in this journal or start a new one. Im hoping to get some perpetual grow going on having a few mothers in the picture but I will touch on that matter when time comes.
looks like overwatering...u say ph is ok...did u check water and soil ph...check your runoff...just my thoughts...somebody else will checkin...

what was the question?

XD I think you are a bit too medicated, buddy :lot-o-toke: my questions were answered and I was just setting up all the info for tomorrow. I should have some new seeds down in start plugs and it will be the first day of 12/12 for me. Im excited!:yahoo:
Pic Update: So I will be updating pics throughout the day when they start to pick up a bit more. I will just a written update for now.

After the 30 hrs in the dark, I set my lamp to come on at 7 am this morning. Most of the plants looked stressed slightly which i expected. I let it dry out for 2 days and I kept my closet closed for the whole day(for the most part) All four plants had twisted leaves but they have corrected themselves.

I took the opportunity to tie down #1 because she was limp so it was easy to bend. I went over all my plants and watered. after about 20 min they started to perk up.

#4 had a single crispy tip on a leaf. It was still green but it was just a little crispy.

I was also surprised how orange this light was :cheesygrinsmiley: Kinda threw me off cause this was the first time i saw this light. It was a nice surprise cause my girl was like " Its like you're getting ready for halloween"

Anyways, I took some group shots, they are still picking up and i will take some more later. So expect a few updates today. Onto the pics!

Group shot:

I will take more later and a better group shot later. I was kinda in a rush cause its my girls bday today. That's all for now !:thumb::peacetwo:
Pic Update Pt.2:

First Off, Thanks!:thumb:

Here are some more pictures of my girls(Hopefully) just hanging out a few hours after I watered. They are enjoying the new light and have picked up a lot since this morning.

#1: After drooping and twisting from the dark period, I have to say, this one is doing really good. You can see several alternating nodes up the tops. She will be great IF she is a she. I have my fingers crossed for all to be girls. I dont want to trash a Healthy plant...

#2: This one, I left un-topped for control test purposes. I wanted to see the difference, for myself, between a topped an untopped plant. Also this was also a LST test. Learned a lot in such a short period of time.

As you can tell, there is a pretty massive bend in it. If you were to look at #2, you would say it looked like a spiral slide of some sort.

#3: The second untopped plant. This one stayed really short with very tight nodes. I can't wait to see how much it stretches within the next week or so. I have this one only Slightly LST'd to give it that lean to the side.

#4: My favorite of them all. This one turned out really nice. I love wide bushy plants as I've said on several other occasions so thats expected. Can't wait to see this progress.

Now I have a few questions that I would like to get Answered if ya'll don't mind.

Should I wait to trim my lower branches of these plants or should i do them asap?

I don't want my plant wasting time trying to bud the very tiny spots at the very bottom growing from the stalk of my plants so i want to take those off( I read that this could benefit your plant greatly in top cola production)

Would your recommend doing this or should I, As a new grower, leave this be for now?

Cloning: Would it be possible to Clone the entire branches that I trim from the bottom?

I've been watching Cloning methods and where to clone from and they usually take nodes from branches themselves but since these are just new branches they dont have much branching of their own.

I would like to have a couple lemon skunk clones for my next grow so if it's possible, I would like to know.

Sorry for the long winded post I am just at that point where plenty of questions pop into my mind. So if anyone has any Opinions, Comments, and/or Questions, feel free to add anything :thumb::thanks:
Looks good, TOG! :welldone:

Yes, you can clone the whole branches, although, larger branches are much tougher to clone, but if they're not that big and you don't have many nodes on them, by all means, do the whole branch.

Optimally, you want at least two nodes in the cloning medium (below surface).
and with the choppin of the bottom branches, when i did mines, i chopped a branch off everytime i watered that way it didn't do any real stress to the plant by cuttin all of them off at once, i also waited until they started flowering first, that way you dont cut a branch thats gonna bud good, cause i had some lower ones bud way better then a couple just over top of them, but its up to you, experiment and see what works for you..
Group Pics:Got pulled away as i was going to post these earlier so I will post them now

You can See the Size difference in all of the plants. #1 and #4 are topped once and #2 and #3 were left alone.

Top Left: #1
Top Right: #2
Bottom Left: #4
Bottom Right: #3
looks like the same kind of plastic pots that i got from the grow shop, just mines are smaller.. their really lookin nice man, i wish i would have put mines in bigger pots, that way maybe my yield would have been better, oh well, learnin lesson for the future.. you can bet your ass i'll be usin them next grow for sure.. out of yours i would have to say #3 is my favorite, prolly wont be your best, but i just like how its shapin itself, but they are all definitely gonna look nice, cant wait to see'em start buddin, and fingers crossed for females for sure!!! :thumb: :tokin:
looks like the same kind of plastic pots that i got from the grow shop, just mines are smaller.. their really lookin nice man, i wish i would have put mines in bigger pots, that way maybe my yield would have been better, oh well, learnin lesson for the future.. you can bet your ass i'll be usin them next grow for sure.. out of yours i would have to say #3 is my favorite, prolly wont be your best, but i just like how its shapin itself, but they are all definitely gonna look nice, cant wait to see'em start buddin, and fingers crossed for females for sure!!! :thumb: :tokin:

:thanks:, I love #3 Im just worried it that it will be to bushy for the branches on the inner nodes. in a few days i will post some pics. By then #2 should be coiled completely around the pot and the top will be growing nearly to the middle again. :thumb:

If #1 is a female I will be so happy. She would turn out sick. I need to get some boxes to put under my other plants now. Need to get them level with her so they can get more light. :lot-o-toke:

Mini Update: Four out of five Hindu Kush popped today so Im gonna give the last seed a few more days before I claim it as DOA. They should sprout soon, I have them under my T5.

Also, I will be upgrading my T5 light to a bigger one to accomidate more veg plants and clones. Im running a 2'x4 bulb fixture and plant to sell this one and but a 4'x6 fixture. Im hoping to keep 4 mothers at all time and be able to clone consistently.

Finally, I will be ordering more seeds on friday. On the list for second grow: Aurora Indica, Ice(Both from Nirvana),Lemon skunk clones(Hopefully) and Hindu Kush.

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