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thx man yeah like i said i dont want to offend anyone last thing i want to do specially to a bunch of guys and gals for that matter who are so dedicated to helpin newbies such as myself to grow the medicine thats used for numerous illnesses thx for the support i would one day like to be at the skill level most of you are at and i know with the help i recieve and the knowledge i recieve i know i can be just a matter of time and patience and if its one thing i learned while i was in the army even when your rushing to get somethin done you still must have patience Hence the phrase "hurry up and waite" lol

And maybe we can teach you where the period key is while we're at it! lol

Sorry man, just having a little fun.
So i have a question for those of you in CO is it pretty difficult to get a license for MMJ cause here in NM i have had nothin but troulbes so im trying to get a petition together to add insomnia to NM MMJ list I live rite next to the NM and CO state line and was just curious thats all
lol thats cool man, ill start being a little bit more grammer educated when i post. Its funny because my wife asked me the other day "doesnt that bother the others that you dont use periods. Ha Ha Ha.
Good deal! I found some awesome 3 gallon large jars. Love em.

And I agree 100%.

I even have used the large 200w and 250w CFL bulbs with foil, and noever had issues with hot spots.

Keep full dose.

Got my flower beds all made up over the weekend. Also started another batch of hash. Was getting low.

The biggest problem I see with aluminum foil is the relatively low reflectivity of somewhere in the neighborhood or 55% (according to smokeymcbud) and even lower if creased or wrinkled. You'll do much better with flat white paint which reflects in the neighborhood of 8(5.
So i have a question for those of you in CO is it pretty difficult to get a license for MMJ cause here in NM i have had nothin but troulbes so im trying to get a petition together to add insomnia to NM MMJ list I live rite next to the NM and CO state line and was just curious thats all

Mine was pretty easy, I have several conditions that warrant it, hell I'm 56 an old football player and carpenter, my bodies pretty busted up.

I've got three ruptured disks in my neck so I took the mri report in for the doctor and he signed the card with no hesitation. The toughest part was finding a doctor that would do it. Funniest thing, the doctor I finally found was in the office directly above the one where I was working.

He used to play with my dogs every time we ran into each other coming or going from work. I used to take my pups with me to the office, the official greeters! The UPS and FedEx guys learned to keep biscuits with them at all times, that was the toll, he wanted to deliver a package he had to deliver the biscuits too!
i would just like to say since the subject was brought up it seems like when i express myself in a non hatred or dis respectful way i feel that others dont like what they hear and just straight stop helpin me and and ignorin me i just dont understand i have done nothin but follow the rules been respectful even when i didnt like what was bein said and i just feel like sometimes i shouldnt express myself here and just let others express themselves to me doesnt seem fair sorry if this offends anyone here NOT my intentions at all im here to learn well thx again for all the help i have recieved once again i am SORRY if i have offended anyone here on 420 I just thought i would vent for a minute thx again


I'm sorry you felt that way or got neglected here.

Many members here, for example MostlyCrazy, FryingPan, Doctor Who, jawasan, wowtestdrive, ole hippy, Rpsmoke, C5Rftw, myself, just to name a few, we are dedicated to PEACE and Friendship and to being very helpful. We have taken the Deep Water Culture Pledge and we proudly wear the Deep Water Culture logo.

I assure you that if you felt neglected, it was a misunderstanding.

I have way over 100 subscription threads and I read them all, but I don't post in them all everytime they get updated. But I do try. More times than not, MostlyCrazy and FryingPanFlyer are faster to respond than I am, and they always give good answers so I jsut read what theys aid and I don;'t repeat it again.

I'll watch for your posts and do better. We're grow brothers, GardenGuy.:peace:
rite on man sounds like you have had some tough years, im still young but been threw a little bit myself. When i came back from over seas my sleeping habbits from bein over there havent changed much hard to fall asleep and deffinitley hard to stay asleep i know that is part of my insomnia problem. I have been home for a year now but whatever im home now and good to "grow" matter of fact my birthday comin up in a month and i know none of you will believe it when i tell you but my Birthday is Apr 20 and i am proud of it. Wouldnt you? lol

I'm sorry you felt that way or got neglected here.

Many members here, for example MostlyCrazy, FryingPan, Doctor Who, jawasan, wowtestdrive, ole hippy, Rpsmoke, C5Rftw, myself, just to name a few, we are dedicated to PEACE and Friendship and to being very helpful. We have taken the Deep Water Culture Pledge and we proudly wear the Deep Water Culture logo.

I assure you that if you felt neglected, it was a misunderstanding.

I have way over 100 subscription threads and I read them all, but I don't post in them all everytime they get updated. But I do try. More times than not, MostlyCrazy and FryingPanFlyer are faster to respond than I am, and they always give good answers so I jsut read what theys aid and I don;'t repeat it again.

I'll watch for your posts and do better. We're grow brothers, GardenGuy.:peace:

We need to make sure the new guys speak up and make themselves heard. I think it was I who missed his question for which I apologize profusely. I promise to do better in the future.
Nah guys its all good im not upset was just expressin myself tryin to be heard thats all. No dis respect to any of you cause without you guys i would be strugglin pretty bad thats for dam sure but thx for lettin me know what was goin on. I realize most of you are very busy with your grows and helpin other ppl and working at a job lol. Myself i am unemployed at the moment so this is my job and office cept takin care of my wife since shes sick and that means tendin to my 2 year old.
Nah guys its all good im not upset was just expressin myself tryin to be heard thats all. No dis respect to any of you cause without you guys i would be strugglin pretty bad thats for dam sure but thx for lettin me know what was goin on. I realize most of you are very busy with your grows and helpin other ppl and working at a job lol. Myself i am unemployed at the moment so this is my job and office cept takin care of my wife since shes sick and that means tendin to my 2 year old.

Well, my purpose here is to try and be very helpful and I promise to be much more attentive.:welcome:
Nah guys its all good im not upset was just expressin myself tryin to be heard thats all. No dis respect to any of you cause without you guys i would be strugglin pretty bad thats for dam sure but thx for lettin me know what was goin on. I realize most of you are very busy with your grows and helpin other ppl and working at a job lol. Myself i am unemployed at the moment so this is my job and office cept takin care of my wife since shes sick and that means tendin to my 2 year old.

Sorry to hear the wife's sick, that is a bummer. And about the work, I've been laid off since last October and am just about climbing the walls! It's almost time to call the bank and let them know I need to discuss loan modification, that may be the only way to save my house.

But I'm running around trying to make work for myself, there's little to no Architecture out there for me so I'm doing what I can. It does seem as though I get busier every day, I wouldn't be able to do this if I was employed full time.

Speaking of which, I need to fill the res. the plants are drinking quite a bit these days as it's getting on towards the end, 4 weeks left. The I need to head out to pick up the new tubes for my next grow. And I just finished the desk I've been working on for months, just need to finish sand with the 0000 steel wool and I can move it to my study, but that of course means i need to tear my study apart, move the old desk out and the new one in, damn that sounds like a lot of work.

Okay, gotta run.
yeah see what i did is when i got out the army i took all my money saved up and my bonus and bought a place my grandfather had for sale next to him way up in the mountains. He is my only neighbor and hes just as anxious as i am to get my grow done lol. And my unemployment comes out of texas and i get max which with obamas stimulas i get 417 a week all i have to pay for is insurence and basic utilities my heat and dryer are gas so i make do pretty well but im at your point climbin the F***in walls and me and the ole lady argue a lil more sense then too.
GG, we are of good nature and good cheer on these threads.

We are not getting out of this life alive so why not help those in need. Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's and to God what is God's.

Everytime and I mean Everytime I do something for someone I am paid back 10 fold. Use to freak me out when it happened and then I realized why. I have no business being as happy as I am but still I am.
yeah its all a learning process for me i use to have a bad tempor and be in a lot of trouble and fights but since i have returned from kuwait i am tryin to become as peacful and generous as i can im tryin to help ppl when in need.
thx man i may be young but i have led a life of drugs partyin gangs and trouble at a very young age but then decided i need to straighten up this aint the life i want cleaned up joined the army and have been good and learnin more and its ppl like you guys that help me learn more and more and not just with growing
GG, I have a sick wife also so I know of some of your stuggles. I work from home (sell phones to the govt. - they still have money - yours and mine - LOL!). I've been doing it long enough that I don't even have to engage my brain anymore. Hence my ability to pay it forward on this sight. I'd be a fool if I didn't take advantage.

I've learned a lot more about how to be a good person on these threads then any place I've been. It keeps me focused on the we instead of the me.
You can not plant Indica and harvest Sativa.

I want to share with you what might be the most important thing about life that I have ever figured out. Its what we've been posting about.

Our world has certain laws, laws that are applied to everything in our lives. For example, Gravity is one of the laws. Throw something with weight UP in the air and it will come right back DOWN. That is a good example of a Law of the Universe.

Another example is The Pendelum. As far as a pendelum swings left, it will swing equally to the right..............and it is going to swing equally both ways.

There is an old English Proverb that says "what goes around, comes around" and I think or hope that you already know what it means.

The Hindu and Budhist and other Eastern Religions have a belief, or LAW called Karma. It is a Law of the Cosmos, or Universe that says If I uncaringly throw a piece of chewing gum down on the sidewalk, I will live to step on a piece of chewing gum on the side walk someday, sooner or later. If I steal from someone, I will live to be stolen from. If I mistreat someone, I will eventually be mistreated.

Bobby Blue Bland, an old black blues musician wrote an old blues song, called FURTHER ON UP THE ROAD,
and it is about if you hurt someone, then someone is going to hurt you. It is about eventually in time, your actions will come back to haunt you. It says if you are laughing one day, then one day you'll be crying.

Jesus said "God will not be mocked, don't be deceived, (or tricked or fooled or unwise) as a man sews (or seweth, meaning planting or tossing seeds in his garden) so shall he reap". Meaning, you can not change or trick this LAW, if a man plants butter beans then he will harvest butter beans. If a man spreads laughter, then laughter will come back to him. Or, you can not plant Indica and harvest Sativa. (staying on topic, LOL)

The Jewish torah teaches:
Ma'at : In ancient Egypt, and in Hebrew it was called "ma'at," in Greek, "heimarmene" or "fate" and in Germanic, "wyrd." Basically, the idea is everything is within the system (Greek: cosmos) and so everything bounces back eventually. You can play around with the system and even manipulate it, but you can't escape it. It says "polute the river, and you'll drink poluted water."

See what I am trying to express? The Christians, the Jews, the Hindu, the Budhist, even the Blues Musicians have it figured out and it is a fact of life, a LAW of Life that is infalible.

Well, what I figured out is WHAT IF I WANT TO STEP ON A PIECE OF CHEWING GUM ON THE SIDEWALK? What do I need to do?
WHAT IF I WANT TO BE MISTREATED? What do I need to do?

I tell you it is Magic, it is Wonderous, it is Awesome, and it is so easy to control our fate and destiny by learning this simple secret. Simply plant what you want to pick. Spread what you want to come back and pick up.
Smile at someone and see what happens next. They usually smile back.

I want to be given to, so I freely give.
I want to be loved by many, so I love many. (The love you take is equal to the love you make)
I want to learn, so I teach.

I don't want to step in shit, so I don't walk through the cow pasture.
I don't want to be hated, so I don't hate.
I don't wnat to be _______________, so I don't ___________ others.

With this simply process, I get what I want, I am rich in physical, material and spiritual rewards, and I have love and laughter and peace and accord and harmony in my life because that is what I spread.

Make sense?
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