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It's very safe to take out your feeder hoses now. I do it when they get about 3-6" in the water. When you take it out you may damage some roots but that's ok. Just make sure you get all the dead material out of the res. Do a res change, rinse off the roots well and sort of massage them a bit to free the dead pieces that may remain. Congrats on your grow so far.
Just a quick observation and wanted to voice it. I do not really wander and check out other 420 type sites much, occasionally when you guys mention something cool or some nice setup you've seen on another site I will try and search it out just to keep up with things... so I lurk on some other sites.

I notice though that there is a lot of attitude and haters on these other sites. I mean I understand a smart remark made in jest now and then and whatnot, that's fine, can't always coddle. Sure as newbies we tend to speak first before searching, ask some really "duh" type shit and so on, it happens.... but the way I see some responses back by members on those sites make one wanna' forget being peaceful and just slap the shit out of them. And you'll notice it is the same ones no matter what the post subject is about, just rude and hateful towards anyone not advanced in growing or having a huge ass crop. It's like there is an unknown prerequisite to be a part of their club...or maybe you just gotta' have a cool avatar, I dunno'.

Anyhow, this site always seems to have the right aura about it. Yeh we talk some shit here and there. Sometimes direct in answers, not longwinded (such as this here) or sugar coated, BUT it never comes across like "hey you're a dumbass" type way. The vibe is alwys smooth ya' know? Naturally ya' check other grows and comment, wanting some come check yours out as well, whatever. Part of the cycle, but the atmosphere remains cool.

I'm glad to be a part of this group here. I was paranoid at first to even be on here, still am sometimes, but none the less a good group of people.
Alrighty, I'm thru.
Just a quick observation and wanted to voice it. I do not really wander and check out other 420 type sites much, occasionally when you guys mention something cool or some nice setup you've seen on another site I will try and search it out just to keep up with things... so I lurk on some other sites.

I notice though that there is a lot of attitude and haters on these other sites. I mean I understand a smart remark made in jest now and then and whatnot, that's fine, can't always coddle. Sure as newbies we tend to speak first before searching, ask some really "duh" type shit and so on, it happens.... but the way I see some responses back by members on those sites make one wanna' forget being peaceful and just slap the shit out of them. And you'll notice it is the same ones no matter what the post subject is about, just rude and hateful towards anyone not advanced in growing or having a huge ass crop. It's like there is an unknown prerequisite to be a part of their club...or maybe you just gotta' have a cool avatar, I dunno'.

Anyhow, this site always seems to have the right aura about it. Yeh we talk some shit here and there. Sometimes direct in answers, not longwinded (such as this here) or sugar coated, BUT it never comes across like "hey you're a dumbass" type way. The vibe is alwys smooth ya' know? Naturally ya' check other grows and comment, wanting some come check yours out as well, whatever. Part of the cycle, but the atmosphere remains cool.

I'm glad to be a part of this group here. I was paranoid at first to even be on here, still am sometimes, but none the less a good group of people.
Alrighty, I'm thru.

You are absolutely right! I see alot of hatred, anger and rednecks fighting on other sites.

I 'm going to see if I can give you some REP, bro.
The process goes like this, you use a can of anues fuel! 6oz can triple refined, with a 3/4" x 8" PVC pipe 2 cap's, drill 1 hole at one end cap! for the spout and the other cap with 4 or 5 put in a coffee fliter in the cap with 5 holes, put your ground up material in to the top put the cap on, then put the Can in the single hole and push and the pressure push's the trichome out the 5 holes in to a plate! wait for it to evaporates! add in dry kief an mix and you have earwax kief.

What your thought on that one?

Ooop's Thanks Roseman
i would just like to say since the subject was brought up it seems like when i express myself in a non hatred or dis respectful way i feel that others dont like what they hear and just straight stop helpin me and and ignorin me i just dont understand i have done nothin but follow the rules been respectful even when i didnt like what was bein said and i just feel like sometimes i shouldnt express myself here and just let others express themselves to me doesnt seem fair sorry if this offends anyone here NOT my intentions at all im here to learn well thx again for all the help i have recieved once again i am SORRY if i have offended anyone here on 420 I just thought i would vent for a minute thx again
Just a quick observation and wanted to voice it. I do not really wander and check out other 420 type sites much, occasionally when you guys mention something cool or some nice setup you've seen on another site I will try and search it out just to keep up with things... so I lurk on some other sites.

I notice though that there is a lot of attitude and haters on these other sites. I mean I understand a smart remark made in jest now and then and whatnot, that's fine, can't always coddle. Sure as newbies we tend to speak first before searching, ask some really "duh" type shit and so on, it happens.... but the way I see some responses back by members on those sites make one wanna' forget being peaceful and just slap the shit out of them. And you'll notice it is the same ones no matter what the post subject is about, just rude and hateful towards anyone not advanced in growing or having a huge ass crop. It's like there is an unknown prerequisite to be a part of their club...or maybe you just gotta' have a cool avatar, I dunno'.

Anyhow, this site always seems to have the right aura about it. Yeh we talk some shit here and there. Sometimes direct in answers, not longwinded (such as this here) or sugar coated, BUT it never comes across like "hey you're a dumbass" type way. The vibe is alwys smooth ya' know? Naturally ya' check other grows and comment, wanting some come check yours out as well, whatever. Part of the cycle, but the atmosphere remains cool.

I'm glad to be a part of this group here. I was paranoid at first to even be on here, still am sometimes, but none the less a good group of people.
Alrighty, I'm thru.

...hence my new interest and slow progression toward Buddism.

Bingo! You've got the reason why we are all here, we left the last one due to all the negativity and hate. These mods here really work to keep the trolls in line. And face it, our little group here is founded on the basic tenet of care and compassion, helping others to achieve what we hope to ourselves. It's good karma man, and it rubs off on you if you stick around.

You'll find in Buddhism that karma is not exactly how westerners choose to believe. Karma is more a matter of putting yourself in a good situation. Face it, if you're hanging out with a gang looking to knock off the liquor store you're probably going to get into trouble, that's bad karma. But if you choose to hang out with a bunch of nice people that are more into helping and having fun, your chances of good things happening are much better!

So, hang with us man, we're in it for the fun and the enrichment of all! I can't have fun if your not so I need to make sure you're having fun too!
i would just like to say since the subject was brought up it seems like when i express myself in a non hatred or dis respectful way i feel that others dont like what they hear and just straight stop helpin me and and ignorin me i just dont understand i have done nothin but follow the rules been respectful even when i didnt like what was bein said and i just feel like sometimes i shouldnt express myself here and just let others express themselves to me doesnt seem fair sorry if this offends anyone here NOT my intentions at all im here to learn well thx again for all the help i have recieved once again i am SORRY if i have offended anyone here on 420 I just thought i would vent for a minute thx again

Hey man, if your stuck on something make yourself heard! Send me a pm if you'd like. I don't always have the time I'd like to help someone, but I'll do my best, or set you in the direction to find that help.

Hang in there man, we all get frustrated about one thing or another!
My thoughts are mixed. My wife is uninsurable, she can not buy ANY health insurance because of her pre-existing condidtion of Kidney-Cystic Fybrosis Disease. She has to work at a job she hates to have major medical insurance. We can live without her pay check, we just have to have her health insurance provided by her employer. MAYBE ObamaCare will help her.

My Daughter is uninsurable and has Medicaid because she is poor, seldom works and has 3 children. MAYBE ObamaCare will help her.

My X-wife has a bad heart, goes to the Doctor every month, is a good friend of ours and she is trapped in her bad marriage, so she can have his employer's health insurance. MAYBE ObamaCare will help her.

I pay Kaiser $878 a month for my HMO Major Medical Insurance. $878 is just for me. If It was half that, I could be driving a Vette or be much better off financially. MAYBE ObamaCare will help me.

But where is the money going to come from, if Obama does help us. It will come from additional taxes that I will have to pay, to help my wife, X-Wife and lazy daughter be insured.

And have you ever phoned or visited the Social Security Department? Have you ever phoned or visited or dealt with the IRS? Or the Medicaid or Medicare people? The military? The Post Office?

How compassionate or patient or understanding is the IRS or the Federal Government programs? How easy are they to work with or deal with? How efficient are they? Do we really want the same people handling our health insurance?

And if Obama makes Kaiser and all the other insurance companies
cover pre-existing conditions, and insure my wife and X-wife and my daughter, what will they be charging me for my insurance in order to cover pre-existing conditions.

AND if Obama can make the insurance company start covering pre-existing conditions, and take someone who already is diabetic and has a bad heart and kidney disease or cancer, then can he make them let me wreck my car first and then cover the expenses of the repair with insurance? Can someone who's house burnt down then go buy insurance to cover it? Will all companies have to cover ALL pre-existing conditions? Where will the governement's control or interference stop? Is this the beginning of more Socialism for America?

Did you know back when the country was first formed all the politicians had jobs or farms and only worked in politics part time! government the country was small back then, but now over 200 years later there are ove 300 million people in this country, or 1/5 of the worlds population and consume more than 25% of the worlds resources so where does it end soylent green ! your eating people for gods sake! thanks Charles>

Oh and houses can be rebuilt and Cars can be replaced But you can not Replace Human life and that's precious and deserves a second chance does it not, unlike a car or a house or any other material objects! human life out weighs all things material.
Thanks man, I already gabbed a 12-pack of wide mouth mason jars the day of the cut! It went pretty well...the smell of my room has gone WILD tho, have ona spread on plates all over the place along with my odor control bucket..think i went a little too small with it...and hid some on top of my doorframe outside of my room

Good deal! I found some awesome 3 gallon large jars. Love em.

I am convinced that CFLs don't give you hot sposts with tin foil. Maybe HID lights do, but not CFLs.

Those look good to me.

And I agree 100%.

I even have used the large 200w and 250w CFL bulbs with foil, and noever had issues with hot spots.

URGENT QUESTION. i am currently harvesting two out of 4 of my plants left. mainly because i want to put more light on the biggest afgan.
My question is should i stay at a full dose because i am taking 2 plants away? thanks Deep Water Culture!

Keep full dose.

Got my flower beds all made up over the weekend. Also started another batch of hash. Was getting low.

Did you know back when the country was first formed all the politicians had jobs or farms and only worked in politics part time! government the country was small back then, but now over 200 years later there are ove 300 million people in this country, or 1/5 of the worlds population and consume more than 25% of the worlds resources so where does it end soylent green ! your eating people for gods sake! thanks Charles>

Oh and houses can be rebuilt and Cars can be replaced But you can not Replace Human life and that's precious and deserves a second chance does it not, unlike a car or a house or any other material objects! human life out weighs all things material.

Yeah I agree, a human life is NEVER expendable...and thats often how insurance companies treat us.

There will inevitably be "muchers" but everyone should not suffer because of it and its never morally right to exclude someone from basic human rights..which now include healthcare

Roseman, I'm glad so many people close to you will be included! :peace:'
thx man yeah like i said i dont want to offend anyone last thing i want to do specially to a bunch of guys and gals for that matter who are so dedicated to helpin newbies such as myself to grow the medicine thats used for numerous illnesses thx for the support i would one day like to be at the skill level most of you are at and i know with the help i recieve and the knowledge i recieve i know i can be just a matter of time and patience and if its one thing i learned while i was in the army even when your rushing to get somethin done you still must have patience Hence the phrase "hurry up and waite" lol
i would just like to say since the subject was brought up it seems like when i express myself in a non hatred or dis respectful way i feel that others dont like what they hear and just straight stop helpin me and and ignorin me i just dont understand i have done nothin but follow the rules been respectful even when i didnt like what was bein said and i just feel like sometimes i shouldnt express myself here and just let others express themselves to me doesnt seem fair sorry if this offends anyone here NOT my intentions at all im here to learn well thx again for all the help i have recieved once again i am SORRY if i have offended anyone here on 420 I just thought i would vent for a minute thx again

Well you wont find that in this thread bro. Just ask away!

You've receaved good advice today from MC, nothing i can add
GJ on the quick answer MC!
Good deal! I found some awesome 3 gallon large jars. Love em.

And I agree 100%.

I even have used the large 200w and 250w CFL bulbs with foil, and noever had issues with hot spots.

Keep full dose.

Got my flower beds all made up over the weekend. Also started another batch of hash. Was getting low.


Wish I had the Cahonas to do the process and the big bags, I bought some bags but their way smaller than those bags, got ript thought they we're big bags.
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