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Made a few changes... Day 6 flower :smokin:



And my crazy, stoned, flood table idea for veg in order to make room for the big girls... :smokin: I like big girls!!! :grinjoint:


yeah i would say you have a pretty good setup there man. Myself i thought my closet would be plenty of room but now as they keep gettin bigger im startin to worry about spaceand wandering what i should do cause when i shut the closet door durin the sleep period my leaves starting to push up against the door and the back is already touchin backside of wall i also dont know how much i will be able to raise the lights id have better room if i could hang my two main lights horizontal as to vertical but i cant afford a hood right now that trip out of town set me back a lil on money. So i guess what im gettin at is, is there anythin i can use to tie the lights horizontal without worryin that the little bit of heat given off of my cfl's will start a fire if i use string.
I have an odd question, 1 of my lil girls is just like not growing.
it has been about 3 weeks. And is still stuck on the 2nd set of leaves
The root mass has been increasing daily on all of them, but just this 1 girl does not seem to be vegging correctly. It is on its 2nd set of leaves, but instead of both the sides of the leaves having 3 leaves (so a total of 6), it has 5.
So what i am saying is that, the plant is stuck on the 2nd set of leaves because it has 5 leaves instead of 6. It is really hard to explain, it is like the set of leaves is sharing 1 bigger leaf (that is suppose to be 2 smaller ones).
What i am trying to say is, it is not symmetrical. It just worries me because all the other 4 are growing a nice steady rate, but this one just wont grow anymore leaves, it seems confused almost.
uploaded some pics of it on my journal, check it out if you wanna see it instead of my horrible description lol, thanks all..
These plants are real not artificial so they may not be perfect !! Don't worry be happy !! They will be fine !
Greetings Deep Water Culture.

I have questions for you dear souls.

1) I began using the Deep Water Culture System yesterday, and the Sunleaves Air Pump is VERY noisy, even propped on a towel away from all hard or hollow surfaces. It kept me awake all night last night. And I can hear it three rooms away through the wall!

I only have one seedling (out of the four bag seeds which were soaked in paper towel to sprout) which I placed in a rockwool cube yesterday.

Is it alright to unplug the air pump at night, or is that detrimental to the extra oxygenation of the water to the seedling(s)?

2)This Sunleaves air pump came with the Deep Water Culture system. Do I call Stealth Hydro and ask for a replacement? Maybe it is just defective.This air pump is NOT stealthy, by any measure, and that is why I went with buying the entire system...stealthiness (is that a word?)

3) what other brands of air pumps are you using? which would you recommend for Quietness?

I did a little reading of reviews of other pumps on the Internet today to learn one review someone stated that sometimes the air stone itself creats too much pressure on the pump and causes it to make to much noise. Does anyone have any experience with that?


Yesterday, I was doing the step of pH balancing water to soak the Rockwool Cubes, according to Roseman's Tutorial, attempting to balance my pH 6.5 water down to 5, as he recommends to help lower the pH of the Cubes. I used the Stealth Hydro (from their system) pH DOWN and the pH went UP to 7.5!!!

I am speculating that the pH DOWN may be mislabled. ANY OTHER IDEAS?

I called and left Stealth Hydro a message yesterday morning (Thursday). It is now Friday evening after hours, and I have not heard back from them.

IS my 6.5 pH tap/filtered water fine to use in the res for the plant, even though pH 5.8 is best? Being so new to this (and with brain/tracking/memory issues) I'm sure I've read about the Happy Medium for water pH. AND Mostly Crazy sent a wonderful graph to study. I just want to confirm that it is alriaght for my first sweet seedling to continue growing like this since I have no way to reduce the pH at this time, over the weekend and into next week. I live in a rural area, an hour from aquarium stores, big box stores, wal-mart or anywhere else like that. AND I'm car-free, so generally do most shopping over the internet...

Does anyone else have any feedback about their Customer Service experiences with Stealth Hydro?

I'd ordered the Multi-Spectrum CFL setup with my Deep Water Culture System and two of the CFL bulb bases were too close to the reflector to allow the bulbs to screw in. Has anyone else had that experience??? ( SH has just sent a replacement reflector to me, received it today, and not yet had time to open and inspect. hope it is in working order...)

Any feedback is WELCOME~I am very excited having begun my very first grow ever. As teh plants grow, I will add parabolic reflectors and other CFL's to enhance the grow. :yahoo:

ALSO, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for being who you are! This site is such a welcoming place, and I feel connection already.


Sounds like you did some reading! Congrats!

More CFL bulbs, the better!

I'd seriously suggest getting a Whisper 100 pump. Amazon sells, as does a bunch of other sites. Google Whisper 100 air pump. I run miltiple ones, and they are almost silent! Have lasted a long while too, and have two outlets for air.

Does anyone remember the name of the seed someone recommended to me the other day. It was something like domina something.
Thank you

Black Domina. One of my favorite strains. I have one growing outback as we speak. :bong:

What strain would you recommend for hash MostlyCrazy :popcorn:

Purple Kush makes a great full melt. So does Black Domina. Casey Jones. S.A.G.E.

BC Hashplant is a winner.

Any of the Haze strains.

Lots of strains for the diesel or Chem families. Chem Dawg is always a favortie.

These are some full melt Bubblehash strains. I guess to be more helpful, I would need to know the kind of hash you plan to make. What's the goal? Quality or quantity?

I may have given it away but even though I subscribe and claim (in my signature) to be a Deep Water Culture, I'm still just a dirt farmer!

I grow outdoors in dirt too! :slide:

Inside I prefer hydro, but it's all good! We love anyone who loves cannabis

I have an odd question, 1 of my lil girls is just like not growing.
it has been about 3 weeks. And is still stuck on the 2nd set of leaves
The root mass has been increasing daily on all of them, but just this 1 girl does not seem to be vegging correctly. It is on its 2nd set of leaves, but instead of both the sides of the leaves having 3 leaves (so a total of 6), it has 5.
So what i am saying is that, the plant is stuck on the 2nd set of leaves because it has 5 leaves instead of 6. It is really hard to explain, it is like the set of leaves is sharing 1 bigger leaf (that is suppose to be 2 smaller ones).
What i am trying to say is, it is not symmetrical. It just worries me because all the other 4 are growing a nice steady rate, but this one just wont grow anymore leaves, it seems confused almost.

Pics would help... you confused me a bit here bud.

Talking fingers? Each leaf had multiple fingers, always in odd numbers.

Usually first with the cotyledon leaves. The round ones used to push up through the soil.

Then comes the first set of true, jagedy edged leaves. Usually only one finger.

Next set of leaves will have 3.

Eventually some will have 5, 7, 9, etc. 7 and 9 are pretty rare.

One with 9 "fingers"

Hope that helps some.

Sometimes slow growth, runts, odd mutations etc can happen. Just part of the whole game I guess.
What exactly you mean by that bro? Im still new to the game lol and how would i go about LST or supercropping

Tie the top over. Literally bending the girl over ;)

Here is a recent pic of some LST on a Black Domina I have out back:


You can see where I bent here over and "tied" the string. Didn't tie it around the stem, just made a loop to pull it down. After a few hours being bent over, they will start to right themselves. So you get the S curve in the stem.

You can keep pulling the top over as it grows. Like this:

By doing this, you confuse the plant. It will start telling some of the side branches to become "tops" and grow up, just like a main top would. Basically, making a bunch of little "main colas" with big buds.

I'll try and get an updated pic of my plant. You can see some of the smaller side branches becoming thicker, and taller.
My main stems are also way thicker than the one in that pic i just looked at im just nervous i might mess somethin up this far into my grow
My main stems are also way thicker than the one in that pic i just looked at im just nervous i might mess somethin up this far into my grow

I understand. At first, I didn't like the thought of touching the plants, let alone man-handling them! lol

Do what you feel comfortable with. No one is making you do anything you don't like! Just giving an idea for you.

Go look at your plant again, if its close. See the top part of the stem is soft, and flexible? It bends easy. They the part you want to tie over. The bottom part is probably too stiff by now to get any bend out of it.
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