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Ok my new question of the day. I would like to get some input on what you guys/ and gals think why my plant bushed and bushed out on the first half of the plant now the second/upper part of the plant is all tall and strestched out. Now is that caused by somethin or is it natural?

Damn brother if its not one thing its another for you. I feel for you man you are definatley a pretty good chunk of glue that helps hold this team together. Well i hope you get everythin finished up so you can come back and hang with us again lol.

Thanks, GardenGuy24.

I went to Sams Club and looked at new computers.
WOW, I was amazed, especially at the $900 Touch Screen Computer by HP. I played SOLITAIRE and it was amazing how fast I could move the cards around. Everything was INSTANT FAST! They had a lot of $500 and $600 puters with Dual Procesors, but I had heard about a new Intell i5 Processor so I went to Best Buy. Wow, it is twice as fast and with the Dual Processor it was like Lightening. I bought one cheaper than Best Buy off the internet and with the Intell i5 Dual Processor, it is Lightening Fast. I can run Norton Full Scan at the same time I am downloading something and the Norton Scan doesn't slow anything down. That's the Dual Processor.

If you get time to goof off and visit a store that sells new computers, check out the Touch-Screens.
And if you buy one, be sure it has a Dual Processor.

Now if I can only learn this Windows 7 new stuff.........................

sometimes it is difficult being a stoner.
Sam it is under the leaves that I saw brown. I don't know what it is. When I posted the pictures yesterday I put them in photoshop to reduce them. I zoomed in on the trichs and they are definitely clear. I didn't take pictures of the underside of the leaf to do the same and zoom. If I have time later I will and give you an update. I never really looked under the leaf with a magnifying glass before maybe that is just what they look like.

I hope those litrle brown trichs are not crawling around.
Thanks, GardenGuy24.

I wnet to Sams Club and looked at new computers. WOW, I was amazed, especially at the $900 Touch Screen Computer by HP. I played SOLITAIRE and it was amazing how fast I could move the cards around. Everything was INSTANT FAST! They had a lot of $500 and $600 puters with Dual Procesors, but I had heard about a new Intell i5 Processor so I went to Best Buy. Wow, it is twice as fast and with the Dual Processor it was like Lightening. I bought one cheaper than Best Buy off the internet and with the Intell i5 Dual Processor, it is Lightening Fast. I can run Norton Full Scan at the same time I am downloading something and the Norton Scan doesn't slow anything down. That's the Dual Processor.

If you get time to goof off and visit a store that sells new computers, check out the Touch-Screens.
And if you buy one, be sure it has a Dual Processor.

Now if I can only learn this Windows 7 new stuff.........................

sometimes it is difficult being a stoner.

Well at least somethin good came of this all lol you got an excuse to buy a new bad ass computer. I was thinkin about gettin a the windows 7 with the dual processor but dont know how much i would care for the touch screen, my phone is a pretty cool touch screen but it also drives me INSANE. The coolest thing bout my phone is you plug into the usb and bam you have a modem wherever you have a computer. "Sometimes it is difficult being a stoner" Rite behind you on that there my friend.
Will Smith at the end of the song from the show fresh prince used to say smell ya later. It just reminded me of that. I would buy that perfume as well. Hmmmmm a thought of a business for someone.

You're going to find this really hard to beleive, but my wife just got a giant Conk SeaShell tatooed on her upper thigh. It is as big as the palm of my hand and right at her bikinni line.
The hard part to believe is
if I put my ear right up against it, and hold my head just right, I can actually really smell the ocean!
k guys so im goin to be starting my second Deep Water Culture grow. i was very satisfied with my results last time. this time i would like to change a few things make a few adjustments. i just had a few questions. this time ill be doing only two plants but they wont be autos. should i use the 6plant Deep Water Culture kit to start them then switch to buckets? what about nutes? last time i used the stealth hydro nutes which seemed to work just fine. i also did not get a ppm meter. this being my second Deep Water Culture/hydo grow i know very lil about it. with any other nutes will i need one? ill probably be using cfls again. and trying a lil lst. looking for a short plant too any suggestions or input is appreciated. thanks Deep Water Culture!!

If I was starting non-feminzed seeds, I'd start 4, one in ech corner, and expect to get 2 or possibly 3 females. Then I would leave them in the tank.

If you tried liquid ADVANCED NUTRIENTS, it is so easy to just add a spoon full per gallon of water and not have to have a ppm meter. Same if you stay with the SH pre-measured nutes. I have two ppm meters and I never rely on them or let them tell me to add nutes.

Short Plant = LowRyders. Fast growing too.
another thing i will be using cfls will the adcance nutes be to strong?

No they will not.

If you are going to grow as a grower, you ought to get a ppm meter sooner or later. It allwos for MAXIMUM feedings, or that is the opinion of most growers.

I am convinced lower feedings or using less than recommended is better for your grow tho, and that would rule out the need for a ppm meter. They are not that expensive to experiment with.

And if you have the space start 6 seeds in the tank and get 3 or 4 females, it is not that difficult to rearrange them later..
You're going to find this really hard to beleive, but my wife just got a giant Conk SeaShell tatooed on her upper thigh. It is as big as the palm of my hand and right at her bikinni line.
The hard part to believe is
if I put my ear right up against it, and hold my head just right, I can actually really smell the ocean![/QUOTE ]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: TOO funny my friend
So its how i have my lights set up now? Is it ok to leave untill chop or should i start lookin into a better way of puttin the lights? Like i said im goin to have an actual grow room next time around.
So... I guess im just not catchin on. Are you implying that i should raise my lower side lights towards the tops? Cause my main CFL's are focused on the tops and i have side lighting towards the middlish bottom area. If so thats no prob i can do that quick and easy enough.
In my opinion, with multiple CFLS, Lights should be focused toward the tops where the larger buds grow, then add side lighting and lower lights if you have them.

So... I guess im just not catchin on. Are you implying that i should raise my lower side lights towards the tops? Cause my main CFL's are focused on the tops and i have side lighting towards the middlish bottom area. If so thats no prob i can do that quick and easy enough.

I'm not positive Roseman saw your side lighting.
another thing i will be using cfls will the adcance nutes be to strong?

I grew the Sour diesel under cfl's using Advanced nutes for the flowering.

This next grow I'll be using the Advanced for vegging too, I just picked up a couple gallons last Friday.

I'd recommend you get a meter, I bought mine for $18, it's a Hanna and it seems to work fine for me, you don't have to spend a ton of money for what you're doing.
I use the tds meter to monitor nute useage by the plants. I don't push the nutes like a lot of people do, if you want to use high levels of nutes then You'll need it, but from what I've learned growing and in my research is that very high nute levels does not benefit the plan at all, it only increases you chance of burning you plant. I never go over 900 ppm in any stage of growth.

thanks for all the responses you guys. k so as far as strain goes im thinking *** or vanilla kush. ill be using fem seeds and cfls. i will probably be using sh nutes again. now all i have to do is order all my shit.
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