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lol just fun to do, last time it took me over a year to get any beans then once u have them had to roast them and got 1 cup lol. it wasn't very good but it's the journey i enjoy
like right now i'm growing a few pineapples from there tops, will take me almost 2 years to get a pineapple but it will be the best tasting pineapple i have ever better lol
Topping is usually caused by a scissors or sharp razor. AS far as the stretch its usually caused by having the light to far away from the plant and is exacerbated by incorrect wattage/lumens.

Lets see if I'm right. (I'm just offering an educated guess.)
ok on this subject can you school me rose,,like is it bad,what needs to be done to correct it(topping already mentioned),what can cause it

Stretching is simply due to Low Light or Low Lumen amounts, or the plant starving for more light, so it reaches toward it and grows more rapidly toward it.
Most times it is bad, it means the plant is not getting enough Light. Ocassionally, a plant is too bushy, too short and thick, and LIGHT can not penetrate in, so we stretch it on purpose to spread the nodes out and make more space in between them.
I covered Deliberate Stretching in the Tutorial.
They are serious about their sponsors and if I were a sponsor I'd want it that way. The strain I refered to is not allowed because it refers to a harder drug and who wants that in the results of a search on a site dedicated to cannabis. We are trying to unlink ourselves from the drugs that can actually hurt you.

On here I'll call it Mazar. If you go to Attitude and look up Mazar it will come up.

MC, Is that green fuzzy bunnies(better known as green crack) strain? Got some of that in Arcata a couple of wks ago !! Winds you right up !!
This might start a giant whirlwind and that is not what im intending it to do,,BUT I do not agree with the fact that if there is a company that is doing business in the world of cannabis and they are a good solid reputiable company we are not allowed to say their name.. ITS BULLSHIT.. There are many many companies out there that are way better than others and put out a better product but just because they are not a sponcer we cant talk about them..I may not have the growing skills as most here, and I am fairly new to the site so my leaving would not be a big issue to anyone here, so if they wanna ban me or what ever for talking about a good solid company that has to do with growing. ( in any shape or form) then let them ban me. I came to this site to learn more about growing from what I consider to be some Master growers. thats the reason we are all here is to learn new things.. so what if someone passes along info for a company that is not a sponcor. that should be allowed in my book.. part of growing is learning new ways, products, tips, you name it. so I for one think that just because your company sponcers a web site does not mean that you should be the only one that is allowed to be named there.... What if I use a sponcor company and dont like them? but find a company that I do like, why shouldnt I be able to let others know about them? It is just childish in my oppinion that talking about places that dont sponcor the site is taboo..Call me a jerk if you want kick me off the site what ever.. but dont ban us from passing info on companies that do good work or what ever just because your sponcor is someone else...
just my oppinion..

crbanshee, I agree it almost sounds like having a lobiest (spell?) and they ain't good in my book !!
Stretching is simply due to Low Light or Low Lumen amounts, or the plant starving for more light, so it reaches toward it and grows more rapidly toward it.
Most times it is bad, it means the plant is not getting enough Light. Ocassionally, a plant is too bushy, too short and thick, and LIGHT can not penetrate in, so we stretch it on purpose to spread the nodes out and make more space in between them.
I covered Deliberate Stretching in the Tutorial.

thanks rose ,yea i knew i had seen it posted by you somewhere but wasent sure,so basicly in his case he just needs to bring his lights closer to stop the stretch,but,in my case my plants are short and bushy ,would you reccomend me trying to stretch them up(pull my lights closer to the celing),,when i got that new res the roots exploded again so i figure id leave them in veg for another week to see if i could get them any taller
With cfls you can bring them right down to within a couple of inches of the plants top !! I usually stick the back of my hand under the lights to see how warm it is at that level , if it ain't hot to your hand its fine ! I'm lovin that Blue Mistic back there !! Nice job !! Don't get carried away before you get to the wedding Roseman !! That should happen AFTER the reception !! :thumb:
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