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First week of 12/12 to take clones is my limit. Really you can take clones later but they have to return to the vegatative state before they will readily shoot some roots.

Ok cool Fedex ran late and kinda screwed me up a little bit, but i guess im alright becuse i barely switched last night! How exactly do you clone ? Does it matter if all the stems are super thick?

I sure miss alot of those guys too. I think Dystopia left right after he saw the Florida Bust there. And I wonder about many others listed there too. Remember old Peterman? LOL

Time, like 4 years on 4 grow sites, has taught me, newbs come, they ask 100 questions, become your firend, they learn, they finish and harvest a grow, then they know more than you do, so they leave and are then gone.

ca sara, ca sara.
well im still around, you can never learn enough.
Ok cool Fedex ran late and kinda screwed me up a little bit, but i guess im alright becuse i barely switched last night! How exactly do you clone ? Does it matter if all the stems are super thick?

I've had mixed success taking thick cuts. My advice is to get at least 5-6 nodes on a cutting and the bottom two nodes get dipped into cloning gel for the roots. The lower supposedly better, older hormones for rooting. I go for a good "lollipop stick" size 1/8" to a 1/4'' size.

Take a few more clones then you want to have, that way if any die you'll still have enough. Shoot for a 50-70% success rate just to be sure, and practice.
I've had mixed success taking thick cuts. My advice is to get at least 5-6 nodes on a cutting and the bottom two nodes get dipped into cloning gel for the roots. The lower supposedly better, older hormones for rooting. I go for a good "lollipop stick" size 1/8" to a 1/4'' size.

Take a few more clones then you want to have, that way if any die you'll still have enough. Shoot for a 50-70% success rate just to be sure, and practice.
All my branches are almost a dime thick, so I wasnt to sure, but ill keep trying!:bong:
Hey Roseman how are you doing my friend? I hope you are enjoying the spoils of your hard labor! I have noticed less activity from alot of people. I know I have been MIA for 3 days, because I have been swamped with work and dead tired when I get home(only time to maintenence my garden). Luckily for me I have a week off to relax and garden!! I heard they might be doing a Deep Water Culture smiley?
Hey Roseman how are you doing my friend? I hope you are enjoying the spoils of your hard labor! I have noticed less activity from alot of people. I know I have been MIA for 3 days, because I have been swamped with work and dead tired when I get home(only time to maintenence my garden). Luckily for me I have a week off to relax and garden!! I heard they might be doing a Deep Water Culture smiley?

I AM BLESSED, beyond measure, with much more than I deserve!

YES, they are making us a Deep Water Culture Smiley and we are all so tickled.

I have been on these grow sites since 2006, and I've just about seen it all too. They come and go, newbs and new members, in waves. They come, they watch and listen, they ask quetions, make friends, get up the courage to ask questions, they start a grow, make mistakes, HELP ME, HELP ME, then they get a harvest, then they don't need you any more and they know more than you and then they are gone. I have learned or seen or figured out GROUPS stay longer, escpecially groups banded together for a purpose, like teaching and helping. I have seen a CFL CLUB, a group called THE DIRT BAGS, a DWC Gang, and many others, and they seemed to have stayed arouind longer. Fact is, finishing a grow is a great big joy, but like childbirth, there is also that depression, that 'post partum" feeling of WHAT DO I DO NOW? I fill that gap by playing on this computer at these grow sites, enjoying teaching and being a part of THE Deep Water Culture.
I AM BLESSED, beyond measure, with much more than I deserve!

YES, they are making us a Deep Water Culture Smiley and we are all so tickled.

I have been on these grow sites since 2006, and I've just about seen it all too. They come and go, newbs and new members, in waves. They come, they watch and listen, they ask quetions, make friends, get up the courage to ask questions, they start a grow, make mistakes, HELP ME, HELP ME, then they get a harvest, then they don't need you any more and they know more than you and then they are gone. I have learned or seen or figured out GROUPS stay longer, escpecially groups banded together for a purpose, like teaching and helping. I have seen a CFL CLUB, a group called THE DIRT BAGS, a DWC Gang, and many others, and they seemed to have stayed arouind longer. Fact is, finishing a grow is a great big joy, but like childbirth, there is also that depression, that 'post partum" feeling of WHAT DO I DO NOW? I fill that gap by playing on this computer at these grow sites, enjoying teaching and being a part of THE Deep Water Culture.

So very true Roseman!! Thats what I like about the Deep Water Culture, I not only inherited good advice, but some great friends! At this point I couldn't imagine not keeping in touch with you guys. I guess some people are only looking for weed to smoke, not great people to associate with.
Hello friends, I have completed Deep Water Culture grows in the past leaving the feeder tubes in about 4 weeks. I have plants 10 days old and all roots are in the water now. I was thinking if I remove the pump and tubes now that would promote root growth. The roots have hit the water so they know were the food source is. What do you guys think? Don't get me wrong I like the pump and tubes, I'm just wondering if my logic is sound.

Hey infexion

As soon as my roots hit the water I remove the feeder tubes as well as the water pump. I have had no issues. Reasoning is a; during the hot months the pump was adding a few degrees to my already 80 degree res and b; if it's unnecessary to have the pump in the res, it should be taken out as you can avoid crap in the filterand some bad things that can go with that. I actually thought my aunties started growing faster once they had to reach for the water vs bottle feeding them with the pump and tubes.


yo guys man i havent bn able 2 use my computer since sunday night somebody hacked it
att fixed it and gave me new security software ya
also moved the widows n 2 a 10 gallon tote i painted white

i like growing with bubbles dirt is messy !!!!:peace:
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