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Garden- i totally agree!! i think i need to smoke some to help allieviate my anxiety caused by waiting lol.

im on the east coast and get brick 95% of the time :( and yes of Course i still smoke it too lol- of course i also dont have the connections like i did when i was younger

Im so sorry you got a boy- i did all fem seeds and got 100% female. I know there is debate over it but Im happy with spending the little extra especially since i got all ladies

I put them in 24 hours of darkness today so that will help me wait too as now i cant go in the room lol- grower tough love!
Garden- i totally agree!! i think i need to smoke some to help allieviate my anxiety caused by waiting lol.

im on the east coast and get brick 95% of the time :( and yes of Course i still smoke it too lol- of course i also dont have the connections like i did when i was younger

Im so sorry you got a boy- i did all fem seeds and got 100% female. I know there is debate over it but Im happy with spending the little extra especially since i got all ladies

I put them in 24 hours of darkness today so that will help me wait too as now i cant go in the room lol- grower tough love!

Yeah its no big deal with the boy i was skeptical when i bought them fem seeds for that cheap but, as long as my big one makes it ill be happy i was hopin for 2 oz per plant. Now im hopin with all the light on just her and all bubbles in her tank Bein spoiled yet once again lol will give me at least 3 oz now from just her alone.
Oh and green007 ty for the welcome to the site! I cant respond back yet as I dont have enough posts lol but I'm working on that :)

* is there a place to learn all the smily icons ? i have looked but havent found them - you all post the coolest ones lol

Its the more italics when you click on go advanced option in the reply bar.:roorrip:
In this high tech world I am always amazed at how little we understand about the natural world and how we can use the natural world to help solve our high tech problems. By adding humidity to the top of your res. evaporation will happen. Evaporation produces cooling. The ancient Egyptians knew this, our high school teachers not so much. It is the same principal that make swamp coolers work well in desert areas.:420:

Ok now I feel like an idiot with all my degrees. No offense taken. I guess we forget more then we remember.

Tank will be lifted today when I get home and rags ect will be put on tank. It is cold today so that will help. I am just worried that no lights on yet so door will be closed till I get back. I won't be gone too long and since it isn't hot I suppose it won't be too much of an issue.

I wonder if I should just open the door anyhow I will be leaving only 15 minutes before the lights come on.
i think if its cool outside you should be ok leave your door shut but i live in the mountains so when its cool outside its fricken cool lol and when its warm outside its nice but because my place is colorado coated for the winter snows it can get pretty hot in here when sunny out
40% is good for flowering but that res temp has to come down. Try to wood blocks and some added air for a start. Got to get it light tight before a day lights off. It has to be as dark as it is with a full moon.

MC glad you said that. I always wondered why people were saying basically blackout. It is never that dark outside. I think because my plants are in the cabinet whatever little light might leak into room doesn't go past maybe an inch inside the room. I have gone in at night to check before the plants were in. I can see the light if I look carefully when they come on through the crack of the door on the side not the bottom but those lights are way brighter then any light that can seep into the room. My opinion was it is dark but I don't really know.

I am just having issue now about having that closet closed up in the day when all my stuff is in there. I don't have an empty closet I still use it. I would have to plan everyday what I need from it before the lights go out. All my clothes meds and other stuff is in there. I am trying to figure all this out. I wish I didn't have to grow so late in the season but since last grow was my first didn't have enough yield to last through October when I will do the next one. If I get enough from this one then maybe even Nov.
i just leave my front livin room door open cause rite down the hallway is the door to my "office" so keeps it cooler in here but humidity becomes a problem with that but because of all the storms we been gettin and have on the map for next week or so and with nice cool temps outside and humidity in the outside air has been helpin keep room perfect
So i have another question for anyone out there who knows, So i know now when switchin over to flower keep veg nutes in em for week or two to keep that N in em to help prevent leaf droopin and whatever, I also now know that foliar feedin while in flower can cause mould but if my humidity levels are extremely low like in the 10's 15's before sprayin (cause after you spray humidity goes up like 7% for a lil while) but would foliar feedin still pose a threat of mould? And if not or if foliar feedin is ok to do would it be ok to foliar feed with veg nutes while in the bucket you are feedin em flower nutes. Anyone with an opinion give me what you think, If it even makes sence or if its just a stupid question. My dad always told me the only stupid question in life is the question not asked.
MC glad you said that. I always wondered why people were saying basically blackout. It is never that dark outside. I think because my plants are in the cabinet whatever little light might leak into room doesn't go past maybe an inch inside the room. I have gone in at night to check before the plants were in. I can see the light if I look carefully when they come on through the crack of the door on the side not the bottom but those lights are way brighter then any light that can seep into the room. My opinion was it is dark but I don't really know.

I am just having issue now about having that closet closed up in the day when all my stuff is in there. I don't have an empty closet I still use it. I would have to plan everyday what I need from it before the lights go out. All my clothes meds and other stuff is in there. I am trying to figure all this out. I wish I didn't have to grow so late in the season but since last grow was my first didn't have enough yield to last through October when I will do the next one. If I get enough from this one then maybe even Nov.

:goodluck: Get a bigger spaceship :smokin:
Not a big fan of sharing my grow space with clothes and things. All kinds of bugs can be carried in on the clothes. Make sure you bug spray your area regularly.

I checked for light leaks by standing in the grow room in the dark period with the door closed. If I can easily see my hands, count fingers, see that scare on my finger I got when I was a kid (don't touch a moving fan no matter who much they dare you) and see my wedding ring then it would be too light.
Oh and green007 ty for the welcome to the site! I cant respond back yet as I dont have enough posts lol but I'm working on that :)

* is there a place to learn all the smily icons ? i have looked but havent found them - you all post the coolest ones lol

When I see a POST I wnat to respond to, I hit the QUOTE BUTTON and a new window opens and the smileys are on the right of that scren page.
sometimes you hit the [More] button there for more smileys.
What you guys/gals think of my one shot of a fem more pix in my journal


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