The sunrise


New Member
Up early today, long day ahead of me got moving to do!

I was just sitting on my porch with a blunt of Blueberry watching the sunrise. Its been awhile since Ive done this, and I find that the simple pleasures in life are what make it so great. While the moon is still fixed in the sky surrounded by the wonderfull colors of pink and orange hughes. It makes for the start of a very good day. Hope everybody enjoys this start of a brand new week!

Heres to the start of a good day :roorrip:

damn if i wasnt on the other side of the world id probably be doing the same thing right now.
tomorrow is my first day back at work and il be up early, probably catch a buzz on the way in too, which is around the time the suns coming up.
i find a wake and bake is a good start to the day, some drink coffee, i have my own habit.
Beautiful description StonerGrower! Reading this made think of all the simple pleasures in life and made me feel quite peaceful :peace:.

I live in Africa where the sun always shines and you tend to forget how beautiful nature is as it is always staring you in the face - familiararity breeds contempt. I love to go down to the river spark a J and watch a sunrise now and then and appreciate how beautiful our world is. :smokin:
I'm up early every mornin~~still
dark when I rise~~Love to drink my
coffee~~& proceed to get out my
pipe & jus enjoy the quiet of my high
as I sit there in front of my computer~~
One day I'll have to sit outside to watch
the sun come up~~yeh~~sounds kewl~~
its winter over here at the moment and the sunrise is beautiful as it creeps over the horizon of the pacific ocean,, and i get up early every day, sometimes for work but other times coz my cat "bud" wakes me, he likes to sit on the balcony just as the sun is coming up, so i join him with a coffee .... after ive had a bong of course......:roorrip:
Today I watched the sunrise. As the night is diluted to a gray hue I lit my pencil thin purple sativa spliff and before long the sun rays burst over the horizon like liquid gold shooting into my being and meeting the growing light in my soul from the high grade, like a wave meeting the beach as it crashes onto the shore, the light reaches my core from within and from out beyond the horizon and meet in my mind with the harmony of two lovers locked into a passionate embrace - in the rapture - I know I am home again.
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