Third Times A Charm

Man i like the fact in Massachusetts you can legally give away an OZ to another legal aged person of Massachusetts ....

Man ppl should move there and everyone grow and give away an OZ to each other... or if it were me i would move there and just Pan Handle
.. lmao

Outside your home possesion limit is 1 OZ but inside its 10 OZ..
Im loving it. They're dragging their feet w retail but I definitely wont need that anyway ;)
Outside your home possesion limit is 1 OZ but inside its 10 OZ..

Nope on the in home amount if you grow = no limit, you can have your harvest. It would be silly to have a family grow 12 plants that harvest let's say 2 oz each =24 oz and for them to have to throw out 14oz. Image how much some skilled operators will have that grow those monster 1 pound outdoor plants X 12 plants.....mouth watering.
Nope on the in home amount if you grow = no limit, you can have your harvest. It would be silly to have a family grow 12 plants that harvest let's say 2 oz each =24 oz and for them to have to throw out 14oz. Image how much some skilled operators will have that grow those monster 1 pound outdoor plants X 12 plants.....mouth watering.
Well i looked up the laws for mass state and thats what i found?
Laws laws laws lol. Idgaf.... Ill keep on keeping on. As long as Im not creating issues traffic etc... No one will bother me. Im the quiet private stoner type anyway.
I didnt want to worry about too much heat in the greenhouse so I added screen to the porch side. I also started building the entrace way. Now onto creating a door
My babies are growing like weeds ;). One is a lil twisted like me. I adjusted some things for her picky lil ass. Her new growth is looking good.

Im sooo impressed with my clones growth. They're shooting new leaves.
My clones have so much more New Growth now that I tied them down. I repotted a few of the babies. Ill be up potting the rest today ( I ran out of FF soil)
Everybody is in their big girl pots :) 1 more month to go before I start to harden them to go outside. Theyll stay in these pots and then I am going to put them in 10 gallon pots in my Greenhouse.
Lesson Learned (again) you want something done right do it yourself. My friend helped me put the top on my greenhouse. The area she put up is collapsing w the rain. Uhhhhgggg. Mines standing strong no puddles. Oh well. Itll be fixing that IN THE RAIN.

Heres my gals. I cant wait to get them outside. I live in Mass so I never plant outdoors before Mother's Day.
Lesson Learned (again) you want something done right do it yourself. My friend helped me put the top on my greenhouse. The area she put up is collapsing w the rain. Uhhhhgggg. Mines standing strong no puddles. Oh well. Itll be fixing that IN THE RAIN.

Heres my gals. I cant wait to get them outside. I live in Mass so I never plant outdoors before Mother's Day.

This is a lesson learned long ago lol, even now I have a friend who what's to "help" with my grows bahahaha. I try not to be rude but .....
This is a lesson learned long ago lol, even now I have a friend who what's to "help" with my grows bahahaha. I try not to be rude but .....
Right.... I always tell myself if you want something done right do it yourself. And still am a sucker too nice LOL . Putting up the greenhouse was something I definitely need two people to do. I figured out a better way today to do the roof by myself LOL
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