Third Times A Charm

Well that took a lot longer then expected. Well thats what happens when you do things alone. Im SOAKED
Its pretty BIG 16 feet long 7.5 feet tall and 4 feet wide.

I wonder how many people read that and pause to lay out in their mind how many plants that could equal. Einstein had his complex theories, mine is simply, {AS=P} (Available Space=Plants to fill that space).
My green house is completely ready for my plants. I put bird cages around all my berry bushes. And I started the process of planting The Three Sisters by planting my Native American corn :)
Any advice guys? Now comes the questions to Pot or go straight in the ground? I have the option to amend the soil however I want. Its already very rich soil crawling w worms. Amending the soil seems to be a little more cost efficient. But I live in an area where we do get some bad thunderstorms and tornado warnings in the summer. I was thinking of putting them in pots so I can bring them in. The greenhouse is very sturdy and is in the ground at a depth of 2 feet. But when you spend so much time on you girls you don't want to risk anything if you know what I mean LOL. So what do my 420 peeps think? Pot or go straight in the ground?
Maybe go half and half??? That's what I do. Outdoor in the greenhouse they will be safe BUT... if you get an early frost... or like you said real bad weather you COULD lose it all. I'd get the biggest pots you can find and do half in pots and half in amended dirt. That way if something does happen you won't be hurting as bad...
Maybe go half and half??? That's what I do. Outdoor in the greenhouse they will be safe BUT... if you get an early frost... or like you said real bad weather you COULD lose it all. I'd get the biggest pots you can find and do half in pots and half in amended dirt. That way if something does happen you won't be hurting as bad...
I was thinking about doing that too :). Im not worried about frost as I dont plant outdoors till after Memorial Day. But we've had sone NASTY summer storms here and I lost most of my vegetable crops. Pots can get expensive to buy nevermind fill w good soil. I have 12 plants going outside. Ill have to start slowly buying pots now lol ;)
If ur plants r in the green house frost won't hit them but tornados certainly would. I'd put them in pots so if something did happen yeah u could move them indoors. Problem with the large fabric pots is u shouldn't carry them by the handles I have a 7gal with my diesel in it an I'd be scared to try an pick it up by the handles. Just get a friend an both pick it up by the bottom an u be good :) oh 7gal root pot cost me 4.50 Canadian each
Its a tough call. 6-12 pots at $5 each plus cost of soil. It takes a full 1.5 cubic foot bag of soil to fill 1 7gallon pot. Right? A good quality soil here cost $15 a bag. And if I ground grow I still have to amend that soil too. Oh boy I hear dollars. Lol. Cha Ching Cha Ching.
It's an investment for sure but your yield will more then cover ur starting costs. I've dumped 2k into my setup after losing everything due to unseen cercumstances an what I've harvested an sold already in clones (''tis that time of year) I've made everything back an then some :)
I have zero experience to qualify my opinion but I'd sure be skipping the pots and amending the ground soil. Why pay money for something you already (mostly) have?
My soil is black too w lots of worms. Hmmmmm. . would be cheaper and I could grow Beasts. I do have a few pots laying around I could use. Amend my soil and try out a few different brands of bagged soil in pots. Ohhhh the decisions lol
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