Time: Question


Well-Known Member
Im not new here however I've never grown cannabis outdoor in the ground. I planted her on June 1st. After a week of sprouting/growing inn my tent.
My question is the ad says 9-11 weeks flowering. Am i going to run out of time? It says to pick her second week October. Btw its a NorthernLights XTREME SHES 37 INCHES. TALL N HEALTHY


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You'll be just fine 99% of the time. IF you happen to get a very early frost or freeze, then you could be in for a bit of trouble. Just keep an eye on the temps, and if you need to add a cover overnight it won't be too difficult.

The length of day outside will tell her when to flower, so whether you planted on May 1st, June 1st, or July 1st, she'll still start to flower at the same time.

Being up against the house, you could make a U-shaped, 3 sided box (4th side is the house) that you could cover with some sort of insulating material. Using 1x2 boards, it wouldn't be difficult. Or you could use stakes, but they would need to be pretty long if your plant is overly tall. You would just need something to trap the heat being radiated from the house and ground, to keep the plant from freeze or frost.
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