Tips For First Time Growing Outdoors: Auto

2 of the seeds haven't finished their germination yet and have remained in the same state inside the bowl (really, really small taproot) for the last 3 days.
Germination is just another word for sprouting and the seeds sprouted when they sent that first tip of the taproot out.

Three days is a long time for the seed to stall that early. My suggestion is to plant them anyway and don't wait longer for something to happen. If something went wrong it probably has already done so. Maybe they are now too wet is my first thought. Putting the seed in some soil might be enough to pull them out of their slump. It is worth a try, up to you.
I planted one of the 2 that were still in the bowl today. The other one has shown no signs of progress but I'll try planting it tomorrow, as you say it's worth a try. The other 3 plants are growing nicely I think, I can see the progress each day. I'll post a pic of them later today. About molasses, neem oil, fertilizers, feeding etc., should I start some of these processes now or is it better to wait till the plant has grown more and reached flowering stage?
OK so, at this stage, I got a few more seeds and started germinating right away. One of them got a big taproot but the rest seem to not be making any progress. I will try to plant them anyway but I'm worried since this is the 2nd time germination went wrong and I'm not sure where the mistake is. My germination method is putting water in cups and leaving the seeds inside, and then cover the cup with stretch film.
Another important matter, a couple of the plants have started to grow yellow leaves. I read that this is a sign of over or underwatering. My watering schedule is about two bottle caps of water, twice a day.
Last but not least, most of my plants are autos, but I went and got some blue dream photo period. What should I do differently for these to grow into beautiful plants?

OK so, at this stage, I got a few more seeds and started germinating right away. One of them got a big taproot but the rest seem to not be making any progress. I will try to plant them anyway but I'm worried since this is the 2nd time germination went wrong and I'm not sure where the mistake is. My germination method is putting water in cups and leaving the seeds inside, and then cover the cup with stretch film.
Another important matter, a couple of the plants have started to grow yellow leaves. I read that this is a sign of over or underwatering. My watering schedule is about two bottle caps of water, twice a day.
Last but not least, most of my plants are autos, but I went and got some blue dream photo period. What should I do differently for these to grow into beautiful plants?

Good morning my friend PP. :ciao:
So seeds soak in water 18 hrs max.
Then in between damp paper towel, not wet.
If it wet they get water logged.
So just damp.
In a warm dar spot. < 22c.
After a day or so the tail pops out.
Put it 1/2 deep in your moist soil.
Watering soil is dependant on a dry cycle.
Water your soil to run off then let it sit to dry out.
You must let it dry in-between watering.
I'll post a thread for you to read at the end.
Your girls are going to need food.
Do you have nutrients?
If your in the states Geoflora would be good for you to use.
It's hard to get out of the US.
But if you have access to a particular line of nutrients that's fine.
I think that's it, oh yeah that thread.
Here read this.

Any other questions?

Stay safe :cool:
Another important matter, a couple of the plants have started to grow yellow leaves. I read that this is a sign of over or underwatering.
Sometimes older plants will start to grow new leaves that are a yellow-green color but I doubt that your plants are old enough.

Most likely what you are seeing is the leaf slowly loosing the chlorophyll from the leaves. That is often caused by there not being enough Nitrogen available for the plant.

A photograph of just the plants with the yellow leaves would help.
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