Totally lost on what's wrong


New Member
Hey guys, I have a grow journal but haven't had much interest from others because its just a normal run of the mill learning experience and nothing fancy. Recently flipped over to 12/12 about 2 weeks ago and now some of my leaves are starting to curl downward and some are dying.

Would anyone mind taking a look a few of my pics and let me know what you think?

Unknown Strain
2 months old (ish) from seed
Indoor/Ocean Forest soil
300w(100x3) LED
65 Degrees & 50% RH

I don't know man, look healthy... Don't over water, let them dry out a little between waterings... You could lollipop them a little, get rid of that lower branch and inner branch growth. Allow the plants energy to be spent going to your tops.. Are you using a flowering nutrient?... They'll be right, famous last words, lol.
It could be a nitrogen toxicity prob but you are in flower so... looks like it may be over waterd. other wise ya i agree with Grizz, clean up the bottom and the inner plant.
I would say the same as above, I lolipop my girls at least 6"-12" depending on the size of the plant right after i flip em. All the fan's and small branches that are not going to produce much any way. This helps get airflow under you canopy and focuses energy to the top
I would say it is a slight nitrogen toxicity. Nothing major but if you start seeing signs of rusty spots on the leaves you have probably locked out calcium with an abundance of nitrogen. Your temps could be brought up a few degrees too if possible. I also agree with cleaning up the bottom of the plant, just don't go over board. I am not familiar with the soil but I would imagine your adding nutrients?? if so, I wold change over to a flower recipe instead of veg nutes at this time too.
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