UK Outdoor Down By The Riverside Hope No One Finds It Grow

royy cropper

New Member
gunna go check on her once a week and feed her see how she does its a good quarter mile from any paths so i just hope no one accidentally finds her
i vegged it in hydro for 3 weeks and topped it about 6 times its quite bushy , i planted it in about 5 liters of special mix and gave it 1.75 liters of advanced nutrients sensi grow at full strength . the ground its in is sand heavily filled with driftwood sticks so its very ariated hopefully it will do ok
Any concerns for wildlife making themselves a nice meal? I constantly battle raccoons, opossum, deer, rabbits, and birds.

Best wished for the new grow.


its on a little island in middle of river so until the water level lowers a bit it should be fine, i saw some rabbits close by this morning but theres loads of juicy leaved plants near by so should still be safe . leaves looked a little yellow today so i may put some nitrogen feed in her at the weekend . she looks perky tho so she must be enjoying the outside rays :)
Is it me or did they yellow abit

yeh its turned a very light shade of green hopefully wont get worse but im going down on sunday and ill be taking a nitrogen mix aswell as a feed . could do with a soil ph tester i dunno what ph sand and drift wood is especialy when its soaked in river water . as long as its growing tho im going to try not worry too much
Looking good royy. Keep up the great work.

What sort of fish are you catching?


thanks, mainly chub, perch and trout but im hoping for a few pike out of the lake soon my bro just missed 1 3 foot from the bank a couple weeks back and i really wanna get 1. i hear they fight like monsters
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