Urgent mold problem! first weeks of flowering


New Member
hey everyone, i'm a first time grower and this is an outdoor grow.
it seems i am having a mold problem? at first i thought it was neem residue, but since its spreading (and getting "thicker") it cant be neem.

i defeated every possible pest, mold aint gonna stop me now!
Re: Urgent mold problem!!! first weeks of flowering

I would go to a hydro store and buy a spray type product to stop it before its too late..
Update (after rain)

my plants took some rain and most of the mold seems to be gone, maybe it wasnt mold?

only little residue as you can see, (i dont know if its supposed to be washed away with the rain or not)
Re: Urgent mold problem!!! first weeks of flowering

yeh my mildew problem appeared to do that but it comes back. it is of course possible it was something else all together. Just keep a close eye on it is all I can say. come to think of it mine seemed to start at the stems and work its way up and onto the leaves. either way my plants got over it with little fuss once environmentals improved.
its ok guys. dogno decided to run a separate help thread for this mold simultaneous to reporting it in another help thread. SNS 244 was recommended in the first instance, but due to OP suggesting some difficulty in acquiring in italia, despite my finding it through google.it and other 'big' sale sites... So have suggested milk/water spray and cited evidence to its efficacy, and recommended sticking to one help thread at a time =)
its ok guys. dogno decided to run a separate help thread for this mold simultaneous to reporting it in another help thread. SNS 244 was recommended in the first instance, but due to OP suggesting some difficulty in acquiring in italia, despite my finding it through google.it and other 'big' sale sites... So have suggested milk/water spray and cited evidence to its efficacy, and recommended sticking to one help thread at a time =)
man, may i know where you found it? PM me if you cant link
its a USA product, you already know where to get it, you have seen, nothing I can do about import costs to Italy. I have reached my limit of translating Italian, I have left you with essentially 3 options. import the SNS, use a milk solution or check out your regional hydroponic/gardening stores. Italy has a strong agriculture, especially fruit. you should have an extensive product range available to gardeners for such pests.
bet 10 bucks its bird poo.well if its a outside grow.i got that as well and thats what it was bird poop.I washed it off at first but now unless its on a bud i leave it. Good luck,Red
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