Using spinosad sprays


Well-Known Member
What's the most effective wait time between using spinosad based sprays? The bottle I have gives some recommendations for various other plants. But obviously not cannibis.
What's the most effective wait time between using spinosad based sprays? The bottle I have gives some recommendations for various other plants. But obviously not cannibis.

I think I remember reading that spinosad is good for about 3 weeks per application, however when I am battling mites, I spray them about 1x per week with spinosad, and also use 2 other types of sprays so they don't build a tolerance.

Also, spinosad has proven effective if fed to the plants in low amounts systemically. You can add a small amount to your feedings. i use about 20ml per 5 gallons of water.
Thanks. The stuff I got was a ready to apply spray. I may need to get a concentrated amount to dilute with waterings.
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