Watering flowering plants?


Well-Known Member
I'm about 5-6 weeks into flowering, I know in veg a day or two doesn't late is no biggie. in flowering tho am I better off being a day early than a day late ? they've been getting a out 2 quarts every 3 days, the pic is so you can see thei size

I'm about 5-6 weeks into flowering, I know in veg a day or two doesn't late is no biggie. in flowering tho am I better off being a day early than a day late ? they've been getting a out 2 quarts every 3 days, the pic is so you can see thei size


it looks real good from here.

some of it depends on your media. all plants need more attention in flower. the wet / dry cycles are shorter, and you adjust the feed schedule accordingly.
in flowering tho am I better off being a day early than a day late ?

In the thread on Watering a Potted Plant the theory that Emilya Green had was that flowering plants should receive a dose of water just about every day without the dry stage suggested for vegetating. So, pretty much what you are thinking.
but indoor i lift the pot. But i don't have lots of gadgets to measure soil moisture.
It all changes once the plant is in the flowering stage. No more need to lift the pot or use any sort of probe to test the moisture in the soil. Lifting the pot was the big point in vegetating to get a feel for how dry the soil was and when it was time to water. In flowering it is watering near every day even if the pot did not feel light.

One day I sat down and went through the thread looking for individual messages where she brought up points about the change in the watering method during flowering. The first time was a message early on that she was an Addendum in the link below.

The Flowering Addendum

There are about 12-13 other msgs on watering during flowering in the thread going up to around page 55 or so which is as far as I went. Plus one where she discussed drought stress towards the very end of flowering as a way to enhance the quality of the harvest. Got the whole list somewhere on the hard-drive.
It all changes once the plant is in the flowering stage. No more need to lift the pot or use any sort of probe to test the moisture in the soil. Lifting the pot was the big point in vegetating to get a feel for how dry the soil was and when it was time to water. In flowering it is watering near every day even if the pot did not feel light.

One day I sat down and went through the thread looking for individual messages where she brought up points about the change in the watering method during flowering. The first time was a message early on that she was an Addendum in the link below.

The Flowering Addendum

There are about 12-13 other msgs on watering during flowering in the thread going up to around page 55 or so which is as far as I went. Plus one where she discussed drought stress towards the very end of flowering as a way to enhance the quality of the harvest. Got the whole list somewhere on the hard-drive.
they are to big an akward to try an lift, and it's hard to try and have them on a schedule of however many days because of temperature swings recovery time from clipping leaves an LST. so I guess smaller amounts more frequently is best
I was going to ask this same question again,until I saw this thread. I guess it really is a frequently asked question. My plants are around 3 weeks flowering the past week I've been watering every other day, now their dry every day. one is in ten gallon container the other in a five, both in C O M Stonington blend. the big container get 3 liters the other about 2. The watering every day isn't a problem but feeding can be, should I give them low dose every watering or a normal dose once a week. So far everything seems to be going ok. this past 5-6 days I've been giving them a 1/4 dose of nutrients, I'm using FF open sesame. I know I used the FAQ as a binky at times but the reassurance I get gives me peace ✌️ of mind. as always any info suggestions or opinions welcome. oh please excuse any miss spelling and typos


that first plant's been drinking again.

in a nuted soil i watch for the first signs of hunger and then get aggressive with the nutes. they never have enough to get them all the way in a five gallon. it's good you've been a bit ahead of the curve.
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