Week 2 flower questions: small issue


Active Member
Hey everyone first time grower here. This is my second post I got some good answers a week ago about a separate question on here.

So I'm in week two of flower on these girls and I'm wondering about yield amount and a issue with some foliage leaves.

About my setup:
8 40w cfl's
Did scrog and topped both plants
Fox farm happy frog soil with some perlite of course
Fox farm tiger bloom every other water plain water flush otherwise

Can I expect an ounce a plant?

What does the issue with the lower foliage leaves look like to you guys? It hasn't gotten worse at all it appeared during late veg once and that was it. It is only on lower foliage the top half of plant is perfect


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You should get approx 1-3 oz per plant with CFL's pending the way you grow, nutrients and most importantly genetics.

As for the lower leaves, are they getting significant light? I had an issue a long time back that lack of light will start turning the leaves brown and crispy.... Other than that I need to wait for someone else to chime in!
That could make sense. I know the 8 40 watt cfls is decent but the penetration of light probably isn't good. I have been debating my lights and researching for my next setup
@Greenthumb414 I know I enjoy mars hydro thus far. They are the only lights I have minus a generic blurple from china (unknown company/where it was made).

If you talk with @SmokeSara she may be able to help you with Mars Hydro. I run 2x 144's that pull slightly less than advertised but within the +/- 5% (So it is accurate).

Although LED's don't get quite as much light penetration, they are worth it in electricity cost.
I pay roughly $45/mo (CAD) for 3 lights, fans etc...... I pull aprox 700-800W/hr (So if you do the math: Basing off of the 800W / 1000KW = (0.8KW * 16hrs (a day) = 12.8KW * 30Days = 384 KW * (Your rate of electricity) (Mine is .108 = 41.472$ CAD)

If you do the same for the CFL's you will get 153.6 KW / Month. So roughly half of what I pull with my set up (lights, fans, etc)
If you work out the costs of bulbs etc it adds up fast.
Aside from efficiency I like the low heat of led as well. I don't need ventilation where I am now just use oscillating fans but with a hps I know I would need a real ventilation setup. My next grow is going to be some autoflower seeds I got and I want to grow them to full potential.
Aside from efficiency I like the low heat of led as well. I don't need ventilation where I am now just use oscillating fans but with a hps I know I would need a real ventilation setup. My next grow is going to be some autoflower seeds I got and I want to grow them to full potential.

Very true. I have ventilation only to bring in fresh air.. gotta feed them other ways! :D

Your bang on with the heat, from inside my tent to outside, little difference in temps. The only down side I have noticed is yield (huge aspect) But I need to lollipop mine to have larger buds with less popcorn buds due to light not penitrating down as far as I would like (and wasting the plants energy on itty bitty buds), however, it is easily made up with training the plants to grow out vs up. So the 4 plants I can grow will fill my 5x5 tent prior to me putting the ladies into flower.... It will make up for the few plants, and less light penetration. Light coverage is not an issue. Years back I had a plant grow with aprox 16 colas on it, managed to get a good haul off the single plant! It was beautiful!
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