What are your 4-20 rituals?

Since April 20th is the day that we use to all celebrate marijuana together, and some of us...hehehe 4-20 is everyday....but I was curious if anyone has any ritual's they have done, or still do to celebrate April 20th.....

I don't have any specific rituals that I have done every year, besides make sure I blaze with all of my friends :) but here are some thing's that I have done is past year's for 420.....

One year I collected all of my joint and blunt roaches (for the entire year) a few day's before 420 I unraveled all of my roaches to take the tiny bits of weed left (probably a few hundred roaches), and I rolled it up into one huge 4 paper joint. It definitely tasted not so good, but whoa was it one of the strongest joints ever... I think that's called a 2nd generation joint :)

Another year I saved a tiny nug from each type of bud I had for around a 6 month period in a jar....on 420 I mashed all the nugs into my grinder and mixed all of it up.... I rolled this into a full sized philly and me and some friends went to cloud 9 for a while :)

When I was young...probably HS or college years, me and a bunch of friends all put our stashes together and each had whatever we could packed/rolled whatever you had...and the rule was something had to be lit constantly until it was all gone... we did it after about a solid 4 hours or more of smoking... and we all found out that ambisol (the oral numbing gel) can be extremely hilarious to a bunch of stoned people all trying to talk to each other, with it rubbed all over there lips... LOL

I think the one that took the cake for me was me and a few close buddies had some really gooey dark hash, in a pretty large amount, that we wanted to roll a joint, with the hash being the paper... we took a large ball, probably a good 2-3 grams of hash, flattened it until it was as thin as we could get it, and it resembled a rolling paper... Then we loaded it with a mixture of hash/nug/keif and rolled it up... The hash rolled joint burned extremely well and by the end of it we all were beyond lit ......

What are your 4-20 rituals or stories....
This year I am going to try and smoke 420 bong hits....
If I start early enough in the day and don't run out of bud...I might make it.
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