What gender are my plants and is it possible to make them hermaphrodite?


New Member
Hello all, this is my first grow i had my plants in veg for a cpl months and recently switched the light cycle. they are showing signs of gender which appear to be male, if they are male what can i do to potentially harvest something from them and is it possible that they are hermaphroditic and just showing the male side first?

any and all input is appreciated, thanks.
If it is a male you want to go ahead and chop it down if you have no interest in breeding. Even if you were able to successfully turn it into a hermaphrodite, if it produces pollen and female flowers, then you will have seeded bud. Post a picture and we can confirm it's sex if it is far enough along, but if it's male you just want to go ahead and cut your losses.
I've always had plants show the female traits before the male ones. I've never had one start out male and then turn hermie on me and grow female flowers. On the other hand I kill most males immediately so that could be partly why. A member named Potchimp once mentioned having a male, which he had saved for breeding, turn hermie on him. That's the only time I've heard of this.
I've had females turn hermie and I've also forced them to do so using colloidal silver spray. I don't know of any way to force a male into growing female flowers. I'm pretty sure it's not possible. On the other hand it hasn't been tried much so maybe that discovery is just waiting to happen.
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